Luo Huasheng's attitude forced Lu Chunxiao's tone to soften, observed his expression, stabilized him and didn't let him get angry.

"After all, what my second aunt cares about is my reputation or the reputation of the Luo family? Or will the company be affected? "

Most of Luo's shares are in the hands of Luo Huasheng, but there are many other people in the Luo family. They rely on these dividends and do nothing these years. Once the company is affected, they are the first to be affected economically.

"Watson!" Lu Chunxiao's tone increased a little, "I'm for you. Why do you always guess us with such an attitude?"

"Second aunt, is it for my good or for your own good? We all know why moral kidnapping is difficult?" Luo Huasheng gripped Zhao bingyue's hand. He could feel the temperature on Zhao bingyue's hand passing a little.

They can't force her away. No one can force her away from him. His tone and attitude can't be tough.

"This matter..."

Xu Sui saw that Luo Huasheng was about to make a decision. He was determined not to let her and her child go back to the house. Before Luo Huasheng finished his words, her hand pinched the child's waist. The two-year-old child who didn't know how to speak burst into tears.

Xu Sui seemed frightened and kept coaxing her child: "baby, don't cry. Dad doesn't want us. It doesn't matter. Mom wants you. Mom won't give up you. Don't cry, baby."

The child's voice was so penetrating that the whole hall was flustered and anxious.

Lu Chunxiao, who had been wronged continuously, was no longer silent. He just frowned and looked at Xu Sui's child who couldn't stop crying and sighed.

"Don't cry, baby, mom, please. It's your mother's bad, so you can't be accepted by your father. You have no father's love since childhood. I'm sorry..." Xu Sui also cried bitterly. The cries of mother and son were intertwined, and the heads of those present were about to explode.

Zhao bingyue looked at their mother and son's performance without expression. Her inner hope sank a little, and her whole body began to become cold and desolate.

"Don't cry yet." Luo Huasheng stopped Xu Sui with a headache, "let the children stop crying."

Xu Sui seemed not to hear it, but cried louder, as if to vent her grievances at once.

The cry of their mother and son made Luo Huanhuan's eyes red. He looked at Zhao bingyue bitterly and deliberately said, "if one day I am rejected by my child's father and homeless, I cry worse than them."

She can't wait for Zhao bingyue to leave the house. Since she came back, there has been no peace in the Luo family. At least Xu Sui promised them that she would not drive any of them out of the Luo family like Zhao bingyue.

She used to despise Xu Sui, but now Xu Sui is more than a hundred times better than Zhao bingyue!

"Cousin, don't be so cruel. Even if you don't want to admit that the child is yours and don't want to see their mother and son, you can let them live in our yard. Why drive them out?"

Luo Huanhuan's words inspired Lu Chunxiao. Lu Chunxiao agreed: "we have no right to interfere in your yard, but this is our main house, which was distributed to our family before the old man's death. We always have the right to control it.", the fastest update of the webnovel!