parchment? What parchment?

Brad didn't figure it out.

"That's it!" George took what he had in his hand to Brad.

They were thick sheets of parchment folded together, and the patterns were on them.

Brad takes a closer look. Isn't this a map?

And George gave Brad a place, and two ribbons were floating, with "George Weasley" and "Fred Weasley," and farther away, the "AGUS filch" ribbon was fading away.

Oh, oh, oh! It's a living map! It's in the hands of twins so early?

The twins are proud to see Braud's surprised expression, but the main question is not the map, but why is Brad next to them now, but only their two names on the map?

"Since we got this map in Filch's office last semester, the names of everyone we see will be on the map." Fred explained.

"Look, even headmaster Dumbledore is here," George continued, "even though he is walking around the headmaster's room again!"

"But why don't you go up there?"

The twins say hello with their heads full.

Is Brad better than Dumbledore?

It's impossible!

Brad looked at the map of the living point, then at the Weasleys, and after thinking about it, he realized, "I know!"

"This map is the magic of being able to show names, so everyone in Hogwarts will show their names on it."

"But what if I block the magic of names?" Braud asked.

The twins look at each other They don't know the magic of names yet, so they can't give a correct explanation.

But they can also try to guess.

"The magic of names is blocked, so it won't be displayed on this map!"

"So I didn't see you either!"

Braud was very proud to say that he had guessed the twins correctly. Gryffindoga was quite right.

"But how do you block the magic of names?" Fred still didn't understand. "It must be a very profound magic, isn't it? Dumbledore is useless. "

"Dumbledore is useless is unnecessary, he does not have to cover up the position, does not mean he certainly will not." Braud was very proud to take off his invisibility cloak, revealing the Velvet Cloak inside. "See, this is my super magic prop cloak, which can cover all the information exposed. All detection magic has no effect on me wearing this cloak. Don't say it's the magic of names! Even the trace silk attached to me can be shielded! "

After listening to Brad's explanation, the twins' eyes were really red, and they expressed a strong "greed" for the dirty cloak that Brad was wearing.

What is chase? It's the tracking magic issued by the Ministry of magic attached to every minor wizard. Every wizard's magic will be recorded by the trace silk.

For the Weasley twins, this is a magic dog chain! Let them dare not use magic anywhere but at Hogwarts.

Now they heard that there were magic props that could even block the trace silk. How could they not want it?

But Brad didn't give it! How can I give it to you after I have used up all my remaining blood?

It's not even possible to try them on.

At best, Brad took it off, and the Weasley twins saw the name "Brad Lestrange" on the map of the living spot, and then disappeared, confirming the effect.

Brad is super fast to get dressed.

Ah! How envious, how envious!

The twins' eyes are going to explode.

But what did Brad do

At this time, Braud ignored the system for a long time and started to ring again,

- he detected the target of strong greed for sacred objects, activated the "blood ceremony" and "blood props manufacturing".

- blood ceremony: hold a blood ceremony with the target to make the other party your blood relative. Blood relatives can get blood props.

- production of blood related props: take a sacred vessel as a template and consume 1 bottle of blood to make blood props. This prop is only used by the blood relatives. It can be deprived.

Er What's that?

How is this system different from my common system? Why is it that something I can't understand comes all of a sudden?

Why is this ritual activated by the other party's greed for his own sacred vessels?

Brad is also a problem. But this system is super Buddha system. It doesn't have any meaning to Braud.

But anyway, I have a way to make other people's blood props similar to sacred vessels? Just consume the other person's blood?

This Brad suddenly had a flash of lightThis is so useful!

It can even be used to become a god!

Brad was very excited.

Of course, the specific effect still needs to be tested.

Here are two mice that have activated their new functions! You can try it on them.

The idea of twins' desire has not subsided, and Brad is able to ask questions.

Braud pretended to be upset. "Do you really want this cloak?"

The twins nodded together.

"The way is not without it! After all, I made this super magic device myself "But it's complicated, and it's frightening."

Hearing this, the twins calmed down a little, "is it made of black magic?"

If Brad said yes, the three eyed twins would not.

But of course Brad shook his head. "It has nothing to do with the black magic! It's just an unrecognized method of making magic props. "

Braud was also a big swindler. "You should know that most of the powerful magic props in the world are made by goblins. The magic forging method of goblins for gems and metals is always unknown to human beings."

"But on the other hand, human beings have mastered the method of making Wands that goblins don't know, and therefore make goblins envious and quarrel about the right to use the wand, but they have not been approved. Finally, he launched a rebellion and was suppressed by a wizard with a magic wand. "

"But it's not that there is no way for human beings to make powerful props!" Brad continued, "my ancestors used to invent a way to use blood to make and strengthen magic props by studying vampires. The effect of the props produced is no worse than that of the goblin. "

"But it's forbidden because it's very much like black magic."

"But I found the relevant information at home, and finally successfully completed the production of props!"

"If you give me your blood, I can make you a cloak like this!"

"But keep it secret! You've got another favor for me! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!