Annie is now lying in the room without any image. The water drops around her are throwing all the remaining healing techniques on her.

The form of cure is to emerge a circle of water vapor around the subject's body, and then wash into the body.

Brad felt that Annie was using healing as a bath.

But Brad didn't have time to take care of her. He was testing at a critical moment.

"Finally, the fusion charm!" Braud muttered the order of making, drawing incantations with his bare hands, without a wand, and infusing the last strength of a wand in front of him.

There was a magic glow, and the wand in front of Brad flashed a light blue light.

This is a sign that the wand is finished.

"It's amazing!" Braud looked at the first wand that he had finished before him, but he was not excited at all. Instead, he felt more puzzled, "it's just a charm. Why does this wand really contain a trace of spirituality after finishing the last step?"

If a person's knowledge turns into a circle, then its circumference is the knowledge that can be touched without understanding.

But with more knowledge, the greater the circle, the greater the circumference There is more knowledge that you can touch and don't know.

There is no end to learning.

It's like Brad now.

It is not easy to make a finished magic wand, but because there are more places that I don't know, I wonder.

Knowledge means knowing what it is and why it is.

But Braud also agreed with Chuang Tzu that There is a limit to my life and no end to knowledge. With a limit, with no limit, almost already!

Man's life is limited, but knowledge is infinite.

Follow the infinite with the finite Dead.

Although Zhuangzi's words and previous and subsequent understanding, Zhuangzi's claim is that "the more knowledge is ignorant", we can not simply say "the more the better" or "the less the better", but we should distinguish them clearly. The more knowledge of the way, the better, and the less knowledge of the contrary, the better. Therefore, seeking knowledge is not only a process of knowledge increasing, but also a process of identifying whether the acquired knowledge is in conformity with Tao and eliminating the knowledge contrary to Tao.

But a man can't learn without studying knowledge That research to the end of life is not sure what kind of achievements will be achieved.

If there are an infinite number of people to learn knowledge together, the knowledge that can be obtained in limited time will become infinite times.

This, that is, the rapid growth of the whole race, is the most correct way for Brad to promote civilization.

There are many people who study magic alone in the mage tower, and few of them can make a legend until they die. They can only abandon their human identity and become Lich. Brad is still more appreciative of the great arcane masters who study problems together in the arcane empire

When they get together, it's called a slip! In front of them, legendary magic can be interpreted together in a few months at most.

Although the arcane empire finally collapsed because of the greed of human beings, the racial sense of the big environment was what Brad pursued.

However, according to Browder, the main reason for the final demise of the arcane empire was that they were parliamentary rather than monarchical.

Lack of power, although there are many people and great strength, but if the power is dispersed, it will become a constraint.

But the great arcane masters didn't believe in God and regarded the gods as opponents. How could they recognize the emperor?

This is a paradox.

It's as if from the beginning of the establishment of arcane Empire, it was doomed to perish.


Far from that, Brad still needs to test his own wand.

This wand uses the current technology, compared with the previous big wand, but the small wand is more material-saving, and is used for brood's hand training.

As for the obsolete materials Forget it, don't want to, heartache.

I can earn it back anyway.

It's a 10 inch wand made of snake wood and venomous fangs of snake like snake.

It's a special Slytherin wand.

But Braud tried to add some special magic effects, but he failed, and nearly abandoned the whole wand.

Brad's feeling was that there was no place to put the "space" in the wand. He had to eliminate all the "spaces" in the wand. Otherwise, all the necessary Charms could not be added, and the wand would fail.

It seems that the mechanism of some magic wands needs to wait for Brad to integrate the making methods of the wand before they can have enough to do.

"The Dragon comes out of the cave!"

Throwing the wand, a one meter long snake really flew out of the stick.

It looks like this wand is a real success.

It feels good.

Once again, "disappear without trace" will disappear the snake, and Brad will continue to try various magic charms.

In turn, Braud determined the performance of the wand It's just worse than two dragon horn wands, but it's very stable.It's because there is phase between the materials! Well integrated.

By the way, we have to test the ability of the core.

Such as the snake, a magical creature, the image is a three headed snake.

It's not that the head and tail of this snake are all heads, but one end is divided into three branches with three heads.

Moreover, the rumani serpent is a very powerful magical creature, which represents the number three in ancient magic script.

It's a coincidence that The three headed snake on Brad's current family emblem is the ruanni snake.

Brad felt that his ancestral background was a black wizard, and probably a snake man.

In the family treasure house of Lestrange, there are many materials such as nibbling snake, fangs and bones, snake slough

The core that Brad now uses to make the wand in his hand was found in the treasure house.

And although the core of the staff is the venomous tooth of the snake, it's the debris of the venomous tooth A tooth is bigger than Brad, and Brad feels that he can't use a tooth until he has learned how to make wands.

Holding out his wand, Brad pointed his wand at Anne and hissed in snake language, "bite!"

Three black lights were emitted from the head of the stick, and each black light condensed into a snake's head.

The fangs are very sharp.

Yes, this wand can understand snake language.

This one of the mystery, Brad is now really can not think of.

Although Anne's posture is not elegant, she has a quick reaction Just see that it's Brad who attacked her, ANN, and you lie back.

Three black light snakes hit Annie accurately, but even the Dragon skin was not hurt, they were all broken.

Originally, Brad wanted to scare Annie. This magic looked very powerful, but with Annie's magic resistance, no effect could be produced.

This is really helpless!

The queen dragon is going to be abandoned by him? , the fastest update of the webnovel!