"Why?" Luo Huasheng thought that she didn't hear what he said, so she went back to confirm it. Zhao bingyue took a deep breath and said in a weak voice: "I'm a little tired. I'll go upstairs to have a rest. If you have nothing to do, please let me go." Her indifferent attitude, like a basin of cold water suddenly splashed on his head, let luohuasheng some caught off guard, a belly of warmth, also disappeared in an instant. He didn't say anything more, but let her go upstairs by releasing her hand. Zhao bingyue fell asleep until dawn. When Luo Huasheng came back to her room, she saw that she was fast asleep. When she lay beside her and hugged her in her arms, she didn't mean to wake up. Are you so tired? He didn't ask her to do anything today. In the dead of night, all the hostility on Luo Huasheng's body converged, and the eyes looking at the back of her head were full of tenderness that he didn't even notice. Although Lu Chunxiao allows everyone to cook food in his own room, he wants to get together one day in a month to have a family meal to promote each other's feelings. In the twinkling of an eye, the one month deadline has come. Zhao bingyue and Luo Huasheng have to go to the main house to have dinner with Lu Chunxiao. On the table, there are four soups in ten dishes. Everyone on the table doesn't know what medicine Lu Chunxiao is selling in the gourd. In particular, in front of Luo Huasheng, it was almost soup, and the material in it was a little hard to say. It was so strange that it made people fantasize“ What's this? " Luo Huasheng asked the servant standing beside him. The servant blushed and couldn't explain for a moment. It took him a long time to reveal the meaning of these soups“ Master Watson, these are all prepared for you by the second lady. She said that Mrs. bingyue has been in our house for so long, but she hasn't been pregnant. She specially asked the kitchen to do these for you, so as to make up for you and spread the leaves for your big room. " Luo Huasheng's face suddenly turned black to the bottom of the valley, and the other people at the table all restrained themselves from laughing. Luo Huasheng looked at him with one look. Everyone lowered their heads, and they all held back their smiles. They did not dare to raise their heads. Sitting beside her, Zhao bingyue suddenly feels that her head is as big as a bucket. All these bowls of soup are for Luo Huasheng's health. Can he drink them? And look at the color, it doesn't seem very good to drink. Luo Huasheng saw her staring at the soup, and pushed the bowl of soup in front of Zhao bingyue: "these soup are kidney tonic, which is good for your health. You should drink a little too. Don't cry that you can't stand it when you do half of everything every time..." Luo Huasheng's shameless words not only make Zhao bingyue blush, but also make other girls at the table feel uncomfortable. After the second lady sat down, she heard what he said, and scolded in a low voice: "this is a dinner party. Don't just move out what you said in your room. There are so many sisters and sisters on the table." Luo Huasheng hooked his lips and neither agreed nor refused. Fortunately, Lu Chunxiao didn't go deep into it. He told Zhao bingyue that she could drink a little, and then he didn't continue this topic. When Zhao bingyue turns her head, she happens to see Luo Huanhuan laughing at her gloating. The position next to her is empty. Bedu didn't come to Luo's house today. Zhao bingyue moved the bowl of soup that Luo Huasheng gave her to Luo Huanhuan, and said with a warm smile: "Huanhuan is engaged to bedu, and this bowl of soup is also for you to drink. It's kidney tonifying." www.novelhall.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!