Braud's words were heard by the students in ravengro all around.

However, the research on the "non-human phantom" is too cold, so no one can refute or supplement Brad's words.

So Brad successfully installed x again.

It feels even better!

Ravenclaw's students are so smart that Brad can think of a lot of questions just by mentioning it.

In the past, they all regarded Pippi as a ghost, but only Pippi could touch the real thing The dung eggs just now are carefully collected by the prefect.

A troublemaker? It's a real Pippi race!

Born chubby!

Braud's words are not finished yet. "Because it is a strange natural phenomenon, troublemakers and Bogart are rare to be seen clearly by Muggles."

"Many of the world's famous Muggle playgrounds, circuses and haunted houses are their birthplaces."

"Amusement parks and circuses bring joy to people and come together as troublemakers Think about it. Isn't Pippi like a clown? "

"But in the haunted house, even if there were ghosts, Muggles could not see them, but they would frighten themselves. It doesn't matter if one or two people frighten themselves, but when there are too many people, these fears converge into Bogart. "

Brad is also showing his "erudite" Ravenclaw here as long as you know enough knowledge will be respected, did not see senior students look at Brad have a sense of identity?

Although No more words, Brad had nothing to say.

Being delayed by Pippi ghost, you'd better go to Ravenclaw dormitory as soon as possible!

Well, let's go again.

There are three tall towers in Hogwarts castle.

The first is the astronomical tower. Let all students study astronomy Although the course was chosen by students of each grade as the same boring course as magic history class!

The second is the Gryffindor common room and dormitory.

The third is the public lounge and dormitory in Ravenclaw.

Unlike the other three colleges, however, people entering the Ravenclaw common room must first correctly answer the logical riddle given by the eagle shaped bronze knocker.

As long as you answer correctly, you can enter Whether you're a student of Ravenclaw or not.

If the answer is not correct, even the prefects are unable to enter When standing in front of the doorman, the schoolboy and the prefect said it in person.

Again, Ravenclaw worshipped knowledge.

However, no one knows where the hawk headed doorkeeper knows so many tricky questions. Even if there is only one one in a day, no one has heard of the same problem.

But it's also because there's only one question a day, so if there's Ravenclaw's Hawk hitting the wrong question, then wait outside Wait for others to think about it.

There is nothing strange about the fact that dozens of students are standing outside Ravenclaw's door, thinking about the answers.

And as long as the answer is correct, is it not to understand a question?

This is progress!

Progress every day.

As for today's question, it has been answered in advance by the senior students, so So you freshmen should also try today's question.

Today's is very simple, freshmen should have no problem.

The male prefect grabbed the bronze knocker and knocked. The bronze eagle's head came alive and spread its sharp wings.

"What is the bigger the more you take away?"

It's really a very simple question.

Brad has already thought of it as a simple cognitive trap.

But it's time for other seniors to enter the common room.

In the end, only ten Ravenclaw freshmen were left outside.

Brad snapped his finger. "Okay, guys, I've got the answer. Do you want me to tell you?"

"No!" Nine of them, including Chou Chang and Marcos, already have a sense of self-esteem as Ravenclaw.

Braud shrugged, went straight to the door, knocked on the hawk knocker, and said his answer.


The door creaked open.

In the public lounge, the male prefect looks surprised and says, "Hi, Lestrange, you've already..."

"Sorry, prefect, we haven't finished yet, so please wait a moment." Brad spoke very quickly and then closed the door.

"So," said Brad, turning to look at his peers, "has anyone thought of it? You can tell me first. "

"Me One boy raised his hand. "I'll do it."

This boy's name is Eddie Carmichael.

God can tell, this year, of the ten freshmen in Ravenclaw, there are only three boys!It's Brad, Marcos and him.

So I thought about this boy first. Brad was surprised.

Fortunately, it's not a stupid protein maniac who was accidentally divided in!

Eddie camichel whispered, "hole!"

Although the words are different, they express the same meaning as Brad.

"Take away" after the "big", may not necessarily be the volume has become bigger yo!

Brad asked him to try the knocker It's on, too.

So it's a simple question!

Although the prefect meant that their freshmen would come together to answer questions, Brad turned it into a personal war in a few words He thinks that even if we can rely on collective wisdom, we should also cultivate individual thinking ability.

Otherwise, even in the pursuit of knowledge, there will certainly be many people "following the trend" This is for the students! Growth is not good.

"Well, ladies, none of you think of the answer to the question?" Brad is starting to stimulate the girls below.

"Hum..." Brad clearly heard seven girls humming with their noses in displeasure, so next, the freshmen who thought of similar answers came out one by one.

All girls.

Qiuzhang is a five pass.

"Marcus, are you going to lose face for the men?" Brad began to tease Marcos!

Brother, cheer up!

But after this, Marcos is still full of sweat and no movement, the remaining four girls have thought of the answer and pass.

Marcos fainted on the floor.

Wow It's like beating him up!

Pulling out his wand, Brad conjures up an image, an empty bookcase.

Even if he is the last one, Marcos is not really stupid.

When he saw the bookcase, Marcos understood it immediately!

"It's a space!" Max sat up on his upper body and yelled.

But it's not a good thing to greet him!

I want you to shout!

A fudge was thrown directly into Max's throat by Brad.

"Well, what? Ah! How spicy

Then there was the sound of the train whistle in Marcos' mouth, and black smoke from his ears.

Train fudge.

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