Her eyes have been red can not be red, voice became hoarse: "if I can, I would rather never like you, I decided from now on no longer like you, you want to divorce or do not leave, I swear, in the future, I will not be affected by you, I will take you as the air, do not care about your joy and anger, no longer care about your hate and disgust to me."

The man looked at her quietly, he should have been happy, but heard her words, his heart a burst of inexplicable irritability.

The corner of his mouth was full of fun, and he said with a sarcastic smile, "then you must abide by it, or when you break the rule one day, what you say now can only be a joke."

He suddenly released her, got up and left her body, turned his back on her face and said without expression: "you go back, I didn't have anything with Zhao Qianqian just now, but you just happened to meet her sitting on my lap. I was about to push her down, you opened the door, and I explained to you that I didn't care what you would think, just don't want you to take this little thing again Please tell your father or my parents. "

He said that, turned to leave the office, even a look is not willing to give her.

Lu AI Xi sat up from the sofa and sobbed gently. Sometimes she felt that she was very unpromising. She would only cry when she met something. She had no momentum in front of a strong woman like Zhao Qianqian. She was just weak.

Zhao Qianqian is right. If she is not Miss Lu, if she doesn't have her father to support her, she may not be as good as Jiang Naixin. She must have been bullied from childhood.

"Do you also believe that the child in my stomach is not yours?" Lu AI Xi did not wait for him to leave the office, the voice suddenly asked him coldly.

Fu Si Chao's steps stopped like this and looked back at her.

"You can't believe it. Sometimes I'd rather you didn't believe it. It doesn't matter whether the child is going or staying. Fu Sichao, in fact, you don't care about the child in my stomach, do you?"

The man did not speak, Lu AI Xi knew, silence is tantamount to acquiescence.

She suddenly laughed at herself. She was so unbearable in his eyes that he didn't spare any effort to satirize her and sarcasm her. Even when she touched her these days, she didn't care whether the child would be lost.


Lu AI Xi returned to the golden age. She had not said goodbye to Tang Jinse, but when she came back, she heard that the servant said that Tang Jinse had gone out to buy her vegetables and that she was going to simmer soup for her.

Lu AI Xi had to go back to her room and wait for her to come back, but the phone rang. It was her mother Huoxi who called her.

"Mom." Lu AI Xi's voice was as light as a mosquito, but as soon as she made a sound, she couldn't help choking. Her tears slipped down the corner of her eyes, and the big ones fell on the pillow.

As soon as Huoxi heard his voice crying, the whole people were nervous: "honey, what's the matter with you? Did Fu Si Chao bully you? Or what's wrong with you? "

Lu AI Xi repressed for a long time, and finally couldn't help crying: "Mom, I'm so miserable, I may not be able to hold on."

"Silly child, what are you talking about?" Huoxi heard his daughter's cry, the whole heart was pulled up, heartache of anger, "is not Fu Si Chao outside a woman, you quarrel right?"

Huoxi, who had been very optimistic about Fu Si Chao, was itching for his hate teeth.