She was touched by her parents' love for her and her desire to fulfill what she wanted!

She didn't expect that, where she couldn't see all at once, she still had two hearts that really cared for her

And this will also become the driving force for her to continue to struggle with this thorny life.

"Mom and Dad, I'm very grateful for your consideration. But now I'm very good with brother Jin Yan. I really don't have any plans to separate from brother Jin Yan and stay with other people."

Shaoqing, Tang Jinshe pressed down the mood of ups and downs in his heart and said with a calm face.

It's just the complexity hidden in the pupil, but it's not found by anyone

Some things, since they have been done, there is no turning back, only to do it all the time!

After the white lie is said, it is doomed to use one white lie after another to round the lie!

Tang Jinshe is still hesitant in her heart, because she is not sure. Whether her parents see her and Fu Jinyan's seemingly divorced identity as false lovers, so they say these words to her

Or, at the same time, I had the heart to test her real situation with Fu Jinyan.

After all, after the initial doubt took root, it was the premeditated actions to confirm whether the doubt existed.

Thinking of this, Tang continued, "although brother Jin Yan and I are both busy at present and don't have much time to get together, I think it's also a way to grow up and improve each other by working hard for their own business."

"Besides, brother Jin Yan and I are still young. When everything is stable, we have plenty of time to get along with each other. There is nothing to worry about!"


The snow is still flying outside the house, and the mood of Tang Jinshe is also mixed at the moment.

Because she can clearly feel the relief on her parents' faces after she said these determined words

After all, the image of Fu Jinyan in her parents' heart has been deeply rooted.

They may never have imagined that the boy who had doted on her had already changed his face.

Once gentle to wait

Now it has become a kind of distant extravagance.

But she can't say anything.

We can only choose to continue the act of love!

Because she wants her parents to be like now, with no burden in their hearts and no worries in their minds. The family has always been in harmony with each other.

"You can say that. Ma is relieved. Ma is worried. Do you and Jin Yan get together less and leave more often at ordinary times, which will affect your relationship?"

Although the heart has been relieved, but this does not mean that Lin Wan can completely put down his worries.

In her opinion, the real stable feelings need both men and women to spend time together!

The divorce rate is so high in today's society, and it's increasing year by year

Let alone free love based on marriage. The drama of breaking up can be played every day in all parts of the world.

So can she not worry?

She is afraid that such a long-term, at the beginning of the firm feelings, and then want to be together, will be diluted by time point by point.

"Who said that brother Jin Yan and I don't usually meet or date?"

In the face of Lin Wan's questioning, Tang Jinshe raised his voice a little bit, with a mysterious look