After thinking about it, Brad decided to let Cho back.

Whatever the butterfly effect, there was nothing more important in Brad's mind than autumn's safety.

Calling for Cobb, Brad said to him, "little Cobb, let autumn stop first and come to the Halloween dinner."

Little Cobb bowed down and disappeared.

But Braud waited for a moment, and little Cobb appeared in front of him again.

"Master, Miss Qiu Zhang said they are not coming now Miss Granger can't be distracted when it comes to practicing a magic

Practice magic? What magic do you practice?

Didn't you tell Hermione how to teach her friends? Then there were simple duels.

Why is it teaching magic now?

Autumn seems not to be able to teach any magic at all? Qiu's sense of responsibility will not let her do so without caring about safety.

So if Qiu wants to teach magic, what she will teach must be that she is sure there will be no dangerous magic.

Brad thought about it There seems to be only one such magic!


Like Brad thought!

Qiu is giving Hermione a magic that she is most skilled in and has no side effects.


Hermione waved her wand, bit her teeth, and exerted her strength. At last, a little silver light splashed from the end of the wand.

"Very good!" Qiu encouraged Hermione by the side, "she has been able to give out starlight at the beginning of learning!"

"Is it really great?" Hermione is a little depressed when she looks at Qiuna's three disappearing guardians.

"Of course it's great!" Qiu replied with a smile, "Hermione, don't take the star guard as a magic you learned before."

"Those are not really magic, but the front of real magic!"

"Whether it's a moving mantra or a flying mantra, compared with magic, they're just the most basic runes."

"Now Professor McGonagall's transfiguration is just the most basic knowledge!"

"It's a combination of these things that makes real magic."

"Real magic is more than just waving a wand and chanting a spell. You also need to really understand the principle of magic formation

Because Brad was "targeted" by Professor McGonagall before, and her mother really taught her, so Qiu also had a thorough understanding of magic knowledge.

Waving the wand, autumn sprinkled a silver light, forming a series of handwriting, "OK, Hermione, while you have the feeling now, then continue to deepen the principle of star protection again!"

Looking at the silver handwriting, Hermione suddenly felt that the autumn in front of her had another feeling.

It's Qiu's boyfriend, Brad Lestrange.

Hermione had seen him teach Malfoy in a similar way.

Even the tone is very similar.

Although autumn is as kind as ever, but there are some more than her strict.

This makes Hermione a little unaccustomed to it, but also feels that this autumn is very attractive.

Well It seems to have some feelings again.

Looking at the instructions of the stars, Hermione continued to wave her wand and began to turn more silver.

To this point, autumn has been very satisfied! If Hermione's magic changed, she would doubt that she was really a guardian.

It took Qiu a holiday to master the magic.

Or because Qiu has the talent to feel other people's emotions.

Otherwise, I don't know how long it will take.

What Hermione said Qiu thinks it should be OK before Christmas holiday.

Come on!


Sometimes autumn is really very independent!

On the choice of autumn, Brad still decided to support.

Brad hopes that Qiu is a man with his own values and subjective consciousness, not just a woman attached to him Although Qiu showed so much trust in Brad, Brad was so happy from the bottom of his heart.

However, in accordance with Qiu's idea, Brad still asked little Cobb to continue to protect Qiu.

And Braud asked little Cobb to pay attention to the next situation. If there was any situation that even he could not guarantee the safety of autumn, he would make a huge sound with magic The kind you can hear all over Hogwarts.

Having arranged these things, Brad took a deep breath and walked into the auditorium.

Although the heart is not at ease, but take a deep breath full of pumpkin aroma, Brad suddenly feel more hungry.

Alas, no matter how worried I am, I will still be hungry when I should be hungry Human beings are really extreme creatures.

But this is also the symbol of human life.

After all, in the eyes of blaude III, of all kinds of passions, appetite is the only one that never subsides.If it really begins to fade, it is beginning to die.


Hogwarts is still very concerned about Halloween.

The decoration of the whole auditorium will be dazzling.

Other than that, there are more than a thousand live bats flying back and forth between the ceiling and the wall, and they have already had the feeling of Halloween.

So many bats are flying around in the air. From a distance, it looks more like a cloud that keeps moving.

Although Brad's version of the patron saint of the dark arts can become a swarm of bats, Brad personally does not like bats very much.

I killed too much. I feel sick when I see it now.

But on closer inspection, Brad found that although the bats seemed close, they were actually isolated above the ceiling barrier of the auditorium, and did not fly down for half a day to jump into his pumpkin soup, so Brad was relieved.

What he likes to drink is not a pot of Scotch flying squirrel stewed pumpkin soup!

When most of the students arrive and sit down at the long table of their respective colleges, the celebration of Halloween will begin!

Only in such a festival, President Dumbledore did not dare to speak too much under the eyes of many little witches.

He simply said a few words, and then just like at the beginning of school, he clapped his hands and called out "eat it". Besides pumpkin soup, all the other empty plates were full one by one.

Brad also discovered that although he usually ate in the auditorium, he usually used ordinary dishes. Only at school ceremonies or festivals would he use gold plates.

Is there anything else in this?

Forget it, I don't want to! It's better to eat quickly! Or you may not be able to eat it later!

So Brad was swallowing food three times faster than he used to eat.

There was no time to answer the question of where Qiu was, even when Marcos asked him.

