Anyway, autumn still realized a real princess's life.

Whether it is from the place where you live, or eat food, or change clothes, autumn has been favored as a general attention.

Although no maid is waiting for them, if you think of the Elves as seven dwarfs, you can also treat yourself as snow white.

And autumn morning also really like snow white to wake up The next morning, she opened her eyes and saw that Broward looked at her with a smile.

The breath of Braud left between lips makes autumn know that she was awakened by the kiss of Braud.

So Pillows, quilt, doll bears and everything was thrown on Braud by autumn the next moment.

"Ah ah!!!" Autumn red screamed with his face, and his hand was faster than ever before, and he beat Braud to escape.

"Autumn, I'm here to ask you to eat!"

Already escaping from the room, Braud put his head in again from the door seam.

"Ah!" Autumn screams louder, and Braud is hit in the face by the front of the pillow.

"Ha ha ha!" Braud felt very interesting, so he waited for his little princess to come in the restaurant.

But beyond Braud's expectation, although autumn came down, this time, she did not wear the princess dresses that she had prepared, but changed her own laundry.

"Autumn!" Braud, who was happier in his heart, stood up to pull Qiu's hand.

But fall has escaped!

Autumn face is still red now, "hum! Wolf! "

Ha ha ha! Braud felt funny in his heart.

"Why don't you wear Princess clothes?" Braud asked, smiling as he held Qiu's hand harder and took her to the table and sat down

"What else to wear!" Qiu Jiao man stared at Braud, "let me be a princess again. Compared with snow white, I may become a cruel Princess first!"

"And, what's called a dream..." Autumn looked at Braud, "it's enough to try once! Always being a princess, it's easy for me to distinguish between reality and fantasy! "

Because of some influence of Braud, some of autumn's ideas are mature and can control their ideas very much.

"And I think I am more like Cinderella than snow white!"

Cinderella is a girl who is a common family that the prince likes.

Autumn himself wanted to come, Braud such a prince like people can like her so, she is at a loss.

"But Cinderella can win the prince's love because of her beauty and character..." "If it wasn't her own relationship, it would not stand out!" Braud gently kissed him with autumn's hand

"And compared with Cinderella Autumn, I think you are more like bell! " "Thank you for loving me," Braud said with a smile

Bell, the heroine in beauty and beast. And she is not the pure princess in other Disney fairy tales, but she is armed with knowledge and efforts to arm her strong women.

And Broward's dress from the past to the present is so different, isn't it like a beast?

And the beast in beauty and beast is a prince who was transformed into a beast by a fairy because of selfishness and ruthlessness. Finally, because of Bell's beauty, he understood etiquette and had emotion, more like a "man", and then he returned to the prince's original appearance after receiving Bell's kiss.

Think about it, isn't it more like Braud?

Just listen to Braud, autumn's face becomes a little confused.

"Bell? Beast? " Autumn is strange, "what is that?"

Ah? Some emotional Braud was asked by autumn, and did not know what to say!

Haven't autumn seen beauty and beast?

Or is the animated film "beauty and beast" not yet on?

Braud quickly searched his past memories Because Emma played bell, Braud saw several old animated films "beauty and beast" in his first life.

Now, think back, as if you were looking at it in an app, and the year next to it was 1991?

All right! Although I don't know the specific release month, the autumn should not have been really seen.

"Oh! Bell! " Braud, who was strong in composure, replied to Qiu, "is the heroine of Disney's new animated film!"

Although I don't know the month, but now 1991 is only a few days away. Should it have been released?

"Really?" Qiu listened to this sentence and responded, "I want to see it! I haven't seen a movie for a long time since I arrived at Hogwarts! "

It was like walking on Muggle street before, autumn really has been against this feeling for a long time!

"Then go and see!" "Eat first, and I'll arrange for a moment to see if I can find a copy of the movie," Braud said with a smileAlthough the international security law does not allow witches and Muggles to contact, but Braud dare to change the nuclear warhead, can not get a copy of the film?

No copy, get the video!

Cobb, who had been waiting on Brad and Cho while they were eating, heard Brad's words. He took a step back and immediately moved away!

Qiu was very happy to hear that!

So I had a big appetite right away!

"Ah, ah! My fried eggs Braud was surprised to see that Chou had forked away the two fried eggs left on the big plate!

"Hum! It's all mine Autumn happily continued to eat fried eggs, especially angry Brad.

"Good, good, it's all yours!" When Brad exclaimed, his voice became indifferent again, and he brought the big empty plate to his face. "That big plate will be mine!"

The next moment, there were ten more fried eggs on the big plate in front of him Liver and liver are ready to add rice to the host!

Watching Brad eat fried eggs from left to right, Qiu is amused by his childish behavior.

Brad, is he mature or immature?

After eating, Cobb came back.

He whispered to Brad, and then delivered the two tickets to Brad.

Brad happily said to Qiu, "good luck, the movie is still on! We can go straight to the cinema

Of course, Qiu was happy. "Great!"

"But Brad, do you know where the cinema is?"

I haven't noticed it before, but there should be no movie in magic world Although the photo itself can move.

"I'm not a rigid, flexible old wizard!" Brad waved his hand. "CHO, can you believe that if there's a Gatling in front of me now, I can beat it blue?"

