This ball of paper flew from the Gryffindor table and, if it were normal, would have hit Brad's hat.

But where's normal with Brad?

Sensing something approaching, Brad's hat suddenly appeared a dandruff, and then opened his mouth, and the ball of paper fell right into his mouth.

Is this an extra meal? Dander down is also beautiful!

"Ah..." × 2

two short sounds were heard on the other side of the Gryffindor table when they saw the dander swallowing up the paper they had written.

Brad, who was familiar with the two voices, turned his head.

The red haired Weasley twins are waiting to look at his head.

What's going on?

Touching the hat, Brad pulled the chewy down the dander.

Pulling the ball of paper out of the super reluctant Plush's mouth, Brad grabs a loaf of bread and shoves it into his mouth.

Sweet? A tendon of dander down happy directly jump back into the hat.

Unfold the paper ball Half of the place had been eaten, but looking at the text, Brad understood.

Yes, we have the room!


"You two are fast enough! I won't be in a day, and you'll find it! "

At last it was time for curfew, and Braud and Weasley's troublemakers came out to meet again.

"That's it George was also very proud. "There's no place in Hogwarts that we can't find."

"Yes," said Fred, "call us Hogwarts know it all!"

It seems that the two of them are also super happy to find a room for whatever they want.

"All right, don't blow!" Brad hit both of them directly. "Have the ability to find Slytherin's chamber of secrets as well!"


"Chamber of secrets?"

"What is that?"

"Where is the treasure hidden?"

The Weasley twins don't seem to have heard of such a place.

"Yes Brad's voice darkened, "Slytherin's chamber of secrets! It's the secret room that saracha Slytherin, who created one of the big four at Hogwarts, stayed in Hogwarts. It is said that there is a huge monster in it. When Slytherin's true successor arrives, you can use it to clear all the impure wizard blood in Hogwarts

Although Brad was deliberately intimidating, the Weasley twins were not really scared at all.

Don't pretend!

"Really? The old Slytherin guy? "

"Oh! Oh, my God! Is he really mad? "

"Should we be glad that we are pure blood?"

The twins are playing up again.

However, it is undeniable that they are really pure blood, and all of them are members of 28 sacred families.

Like their mother, Molly pwitt Weasley, who now looks like a housewife, but also comes from the pwitt family The Black family also married them.

Maybe they don't care, but the Weasleys may be keeping their blood.

Not all the relatives. Just one.

At least it looks like that.

Dangerous as it is, the twins are full of energy, knowing that hogwartsley and the secrets they still don't know.

Just don't be full of energy now. Take me to the room where you need it!

Laughing, the twins took Brad upstairs.

Relying on the map of the living spot, Brad and the twins dodged filch, who was still searching, and his cat, Mrs. loris, and went straight up to the eighth floor.

Stopping in the hallway between a tapestry and a humanoid vase depicting the nerd Barnabas training pygmy ballerinas, the Weasley twins point to a blank wall in the middle and say, "here it is."

They explained that they almost got caught by filch yesterday in order to find it.

There was no secret passage on the eighth floor, so when they searched it, they were blocked by filch and Mrs. loris.

After running around eagerly, there is a utility room for them to avoid.

"There's a broom cupboard in there!" Fred described, "but it's a pity that ordinary brooms can't fly!"

"Originally, we didn't think that this was a meeting room!" George went on, "but when we went out and came back, we found that the utility room was gone!"

That is to say, coincidence!

I love this coincidence!

Brauder said, "let's go in and have a look."

"In what?"

"Utility room?"

"I don't want to see brooms that don't fly again."

Twins are complaining The utility room is not a good place.Brad explained to them, "since it's called a room for demand, it must be opening the room according to your ideas."

"You're the place to hide, so it's the utility room."

"And what I want is a room to hide things?"

Brad grinned and asked the twins to follow him and go back together.

"A hiding room? Brad, what do you want to hide

"Is it a love letter?"

The twins are familiar with Brad and say everything.

But Brad went back and forth and explained, "I want to go to the room where I hide things, but I want to get what's in it more!"

Walking back and forth three times, in front of the three people, a very polished door appeared.

"We don't see such a big door in the utility room."

"Even the handle is brass. Was ours wood yesterday?"

Brad laughed. "Well, don't complain. Let's take a look at the treasures left by generations of students at Hogwarts for so many years? It's absolutely more spectacular than your family's treasure in the Guling Pavilion

"Our family doesn't store things in Gringotts."

"The money saved is not as expensive as rent."

Well, the Weasleys are a bit miserable!

Open the door, and Brad brings the twins in, and the contents of it distract all three.

A lot!

They were in a place the size of a cathedral and the exterior of the city, with its towering walls piled up by thousands of students who had already died.

Did someone take charge of this place before? Brad also saw the full set of tables, chairs and beds.

Wake up, twins are going crazy.

Hahaha, they like it so much here. There are many things they haven't seen before!

No wonder Brad is looking for this place!

"Be careful, there may be dark magic items hidden here!" Braud reminded the two men.



The twins ran away in such a short time that Brad didn't hear what they said in the second half..

But Brad is about to start.

Now that you are here, find out what you want to find!

Ravenclaw's crown! , the fastest update of the webnovel!