"Don't be nervous." The man's fingers tapped her on the forehead. "You make me feel like bullying my little sister."

He stooped down and gradually approached her face, breathing vaguely on her face: "but you are not small, are you?"

Huo Xi raised his fist to hit the man in the face. Except for Lu Sheng, she had never seen such a cheeky person.

As a result, the man grabbed her hand in advance, took off her strength, and played with her smaller hand, laughing more and more.

"Tut Tut, or a little pepper, what do I do if I prefer it?"

"Get out of here!" Huo Xi couldn't help drinking. She saw that this man was just looking for her to be happy.

"I'm off. Who will take you out of here? Don't forget that you are a Murderer with high public opinion. No one can save you except me."

Huoxi turns around. Since she can't escape, she only talks to him kindly and peacefully. She knows what the other party is going to do first.

"I don't know what you are going to do, but my husband will save me and clean me up."

"You seem to trust him, but is he really worthy of your trust?"

Huoxi turned to stare at him. "What do you mean?"

She thin cool smile: "he is my husband, I do not trust him, do you trust?"

She didn't even know what his name was. Why did he convince her?

"At least I didn't do anything to your close relatives, which almost killed him. Besides, I'm his life-saving benefactor. I'm more trustworthy than Lu Sheng, who is cruel and loves you the most, right?"

From the moment he mentioned her close relatives, Huoxi's face stiffened a little, until he said "help the benefactor", Huoxi's breathing suddenly became not smooth.

"Suddenly stood up:" what do you say

Her eyes were wide open as if she couldn't believe what he said.

"Who are you?"

The man turned around and sat down on the sofa opposite her. He put down the red wine cup in his hand and leaned back. The action was loose and special.

"My name is he Mohan, your brother-in-law's good friend. I saved him twice. How can I be regarded as his benefactor?"

The blood color on Huo Xi's face faded a little and his body swayed, as if he might faint at any time.

"You said My brother-in-law is still alive? "

Tears gradually gathered, her misty eyes fixed on the strange man, can she believe what he said?

However, she has been expecting that her brother-in-law is still alive in the world. If he is really OK, then why doesn't he come to see her, and why does he make her so worried again?

"Of course, as long as you are willing to follow me, I will take you to see him. Of course, if you persist in staying here, you will not only be regarded as a murderer, but also never see your brother-in-law."

"Are you threatening me?" Huo Xi wiped away the tears on his face. "But I'm not stupid. I didn't see the real person. I didn't see him alive. Do you think I will believe what you said?"

There are many people who know that Gu Yu has died, and many who know that he was killed by Lu Sheng. As long as the man wants, he can make up a reason to take her away without any effort.

He Mohan pressed his forehead with some headache: "I said, why do you think I am threatening you? You can see that I can bring you out from under Lu Sheng's eyes. I can bring you to any corner of the world quietly if I want. The reason why I ask for your opinion is just because I respect you and your brother-in-law. "