Brad is very good at making money, likes to make money, and likes to ask others to make money.

Oh, this is based on teaching others to make money in the industry and their own industry, and other people can do their own can not do the industry.

Brad called Eddie's way of making money is based on Eddie's "learning bully" attribute.

"Eddie, you do well in every course, and you take notes very well. You have your own characteristics Marcus and I can read it completely Brad's hands and elbows on the table, palms crossed, COSPLAY commander, "so you can actually sort out your last year's notes and sell them out."

"Buy notes?" Eddie frowned. "How much does that cost?"

"But it can be a long stream." "You can only sell grade one notes this year, but when you're in the third grade, you can sell more second grade notes as long as you keep your grades."

"By the end of seventh grade, you'll be seven years old, and you'll have notes on all your subjects!"

"There's a steady stream of new students. If every little wizard buys your notes, even if you're not a rich man, you must be a rich man with no shortage of money!"

Brad's statement is certainly to the point, if it can be done, Eddie's future wealth will certainly not be less.

The question here is whether Eddie can do it Many people actually know some ways to make money or succeed, but it really takes constant effort to achieve the goal.

But how much can be done?

Eddie was really thoughtful when he heard Brad.

Instead of waiting for Eddie to start talking, the Weasley twins slapped Eddie on the shoulder with twinkling eyes. "Brother, I think Brad's proposal can really make money! And if you feel that the sale of this matter is very troublesome, you can contact us! We love selling things! I'm sure you'll sell your notes for a good price

Eddie was all o last semester, but a lot of people know it.

After all, both wizard schools and Muggle schools are the same. The most famous ones are not excellent students with both good character and learning, but poor students who are tired of giving up Once labeled with these two labels, but it is difficult to be removed.

But when Eddie didn't reply to the twins, Brad snapped, "George, Fred, are you trying to steal my business? Eddie is my friend. Of course, he's going to sell his notes in my shop! "

Brad turned to frown at Eddie. "Don't worry, Eddie. I want to compare the channel cost. There's no labor cost."

"Protest," the twins did not know where to take out two wooden cards, "protest against the big capitalists to suppress the small hand workshop business!"

"So you'd better join my shop and work for me!" Bradley said, of course, "what are you doing so hard, you might as well come and work for me. When you have learned a lot, you can be a store manager after graduation! "

If Brad's words were heard by those who went to Brad after graduation from Hogwarts and began to work as a small shop assistant Will you cry directly?

Eddie didn't expect Brad to give the Weasley twins such a high starting point.

But the twins still refused, "no, we will open our own shop in the future! What you have to do is more popular than Brad's

After seeing the mirror of Eris and knowing their real desire, they really made a decision.

Even if it is a desire, a wish that can't be reached, they should try to do it by their own actions.

It's one thing to do something, but it's another to not do it at all.

Even salted fish should try hard to turn over, otherwise, one side is full of salt and the other side is not salted, and even the final function - eating is not available.

But in the face of the twin's resistance, Brad also has a cat and mouse sense of banter.

You're not Tom and you're not Jerry!

The twins are persuading Eddie to give them the right to sell. "Brad has so many shops, but he has no channel in school! He doesn't do small business like us... "

"Cough," Braud pretended to cough, and another sign in Paris stood up - the magic wand.

"Er..." The twins choked. "That's a big deal."

Here in the twins, it is the small business whose main value is yinxike. Brad's side is easy to get to the level of kingelon. How can it be a small business?

"Anyway!" The twins perked up. "In school, we are your good partners."

With this, the twins reached out to Eddie. I hope he shakes hands with them to achieve the meaning of "happy cooperation".

But how could Brad let them steal their own business?

"Oh, superficial!" Said Brad, with a disdainful look on his face.This mocking face, let the twins quickly focus fire on him, "how superficial? Braud, be careful I sue you for slander

There's no libel in the magic world. Does the twins say that or because they always listen to Brad They didn't know that the magic world didn't have that charge, so every time Brad caught him talking nonsense, they were scared by it.

But Brad won't be scared by them.

"In business, we should pay attention to the audience! That is, the people who want to buy and need to buy your goods! " Brad looked like a teacher. "How many students do you think will pay for Eddie's notes? Even if his notes are very good, they can make people understand the knowledge that they don't understand in class

The twins looked at each other.

They brought themselves into the problem.

If someone else came to recommend such teaching materials, would they buy them?

Buy? You're kidding! With that money, it's better to buy more materials to do experiments!

Brad asked the question and looked at the twins. "Right, George Fred, the look on your face tells me that your choice is not going to buy. You may think that it is better to buy two more card bags than to buy such teaching materials! "

We don't play your game The twins tried to retort, but they couldn't make a sound.

"At the age of Hogwarts, who do you think will buy it? Granger is probably the only Gryffindor. Ravenclaw could be a little more. Whether Slytherin will buy it depends on whether they can look up to Eddie's score, but if you sell it to you, you can't sell one. And the self-motivated huckepach will, but the number is definitely not much. "

"So," Braud spread out, "you're probably earning less than your labor."

After really thinking about it, both twins and Eddie thought that Brad was very likely.