It is also corresponding to Brad's behavior. Before the whole meal time started a few minutes ago, Chilo, who was not in the classroom department, suddenly opened the door of the auditorium and ran in.

Chilo ran to Dumbledore, put his hands on the table and gasped, "there's a troll in the dungeon I've come here to tell you about it ~.

All the wizard's words have attracted the attention of the wizard before he came in.

Headmaster Dumbledore made a decision and fired a few purple guns into the ceiling. The sound of the explosion scared away the bats above and made the little wizard pay attention to him.

"The prefects listen!" Dumbledore's voice was loud, "take your college students back to the dormitory! All the professors are going to check the tracks of the trolls

Headmaster Dumbledore's sense of security for the little witches was unparalleled.

Just seeing him standing there, everyone calmed down.

And then they're going to act.

Brad is about to start.

As the troops walked out of the auditorium, Brad photographed Marcos and Eddie next to him. "I'm going to find Cho. You can cover for me!"

Marcus and Eddie, who were still arguing that "it's not necessary to make such a fuss for a troll," immediately understood.

Tacit understanding, Marcos and Eddie let Brad in a corner, disappeared in other people's realization.


Because Gryffindor came out of the auditorium first than Ravenclaw, Harry and Ron, who came out to find Hermione, went down to the cellar earlier than Brad.

It's just that they haven't walked into the corridor at the stairs, and they're still talking about the fact that Professor Snape didn't go down to the lower dungeon with other professors, but went to the fourth floor. They suddenly smelled the smell of a sock that hasn't been washed for several years in the same urinal that hasn't been cleaned for several years This description is really vivid and disgusting.

From the end of the cellar, Harry and Ron both saw a huge figure coming towards them.

Its skin is dark like gray granite. And the body was bloated, like a large pebble, and there was a bald head as small as a coconut shell.

Its two short legs are thicker than the trunk of a big tree, and its big flat feet seem to be full of horns. That disgusting smell came from this monster.

The monster had a huge stick in his hand. Because his hand was too long, the stick dragged to the ground and made a huge noise.

The sound of "bang" scared the heads of Harry and Ron back.

"That, that, that, that, is that a troll?" Harry is asking Ron.

Ron hasn't seen a real troll, but guess? When was there such a monster in Hogwarts?"I think it's true!" Ron was also nervous.

But even at this time, the two of them were at the top of the stairs and didn't want to escape.

There is no such idea.

Haven't found Hermione yet! The student who spent the whole day in the cellar because of Ron's words I heard Brad's girlfriend was still with her.

If something happened to the two of them and the rest of it was not allowed to be said, it felt like Brad would peel off their skin.

"Take out the wand, Ron!" Harry's voice trembled, but he was firm.

"All right, Harry, I've got it!" Ron was afraid, but he didn't escape.

Harry looked at him and cursed, "fool, get the real wand!"

Ron was so nervous that he took out the fake wand.

Ron, who had reacted, quickly took out the real wand.

Because Ron is not well maintained, the core of his wand is clearer.

"Yes, but Harry," said Ron in a weeping voice. "We don't have any magic spells."


Harry had a sudden reaction.

Although the recent fight with Draco was impressive, it was all combat training.

He's still a real magician who can't do it.

How do you fight trolls?

Harry, who recently began to be smug about his victory over Draco, is like being thrown into a waterfall.

I think I'm useful, but I still haven't changed

The huge gap, let Harry unprecedented suffering Because he tried to have the feeling of power, now the power suddenly becomes illusory, which really makes Harry uncomfortable all over the body.

Harry decided that if he could escape from the troll this time, he would let Brad really teach him real magic.

Guessing the troll had come a long way, Harry ventured to peek again.

Just different from what he thought, the monster didn't come, but opened the door of a room and looked inside again.

And at the same time, Harry heard a girl scream.

"It's Hermione!" Hearing the familiar voice, Harry and Ron said in unison.

Looking at each other, Harry and Ron ran quickly to the room.

We must catch up! Don't let Hermione and Brad's girlfriend go wrong!

Our skin!

Harry and Ron heard a boom before they ran into the room!

The pessimistic Harry and Ron are already imagining the troll hitting two girls with his long stick.

But before they thought about it any more, the door of the room flew up.

The troll also flew upside down and fell out of the classroom.

Harry and Ron were all of a sudden glad that they were running a little slower and not hit by the troll.

They're only two or three meters away from the troll.

Thinking it was so close, Harry and Ron could clearly see a little silver man flying up from the monster's chest.

Look carefully, the silver face is Brad's face!

What's going on?

But before Harry and Ron could ask, the troll was struggling to get up.

Harry and Ron, who had not yet retreated, saw once again the little silver man charging directly into the troll's head.

As soon as the head of the troll just lifted touched the silver man, it was like being hit by a huge shell, and then it slid directly to the wall on the other side of the corridor.

With a thump, according to the proportion of the giant monster, the head is very small, and his head falls down.

Even if I'm not dead, I can't wake up for a while.

What violence! Which side is the troll?

Harry and Ron were terrified to see the little silver man floating up again.

"Brad, come back!" Another familiar voice sounded.

The little silver man looked at Harry and Ron and flew back into the classroom.

Harry and Ron dodged the troll's limbs and followed the little silver man into the classroom.

Then they saw Qiu surrounded by three villains and Hermione, who looked at her with adoration.

Harry looked at the three little men and a word came out of his heart.

Is that magic?

This is magic! , the fastest update of the webnovel!