The location of the flight lesson is in a meadow close to the forbidden forest, which is wide enough and the ground is soft enough.

It's a fine day today. Brad can hear flower fairies and grass elves singing in the forbidden forest Their language was hard to understand, and Brad didn't learn it.

This flight lesson was taken by Ravenclaw and huckepatch, so there were more than 20 broomsticks in two rows on the grass.

All the little witches who arrived early looked at the brooms and then complained.

Because these brooms are all old brooms of sweeping series, not to mention the newly launched Guanglun series, even the comet series can not catch up.

But Brad thinks it's OK, at least it's not a bad broom, isn't it?

What's more, isn't this kind of old broom more testing the user's control ability?

Who can't use the new broom? With so much power, kids can fly out of Quidditch speed.

It's better than using an old broom like this to see who can fly faster.

It's not only Ravenclaw who said this, but also hechpatch.

But most of them are boys There are more boys in Hufflepuff. Nine of the 14 freshmen are boys.

Eddie felt bad, but Marcos felt hot.

If we can't win, it's a shame for Ravenclaw; we can win!

It's really different.

It was Chou Chang who pulled Labrador's sleeve and asked why he suggested so?

Brad whispered to her, "because the broom I use in my house is to sweep seven stars."

Qiu Zhang burst into laughter.

It wasn't long before Mrs. Hodge arrived. She has short grey hair. Her yellow eyes are as sharp as eagle's.

There was no nonsense, Mrs. Hodge called out directly, "well, don't chatter like a brood of chickens. Now all stand by the broom. Come on, come on

The little witches have been thinking about it for a long time, and they are very fast.

"Put your right hand over the broom," Mrs. Hodge said, standing in front of the line, "and then say out loud: get up!"

"Get up!"

Brad only called once, and his broom ran into his hand.

Brad laughingly wants to show off to others, only to find that qiuzhang and Eddie's brooms are in their own hands.

There's only one left to laugh at!

"Hey, Marcus," said Brad, holding his broom. "You said you've caught a Muggle plane on your broom? Why don't the brooms listen to you now

"Don't talk too much!" Marcos also blushed. "This is a mistake! Get up! Get up

But the more urgent Marcos is, the more the broom doesn't listen to him At best, it's a roll.

All the boys on the Hufflepuff side were successful, so they're all watching Marcos jokes now.

"I..." Max's face was so red, "my broom is broken!"

"Get up!"

Put one hand on top of Max's broom, and the broom flew.

"Not bad!" Brad took the stage directly.

Max really wanted to hit Brad with his broom. Is that a friend? All day long, I'm down.

Marcos's face was white with excitement.

Calm down again and shout "get up". This time the broom is flying directly.

It seems that Marcos is so excited Maybe the broom looks like drunk.

Drunk people are not allowed to drive, let alone ride a broom.

Mrs. Hodge and Mrs. Hodge gave a demonstration of riding a broomstick and taught them how to avoid sliding down.

After the demonstration, Mrs. Hodge asked everyone to practice each other. She walked up and down the team to correct their wrong sitting posture.

But She's focused on Brad.

Because Mrs. Hodge said his posture was not right at all.

Braud was so surprised! How is that possible? This is the super acceleration sitting posture that oneself trains hard!

But Mrs. Hodge doesn't care if you speed up or not. Now learn safe moves first.

It's Marcos' turn to mock Brad this time.

It's bad news.

After teaching all the necessary movements, Mrs. Hodge was able to breathe a breath Fortunately, no one has been injured so far.

But Brad's sudden offer turned Mrs. Hodge green.

Because Brad wants Mrs. Hodge to be a referee and a paramedic, they're going to have a broom race here.

If someone accidentally drops a broom, you can ask her to give a floating mantra.

Is this the game Ravenclaw's Eagles can think of? That's what the Gryffindor lions want to do, right?

No, if it's a little lion, maybe the game has already started They don't care if they get hurt!Brad also took the opportunity to add more reasons There is no flying class in the second year, and they are not allowed to join the Quidditch team in the first year. If they want to join the Quidditch team of our college in the second year, they must perform well?

Isn't this a good way to play?

It's also training.

So, Mrs. Hodge agreed after thinking about it.

But she had one condition.

You won't be allowed to win in the end. The game can't be told to Gryffindor students.

If Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are involved, she may be in charge of it. If Gryffindor takes Slytherin students to hold such a competition, she can't manage it There are bound to be a few students going into the medical wing.

Mrs. Hodge is not really worried about the death of students. She is afraid that Pomfrey, who is a medical wing, will come to nag her again and propose to cancel the flight class

For Mrs. Hodge's terms, everyone in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff agreed.

So that's the choice of venue.

This is very simple. Just fly around the grass here.

Those who don't have confidence in their flying ability will be referees. They will be divided into four groups and stand in four corners to supervise who cheated and didn't fly around the field.

This is good, fair!

Everyone is eager to try.

All the boys took part, and the girls did.

Braud was surprised to find that at the starting line, Qiu Zhang was waiting.

"I want to try it too!" Autumn Zhang also jump to try, "just stayed in the sky feeling really good."

"I hope you don't fall." I know what it's like to kiss the ground

Qiu Zhang will not be scared, "accept your good words."

Get ready!

With Mrs. Hodge's whistle, the game begins!

So the eagles and badgers, who were still standing on the ground, quickly mounted their brooms, glared at the ground and launched the rocket.

Brad went straight out.

He's still in his own super high speed position.

I won't change it!

He had a good laugh. , the fastest update of the webnovel!