"But if that's the case," Fred retorted, "isn't it the same for you, Brad? No student will buy it. "

Braud waved his hand. "What are you talking about! Who wants to sell it to students! You still don't understand what I mean by the audience. "

"If you really want to sell, the target group is certainly the parents! Parents never mean money for their children Bradley said, of course.

"I don't agree too much!" All of a sudden, a voice came from the side, which startled the twins and Eddie.

Brad had already seen him. "Hey, Ron! Today is a good day

Well, it's Ron.

Instead of paying attention to the two older brothers, Ron said to Brad, "Brad, I'm going to fix my wand."

His old wand was completely cracked, and the unicorn fur was more exposed.

"Good!" Looking at it, Brad said with a smile, "it hasn't opened for a few days. Even if you're a little cheaper, a silver can be fine."

"Really?" Ron, who was a little worried, was immediately happy. "Thank you very much."

With that, Ron began to take out his bell rattling pocket, count out twenty-nine copper nutts, and push them to Brad.

Brad took Ron's wand after he took all the copper.

Looking at Ron's wand, Brad's eyes glowed with silver. "Fortunately, it's not hard to repair it now. If you come later, this wand can't be repaired face to face."

He took out an oak Unicorn wand, and Brad spoke to Ron's wand with its tip.

Then, wrapped in the milky white light, Ron's wand is like the wood of the stick, and it recovers and heals quickly.

When the Milky light disappears, Ron's wand is no different from the new one.

He picked up the wand again, and Brad's eyes glowed silver again. "Good! It's fixed

"Flowers are in full bloom!"

A bunch of white roses were transformed by Brad.

With a smile, Brad handed the wand to the happy looking Ron, and then gave the bunch of flowers to Qiu.

"Tut tut Tut," Eddie sighed. "Whether it's business or dating, I really admire Brad."

"It's really a well-known decision!" Brad raised his thumb to Eddie. "The average person can't see so many good things about me."

Most people refer to twins.

The twins watched Ron's happy departure, and after hearing this, they naturally wanted to say something else.

But they were interrupted by others.

The students this time are not familiar with Brad was not familiar.

This is because the Slytherin student remembered that Ron's wand was not easy to handle when he saw his wand repaired by Brad. He came to ask for help.

That's why Brad gave Ron a discount The opening ceremony still has a good effect.

"Five silver Sikes!" Said Brad.The twins wilted again after hearing the price!

Although Brad doesn't run a grocery business at Hogwarts, the wand repair business alone makes more money in a year than they do in seven years.

Sobbing, I always feel like I'm farther away from the target!

Eddie patted them and said, "well, ordinary people like us should compete with ourselves."

This made the twins nod with bitter faces.

At this time, Qiu, who was still smelling the fragrance of white roses, suddenly said, "in fact, Brad is not naturally superior to others."

"Or what Brad doesn't like is that people think they're born superior In fact, everyone has the possibility of rising and going to the top. It's just up to him to do it himself or not! "

Qiu looked at the twins. "Brad always wants you to be his employee, isn't it because he likes your rich ideas? That's your strong point, so you should also give full play to your strengths! "

"Eddie," Chou turned to Eddie. "Didn't Brad always say you were Xueba. Aren't you always calling yourself that now? Then you should keep going, or even go one step further, and be what Brad said Learn from God

Cho was not sure if the word Brad had said only once in private was that way.

Eddie blinked. "What does that mean?"

It was not easy for Brad to make Eddie understand the word "Xueba", let alone "learn God".

But Qiu's explanation is simple and easy to understand.

"Xueba means that all subjects are o!" Qiu thought, "and learning God is because the highest score is only o!"


Eddie really understood.

"It's the difference between Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore!" Eddie thought.

Qiu thought, "almost!"

Brad was listening, and he actually thought of another set of comparisons.

That's Percy Weasley and Voldemort.

Both of them are the ultimate wizard examination, 12 subjects all get o students, but can they really compare?

Xueba is just a general doctor. Only by learning God can he become a great scientist like Einstein.

It's just that 90% of ordinary people will be eliminated from Xueba to Xueba, and 99% Xueba can't become Xueshen What's more, there are also high and low comparisons in the spirit of learning.

Like the Dark Lord, there's a difference between Greenwood and Voldemort.

A stick to the heart, has a clear goal!

A chaos, only the threat of violence

Good judgment!

People all go up high, and Brad naturally feels that he wants to climb to the top.

But It's too high to be cold.

Standing alone on high It's easy to get sick by the cold wind!

Should Dumbledore feel that way now?

But a person cold words, that newspaper group to warm it!

It's the most important to have friends when you're at the top!

It's funny if you live forever. Nicoleme has his wife with him!

So Brad hoped that his friends would have a firm mind to climb the mountain, so that he would continue to help his friends.

Now it seems that the best execution is Marcos Brad really can guarantee that as long as there is no big change in the future, Marcos will be a master of potions.

He's a master of potions more powerful than his uncle and Professor Snape.

So, come on!

Brad's mouth was on the edge of his mouth, and his smile did not diminish.

And then Ding!

Brad's movement stopped and his face changed.

It feels like , the fastest update of the webnovel!