Huo Xi realized that his face was white with fright. He quickly reached out his hand and waved it away from him.

"What do you do?"

"You just fainted, you know?" The man's eyes are full of blood. If he was not around, would she fall like this?

Huo Xi was in a trance for a while, shook his head, looked up at the worried eyes of the man, she said weakly: "I will be like this as soon as I have low blood sugar, just eat something."

Drooping her eyes, she did not dare to tell him the speculation in her heart. Lu Sheng is a doctor. As long as she behaves a little bit abnormally, he will definitely notice it.

Huoxi quietly shifted the topic and reassured the man, but Lu Sheng still didn't let her go: "let me see your body."

He took Huo Xi's hand, and Huo Xi unconsciously pulled it away, but this action would suddenly arouse his suspicion, so she had to suppress the impulse and said: "Lusheng, I really have hypoglycemia. Even if you want to see it, you have to wait until I finish eating?"

Lu Sheng's movements stopped. The girl's words were not unreasonable. He looked at her slightly pale face and joked, "who said just now that he didn't want to eat?"

"It was just now, and I really didn't have an appetite just now. If you don't want me to eat it, I can skip it."

This is the beginning of anger.

Lu Sheng can't help her, so he has to ask his servant to bring up the food and feed her.

Huo once heard that oily food was easy to turn his stomach and his eyes moved. When the servant served, he said that he had a bad appetite and wanted to eat something light.

"Prepare the bird's nest porridge." Lu Sheng told him to look back at Xiang Huo Xi and "tell me what else you want to eat."

"I can't eat much, that's enough."

Fortunately, her body is more competitive, and she didn't leak in front of the man. After dealing with Lu Sheng, she felt that all her strength had been evacuated.

Acting is not an easy thing, especially in front of a professional doctor with excellent skills. It's really too difficult to pretend that you have no problem.

Fortunately, after dinner, Lu Sheng answered the phone. Seeing that her face was recovering well, he didn't pester her to check her body.


Gu Yu looked at the news of the gradual decrease of popularity on the Internet, with a light satire in her eyes: "Li zewen is really generous. She can bear such things as wearing a green hat for herself, but I despise him."

Xiaoming still smiled in the sunshine and said: "he is a kind of man, or he will not run behind the boss and your woman's ass for so many years. After so many courtesies, he won't get anything. If I......"

Gu Yu looks in the past, and Xiaoming's smiling face, which is easy to talk about, suddenly freezes and closes his mouth.

Gu Yu snorted and said proudly and indifferently, "my woman is not something that can be touched casually."

Xiao Ming is speechless, but he doesn't know whether he is scolding Li Ze for smelling things or calling him self defeating.

The woman of the eldest brother, except for the eldest brother, no one can handle it. He dare not even think about Xiao.

"However, the Wu family has a set of rules. It's really interesting that they try their best to paste it backwards and make Li zewen obedient and explain it to her without any concern."

Gu Yu picks up the red wine beside him. He has no sense of the decline of the popularity of the scandal between Wu Bai and Zhang Dao. Later, he will give them another gift. At present, it's nothing but appetizers.

However, he doesn't mind if it can stir up the storm in K city.