v2 Chapter 349: The last enemy

Genius 壹 记住 Remember to provide you with wonderful reading.

Harry was very surprised when he heard Sirius.

He did not expect his father to have a duel with Gryffindor in the illusion. Although he lost in the end, it is also very remarkable.

The opponent is a powerful Gryffindor, not every wizard has the qualification to challenge, which in itself is the recognition of his father's strength.

He walked a few steps forward to the black stone platform and felt his legs tremble.

Beside him, Ma Ma Rui looked at himself with no expression, with a trace of intolerance.

The old horse elders completely retreated into the shadows, without sound.

Harry took a deep breath and was ready to accept the challenge.

He didn't look back at the eyes that everyone encouraged, but clenched his fists and kept telling himself not to be afraid, no matter what he saw in the illusion, he couldn't back down.

Maybe he can have a duel with Gryffindor like his father did, or face countless eight-eyed spiders and dementors like Ron. These are not problems, but if you are tested for magical knowledge like Hermione, then you are not good at it.

Harry was thinking about it, and when he returned, he discovered that he had entered the illusion.

The time is still late at night, and the stars in the night sky have not changed much.

A cold wind blew, and Harry couldn't help but shudder.

He pulled the robes and found himself standing on a dark street.

It's not Hogwarts or Nuwa Road. He can be sure that he has never been to this place before, but there is a sense of familiarity that is unclear.

"Fluorescent flashing!" Harry pulled out his wand and looked around with vigilance.

He was standing in a small alley, and the ragged big house stood on both sides of the narrow alley. They were all black and lacquered without lights, and even had no sound at all.

Not far ahead is a small square, which is the center of this small village.

Harry stepped forward, the cold wind at night on the cheeks like a needle, passing through more houses, all dark and no one living.

Getting closer and closer to the square, Harry saw a huge statue of a wizard in the center. He held his wand in front of his left hand and a silver sword in his right hand. This statue and Ai Wen and He. Mindi’s image of Gryffindor is very similar, maybe this is him.

Just as he looked at the statue, there was a sudden fight in the house in front of the side and a cry of a woman’s exhaustion.

Harry hurriedly raised his head. He saw the door of the house open, and the room was lit with a faint candlelight on the second floor, which was particularly conspicuous in the darkness.

His heart is so powerful that he almost jumps to his throat.

Not surprisingly, the test that he will face is in this house. He does not know that there is something waiting for himself, and the darkness around him is suppressed to the extreme.

“Is anyone there?” Harry ran to the door and shouted, “Who is inside?”

No one responded to him. The lobby on the first floor was a mess. Obviously, I had just experienced a fierce duel. Someone broke into the room from the outside.

Harry took a few steps inside and slammed in front of the fireplace. He couldn't believe the picture placed on it. The photo was actually his parents. His mother had a baby in his arms and his face was filled with a happy smile.

Harry finally knew where it was, here is his home.

"Here is the Godric Valley, here is my home, where I was born!" Harry's heartbeat was almost stagnation, and he couldn't believe it.

He even forgot that this is the illusion created by Gryffindor. There is only one thought in his mind. He went home and returned to the place where he used to be his home.

If there is no Voldemort, he will grow up here and spend every holiday.

He will invite friends to come to the house to play, and maybe even have a younger sibling, his mother will give him a birthday cake instead of celebrating alone.

Harry wiped the tears that suddenly burst out. When he looked at his parents' old photos before, he had imagined this kind of thing more than once. Just as he was about to look closely around, the screams and pleadings of the woman from the building were exactly what he heard when he met the dementors. It was his mother’s shouting.

Harry finally understood that this was the night when Voldemort broke into his home, and the misfortune that affected his life was about to happen.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the second floor.

Harry knew he had to hurry, he wanted to see his parents, and if they were fast enough, they could even save them from Voldemort.

He tried his best and held the wand in his hand. Harry gasped and climbed up the stairs, and he saw it. He saw a man with a black hood standing on the stairs and smiling coldly, laughing so cruelly.

At his feet, a man and a woman are lying.

Inside the corner of the corner is a small crib, and a child is making a weak cry in it.

"No!" Harry shouted. He knew that the two people on the ground were his parents. They died. They were killed by Voldemort!

Immediately, it is your turn.

"Except your weapon!" Harry shouted, rushing over regardless of the one.

Voldemort lightly flashed Harry's curse, and he quickly waved his wand, and a blue-green light hit Harry, who was rushing.

Harry fell down. He didn't know what magic Voldemort had cast on himself. It seemed to be a petrified curse. He couldn't control his body, but his consciousness was exceptionally clear.

He saw the father who fell in the pool of blood, and the empty eyes were full of unwillingness.

His father's right hand forced forward, as if he wanted to hold his mother's hand before he died, but he slammed on the floor.

Harry wants to scream, but he can't make a sound.

He could only watch Voldemort step by step toward his babyhood, the cold voice, and then a deep green glow.

Voldemort sent a burst of screams, his evil curse was bounced back to knock down himself, and he turned into a black smoke to escape from the window.

Harry cried so badly that he felt a pain in his scar on his forehead, and the world in front of him was breaking fast.

He knew that he was about to leave here and return to reality. He tried to look at his parents and hoped to see them again.

"You have failed. Although you have the courage, you cannot overcome yourself. Remember, the last enemy to be destroyed is death!"

A magnetic male voice sounded from the sky, this is Harry's last impression, he did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

Harry was still immersed in the great grief of his parents' death and the hatred of Voldemort.

When he regained consciousness, he had already returned to the Malay Temple. He was kneeling on the black platform and silently kept tears. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse m to read, a better reading experience.