Qiu didn't know what Gatling was like, but according to Brad, it should be a gun Oh, I didn't expect Brad knew the Muggle world!

Think about it. After all, he knew about Disney's new movies before she did

Oh, does that mean I'm out of date?

Autumn begins to reflect.


"Beauty and the beast" is a new Disney animated film that started on November 25th, but it has not been released on December 25th.

And because it's Christmas, many young people are watching movies together As long as there is a female partner, as long as the female partner has not seen it, it may have to see it again.

The cinema Cobb gave to Brad and Chou is a somewhat old cinema with a lower attendance rate Because there are fewer people, the probability of accidents is smaller.

It's just that Brad and Qiu really check in and find out that there are few people here There's no one but Brad and Cho!

After confirming that it's not Cobb's, Brad still shows off his good luck with Qiu.

It's not a charter. It feels good.

Qiu also experienced the feeling that only two of them watched a movie in such a big movie hall. However, after being seated, the feeling was really different.

Although he ate so much, Brad still bought two barrels of popcorn How can you watch a movie without popcorn?

Qiu looked at Brad's series of operations, and really believed that he really knew the Muggle world very well.

"After all, it depends on the concept!" "I don't think Muggles are inferior or should be eliminated. It can coexist. "

"Magic is a miracle that only blooms in a few humans, but the vast majority of Muggles can achieve similar results with their intelligence."

"What the two sides lack now is a way to coexist Otherwise, it is so clear what to do! "

Cho watched Brad eat up a bucket of popcorn at such a high speed and gave it to him with a smile.

As a Muggle born autumn, she also knows that the wizarding world is now the opposition of Muggle world Some of Brad's ambitions were vaguely known to her, but there was nothing she could do to help.

It's good to support in silence.

Brad brood wanted to say something more, but he suddenly moved his ear and looked at the entrance.

"It seems to be a coincidence!" Brad's voice was not high, but Cho could hear it.

With a crooked head, CHO looks at Brad and doesn't understand what he says.

"I'll say it's not so easy to rent a movie theater at Christmas!" Brad explained to Chou, "it seems that someone thought the same as we did, and they did the arrangement first."

As soon as Brad's voice dropped, there was a footstep coming from the entrance. Then the three figures came in.

The first one is about 175. He is a little strong. He is thirty or forty years old. He has a small beard and looks like a good man.The second one is very small. She is a 14-5-year-old girl. She is very beautiful.

The third is a seven or eight year old girl, led by the second girl, appears very lively.

They were still talking when they came in, but when they saw Brad and CHO, they stopped talking.

The 14-year-old girl looked at the adult man and said, "Dad, don't you say there must be no Muggle coming in?"

"That's right." The man is also very puzzled scratching his head, "my improved Muggle banishment mantra should make this movie no one else to watch."

"Then how did they get in?" Girl's tone is not very good But do adolescent girls have a good tone for their fathers?

"Because we're not Muggles!" Braud said aloud

Brad gathered a wand to show them, "come and sit down! It's quite predestined! "

Brad spoke in pure French, so all three French could understand.

"I see!" This gentleman laughs, "I said that my improved spell will not go wrong."

It's true that his magic spell expelled all Muggles who wanted to see the movie, but there was no way for a wizard to see it.

There's not so much to hide from being witches!

So the gentleman sat down with his two daughters.

"Hello! I'm Adrian Dracula! These are my two daughters, hibiscus and Gabriel Mr. Drakul came over and introduced himself and apologized, "I'm sorry, I almost disturbed your film."

"We have nothing to do with it! But I think you should say sorry to the owner of this cinema, you have made him lose a lot of audience! " Brad replied with a smile.

"That's what I said!" Mr. delakul thought for a moment, "but actually this movie theater is going to be demolished, so there is no audience. I just want to make this more certain."

"That's fine." Brad nodded. "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Brad Lestrange. This is my girlfriend, Qiu Zhang."

Although Qiu doesn't understand French, she points to her and calls her name at this time. Can you introduce her?


Mr. delakul was a little stunned when he heard the surname, and then asked his eldest daughter, "hibiscus, is this your classmate?"

Furong is looking at Qiu. She feels that there is something different about this girl. When she hears her father's words, she is still impatient. "I don't know. I haven't seen him in busbarton."

Braud was sitting about the same height as Mr. Delacour, so he misunderstood his age.

Brad explained, "my girlfriend and I are not French. We are traveling to France on holiday."

"Then you speak French so well!" Mr. Dracula praised.

Foreigners? Lestrange?

Furong suddenly responded, "are you the manager of that toy store? The founder of the card game? "

"If there's no second card game, it's me!" Brad nodded.

Brad thought the hibiscus would say something, but she stopped talking.

What's wrong? You still want to play X!

Cho could soon guess what Brad was thinking by looking at his expression.

All of a sudden, the lights in the projection hall went dark.

Gabriel slapped happily, "Oh! The movie is about to start! "

Little girl, it's really cute.

Qiu is also looking at the big screen that starts to play with her bright eyes Brad thinks it's more lovely here.

Furong was also interested in this Muggle movie, but now she is full of doubts.

It's for autumn. , the fastest update of the webnovel!