Ron described his sister Ginny to Harry.

Although his expression was disgusting, there was still some concern between the lines that a brother should have.

after Harry heard those adjectives, they combined to be a little girl who had been spoiled.

But It seems different from now!

Looking at the beautiful girl turning around in front, Harry A little blush.

"Ah, ah! Ginny, Ginny At this moment, Ron nearby suddenly called out, "look ahead, look ahead!"

Harry heard Ron's words and subconsciously looked in front of the car I found a big chimney in front of me!

If he was riding on the broom now, Harry would not worry at all, and he would be able to avoid it.

But now he is riding in the flying bike, or in the back seat

so Harry is as like as two peas in Ron...

"Ah ah ah ah ah They screamed together.

Ginny turned back, frightened by the shouts of the two of them.

But looking at the distance between the car and the chimney, Ginny was no longer worried.

What a fuss! I thought I was going to hit it right away!

Ginny turned the steering wheel easily and turned her direction without any danger.

Ginny should also have the talent of flying. She is very free to control the flying car to avoid all obstacles, fly high and fly to the burrow.

Until she reached a height of about two or three hundred meters, and there was no possibility of hitting the building again, Ginny stopped controlling the car to climb.

At the same time, Harry and Ron finally recovered in the back row!

"All right! So you don't have to be afraid! " Ginny smiles, pats the steering wheel, turns and says something.

It's just that Ginny accidentally taps on the horn, making the car honk, and scares Ron, who is not used to the sound of car horns.

"Look at your courage I really don't believe you are the knight who dares to sacrifice himself

Ginny said her brother was merciless, too.

"Who told you to drive so breathtaking! Did you forget? We almost hit the Muggle plane when we came just now Ron also talked about his sister being merciless.

Who can know the pain in Ron's heart now!

He was called to wake up in the middle of the night to look for Harry Ron was sure that if his mother found out that he and Ginny were missing, he would think he had taken Ginny out.

And it was really thrilling all the way Ginny didn't go out for a long time. Suddenly, it was like letting go of herself. Ron couldn't stop suffering.

Fortunately, I finally got Harry.

Harry was listening. It was funny.

Also very envious!

It was also at this time that cervin, who was caught under Harry's arm, suddenly struggled to leave.

Harry let go of Severn, saw him jump into the front passenger seat, and rowed down.

Eh? Harry leaned over the front passenger's seat and looked forward. There were two dandelions on the front passenger's seat.

Thuven is interacting with another one, which is bigger than a circle.

Oh? Why is there another one here?

"Aha, Nemo has made friends!" Ginny looked at it and thought, "Harry, is this your dander?"

"Well! Brad has given me sylvan Harry looked at Ginny. "Ginny, is this one from Brad, too?"

Harry almost didn't think about the provenance of such a big circle of dandruff!

"Nemo was given to me by George and Fred. The source should be your friend named Brad!" Ginny gave a positive answer.

Harry nodded Cervin was happy to have a friend.

Starting with two dandelions, Harry and Ginny started a long chat He made Ron's eyes in the corner.

How lonely! It's me!

Ron looked at Harry, who was talking so much now, that he felt a little strange.

Is Harry such a good speaker?


Ginny drives the flying car very fast, that is to catch up with the burrow.

But they still failed to get back to the burrow before dawn.

In the east of the trunk line can be seen a faint pink light emitting body.

Ginny quickly lowered the car and Harry saw the fields and the jungle.

"We're on the path outside the village," said Ron. "We're almost home "

it seems that there is no fear of heights in witches, and they are not afraid to fly as high as possible.

The car is flying lower and lower now. The red sun was shimmering the forest.

"Bite your tongue carefully. It's going to land! "Said Ginny jokingly.With a slight bump, they finally stopped on the ground.

They stopped by a shabby hut in a small clearing, with Harry's four or five chimneys standing on the red roof. At the door, there is a sign standing on the ground with asymmetric left and right sides, which says "humble residence".

On the front door was a pair of Wellington boots and a rusty cauldron. Some brown chickens are pecking on the ground.

"It's not very good here. "Ron asked Harry.

Accustomed to the atmosphere of Hogwarts and the magnificence of the Browder family, Ron actually has some inferiority towards his own home.

But Harry didn't think so.

"Good! Better than the house I used to live in! "Compared with the Dursleys, Harry looked at the burrow and said happily.

"Yes Ginny said with a smile, "of course our family is very good."

With that, Ginny laughed and jumped out of the car.

Harry and Ron got out of the car, too.

Ron goes ahead and tells Harry about their family.

Behind the two Plush also jumped out of the car, each jumped into their own master's arms.

"Now, we're going to go upstairs very quietly," said Ron, whose voice had changed to a very low level as he reached the door of the shack. "Wait for mom to call us breakfast."

In Ron's imagination, as long as he could successfully go upstairs, he would dare to come down with Harry after his mother came out and run downstairs and say, "Mom, look, who came last night!"

So Mom should be happy to see Harry, and no one knows they used the car.

"I see! "Ron whispered," come on, Harry, I'm sleeping in "

Ron suddenly turned green and his eyes were fixed on the house.

Harry and Ginny follow Ron's gaze.

Mrs. Weasley is coming across the yard The momentum of the walk broke out, and the chickens on the ground ran away in an instant. All of a sudden, the kind woman seemed to turn into a saber toothed tiger in Harry's eyes.

