"Isn't it?" Song yu'er looked at him with a cold smile. "I heard what my grandmother and mom said that day. I also heard what they were going to prescribe medicine for me. You can ask them if they have said so. Of course, they may not admit it, but if they don't admit it, it doesn't mean they haven't moved such an idea, nor do you really don't do it!"

"You ungrateful dead girl, you forget the beginning..." Song Tao's words suddenly stopped, but the anger on his face did not subside, and his gnashing teeth look even more terrible.

It's just that it's not easy for him to say some things because she and this man can't know.

But he did not go on, but Fu simiu understood what he meant. Only song yu'er was still in the dark and knew nothing about everything.

"How did your mother and I raise you with a handful of excrement and urine? Is that how you're pissing us off right now? You don't want to marry a stranger, but you can't give him a chance to marry him? Do you know him? Are you not afraid that you are really cheated by him, and that you will not be able to return home? "

If she chooses to be with Fu simiu, it is against the whole song family. How can the Song family still tolerate her.

If something happened between her and this man, it would not be so easy for her to go back to the Song family.

What's more, she's not the daughter of the Song family. If it weren't for her younger son to let them adopt her, who would have kept her for two years without paying so much for her life experience?

Raising her for the past two years is not to hope that she can one day contribute to the Song family?

Now that she married herself, she not only offended the Liu family, but also let their efforts in the past two years go to waste. The Song family never made such a loss making business. Today, she signed one of the two agreements!

Song yu'er chokes. Song's father means that if she insists on marrying this man, she can't go back to the Song family in the future, right?

"Yu'er." Fu simiu then made a voice, gently pinched her hand and said in a low voice, "your father is right. No matter what, they have raised you and are kind to you. To tell the truth, I am very grateful to them."

If it wasn't for their family, he might never have found her, or she might not have survived.

What's more, their youngest son is still the Savior of yu'er, and he is grateful to them.

"From the moment I married you, I decided that I would never leave you in my life. Even if one day you don't love me and want to leave me, I will always love you happily."

He said, that pair of eyes looking at her deeply, which is full of people can not see through the deep feelings, like some kind of gravity, can attract her deeply, and then gradually sink.

Instead of saying anything else, he put his mind into action, raised his pen again and signed the 30 million dollar agreement.

"Fu Si Mu!" Song yu'er did not have time to exclaim, Fu Si Mu's name fell on that agreement.

The man's words are vast and powerful, clean and neat. After signing, he pushed the agreement to Song Tao without hesitation. His voice was gentle and said: "Uncle song, thank you for raising her. It's not more than 30 million, but you may not have a chance to get it in this life."

He had thought of thanking the Song family, but since the Song family wanted to thank in this way, that's it.

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