After eating with Huo Xi, the sky darkened completely.

Yining has been waiting for Yuan Ye's call, but his call hasn't come in.

"Don't you go out today?" Yining asked Huoxi, who was with her.

After Lu Sheng left, she was so silent and depressed that Yining seemed to see herself.

"There is no place for me to go." The way that Huo Xi didn't care.

She actually wants to go back to Huo's house, but Yining is here. She can't rest assured that she will be left here alone, so she has to stay here with her.

Where she went anyway, no one in the Huo family would care. Even if she died outside, the Huo family would only set off firecrackers to celebrate, and would not shed half a tear for her sadness.

Yining sighed helplessly and clapped her on the shoulder.

"Hasn't your brother's assistant called you yet?" Huoxi asked her.

Yining shakes his head and doesn't know if Yuan Ye is out of order.

He gave her his cell phone, and Yining couldn't reach him, so he had to wait for Yuan Ye to contact her.

"Don't worry, he will be fine. You will escape from the Tang Xiao." At the point of Yining's escape, Huoxi especially supported Yining.

A man who can imprison himself and treat himself badly can only die if he stays by his side.

She is better than Yining, that is, she has personal freedom to go wherever she wants, but besides, it seems that she is no different from Yining.

"Well." Yining answered and yawned a little.

Huo Xi smiled: "are you so sleepy? Then go to bed. It's getting late. Give me your cell phone. If your brother's assistant calls, I'll come down and let you know. "

Huoxi takes Yining's mobile phone in the past. Yining is pregnant now. It's not convenient to carry her mobile phone with her.

"That's trouble." Yining gave her her cell phone and got up and went back to the room.

One night later, the weather was calm. Yuan Ye didn't call. There seemed to be no movement outside.

When Yining got up, Huo Xigang came in from the outside with breakfast in his hand. His face didn't look very good.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Yining asked her, but she got nervous. "What happened to Yuan Ye?"

"No." Huo Xi put breakfast in front of Yining. It was all breakfast for pregnant women and Yuan Ye's cell phone.

"From yesterday to now, no phone call has been made." Hoxi said.

"Then you..." Yining breathed a sigh of relief, but Huo Xi's strange look made Yining suspicious.

"There are a lot of people in black suits coming downstairs at the gate. It seems that they are looking for someone. They are stopped outside. But I can see their position. It will not be long before they come in. Yining, I'm afraid they are looking for you."

At that time, no matter how deep Huoxi hid her, Tang Xiao's people will find her.

Yining's heart pounded. I didn't expect that Tang Xiao's people would come so soon.

"But don't worry. No one can come in at the Bank of Mingfu pool. It's even more difficult to get in here. I can't. I'll call Lu Sheng and say that someone is harassing me. Those people will be thrown out by Lu Sheng."

Yining was amused by Huo Xi's words. After that, he was still in a heavy mood.

Tang Xiao is always covering the sky with one hand. No matter at home or abroad, he always has a way to find her.

This time, I don't know how long she can escape.