"Ah! "Cried Ginny.

"My God. "Ron exclaimed.

Mrs. Weasley stopped in front of them, her hands back, her eyes moving from one guilty face to another.

Mainly looking at Ron.

She was wearing a floral apron with a wand in her pocket.

"Well, do you know how worried I was last night? "Said Mrs. Weasley in a low voice.

Although it was quiet, it sounded terrible to come back to Ron.

"I'm sorry, mom, but look, we -" Ron tried to calm the atmosphere and push Harry out to make mom happy.

But Mrs. Weasley did not follow Ron's words.

"The bed is empty! No note! The car is missing Did you have an accident I'm so worried You know what? I've lived so long, I've never tried this You're here waiting for your dad to come back from work, bill, Charlie or Percy, and they haven't had this kind of trouble "Mrs. Weasley looked at Ron, and her tone grew to hate iron and steel. She pointed to Ron's chest and cried," you may die, you may be seen by Muggles, you may cause your father to lose his job "

sure enough! Sure enough, I carried the pot again! Ron felt miserable.

It's just when Ron wants to put up with it, Ginny suddenly says something.

"It's not like that, mom!" Ginny suddenly became pathetic. "I wanted to see Harry Potter, so I asked Ron to show me the way and find Harry!"

Ginny's words turned Mrs. Weasley's attention away. "Oh, poor Ginny! You don't have to... "

"That's it! I didn't excuse Ron, mom! The main responsibility is on me! Ron was dragged out of bed by me "I can do bad things, too! Mom, don't always think it's my brothers who are not good to me, can you? "

People who are always regarded as babies will also explode.

Mrs. Weasley was speechless for a moment! The saber toothed tiger's posture became gentle again.

Is that right? Mrs. Weasley is not sure.

After all, she only has Ginny as a daughter, so she will think that all the best things can be given to her! Don't let anyone bully her.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

But now the most moving is Ron.

Woo Hoo Hoo! Ginny!

Mrs. Weasley had calmed down a lot at this time. "All right! It's my fault! Then I will be very strict with you! Ginny, do you accept it? "

"Of course Ginny nodded seriously.

"That's it! Ginny, you and Ron are waiting for your father to come back Mrs. Weasley turned to Harry and said, "nice to meet you, dear Harry!"

Harry said hello to her.

Mrs. Weasley gave Harry a smile. "Come on in for breakfast."

Then he turned to take Harry back into the room.Harry took a nervous look at Ron and Ginny, who were nodding to encourage him. He thought it might be a problem for them to stay, so he followed Mrs. Weasley into the room.

As soon as this door comes, it faces the kitchen.

The kitchen was small and rather narrow, with scrubbed wooden tables and chairs in the middle.

Harry sat carefully on the edge of his seat and began to look around.

He had never been to a wizard's house, so he looked more carefully.

The big clock on the wall facing him had only one pointer and no numbers at all. It's time to make tea, it's time to feed the chicken, and it's late.

On the ledge were three thick stacks of books entitled "make your cheese delicious", "cook quelli" and "one minute dinner" - amazing!

If Harry was right, the old radio next to the sink had just announced that "witchcraft time, hosted by the popular wizard singer Sai wanburke," would follow.

Mrs. Weasley rattled in the kitchen, casually making breakfast; and as she poured sausages into the frying pan, she looked bored and glanced at her son and daughter.

Harry heard her nagging from time to time, "I don't know what you're thinking" and "I can't believe it," and "I don't blame you, honey. "

Mrs. Weasley assured Harry, as she poured 89 sausages into Harry's plate," Arthur and I are worried about you, too. We were still discussing last night that if you don't answer Ron's letter on Friday, we'll pick you up. But really, driving an illegal car in the mid air in the countryside, anyone can see your Who can not worry! "

she points at the pool with her wand, and the washing is automatic, accompanied by a gentle jingle.

Harry felt dazzled.

Not long before Harry saw a thin, red haired, bald middle-aged man in a dusty, old green robe appeared at the door.

It was just at the front door, so Ron and Ginny saw him and ran over quickly and said it briefly.

Harry saw Mr. Weasley's face change Excited? Then she started asking Ginny and Ron some questions.

It seems to be about the use of the flying car.

Harry put his face in the bowl He knew what happened to twins who were so skinny.


With Mr. Weasley attracting Mrs. Weasley's fire, Ron and Ginny were almost acquitted.

So they showed Harry around their house.

Although simple, but very warm.

Harry loved it.

Whether it's the ghouls who live upstairs or Goblins who dig around in the garden, Harry's eyes are opened.

Ron took Harry to clean up the goblins.

Grab the goblins' feet, swing them around, and throw them out of the garden. It takes them a long time to react that they are being banished.

Soon, the group of goblins on the ground shrugged their shoulders and began to meander orderly and leave.

"They'll come back," said Ron, watching the goblins disappear in the trees across the field. "They love here Dad is so kind to them. He thinks they are very interesting "

" I think it's very interesting here, too! " Harry had a good laugh It's more fun than Hogwarts because it's more free.

And there's no danger here!


Just then, the Shabby Cottage next to the garden exploded.

Harry and Ron were startled.

The roof of the hut flew up to the sky, revealing the tattered flying car inside.

It seems that the flying car exploded just now!

Er Harry and Ron looked at each other in a strange way! , the fastest update of the webnovel!