Zhao bingyue was stunned and could see that the woman around bedu was his girlfriend, or his girlfriend.

Zhao bingyue never thought that Beidu not only didn't go abroad, but also made a girlfriend. She suddenly regretted shouting. Bedu made a girlfriend but didn't tell them. It's obvious that she doesn't want to have any intersection with them. Why should she bother them.

"Bingyue, why are you here?" Seeing them, Bedou was obviously very surprised.

"Let's see the movie. The lady is..."

"My friend." Bedou whispered, and his companion nodded to them.

Zhao bingyue smiled. It turned out that they haven't determined the relationship, but they have all seen the film. It's not far to determine the relationship.

After saying hello to each other, they quietly watched the film.

After the movie, they made an appointment to eat together. As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, they met Luo Huanhuan again.

Zhao bingyue: "..." it seems that you have to turn over the Yellow calendar when you go out. It's obviously not suitable to go out today.

To their surprise, they not only met Luo Huanhuan, but also saw he Yijun following behind Luo Huanhuan.

How did they get together?

"Huanhuan..." Zhao bingyue looked at Bei Du next to her for a moment.

Luo Huanhuan stayed where he was when he saw bedu and his girlfriend.

"Mr. Luo, Mrs. Luo, I didn't expect you to come shopping so coincidentally?" He Yijun didn't know the relationship between Luo Huanhuan and Beidu. He said hello, but he noticed Beidu next to him.

Bedu obviously recognized he Yijun. The man who took Luo Huanhuan away at the club last time was this man. Why is Luo Huanhuan with him again? Have they confirmed their relationship?

"Have you made an appointment to go shopping together?" Zhao bingyue looked at them, a little incredible.

"Who made an appointment with him? I don't know him at all." Luo Huanhuan hurried away from he Yijun. For a pervert like him, she didn't want to say she knew him.

Plus Beidu is still here. Seeing the girl beside him, Luo Huanhuan's whole heart is very uncomfortable. Why did he see such an embarrassing scene!

"Miss Luo, don't you introduce me?" Bedou suddenly made a noise, and the smile on his face gave a chilly feeling.

"What did you introduce? I said I didn't know him." Luo Huanhuan turned around and looked back at the girl beside Beidu the next second. "It's Mr. Bei. He doesn't tell us when he makes a girlfriend. Is he going to stop seeing us in the future?"

Bedu didn't speak, but the girl next to him smiled and introduced herself: "Hello, my name is Chen Nana. You are bedu's friends."

The girl's generous appearance made Luo Huanhuan more embarrassed.

Doesn't he have to marry Zhao bingyue? For Zhao bingyue, even her feelings dare to cheat. Why do you like such an ordinary girl now?

Luo Huan was very sad, but she didn't want to say anything. She was afraid that her words would expose her fragile emotions. She didn't want to lose face in front of re Bedo.

"I'm Zhao bingyue, and this is my husband Luo Huasheng."

"My name is he Yijun. This is Miss Luo Huanhuan." He Yijun looked at Chen Nana. "Miss Chen has an outstanding temperament. Standing with Mr. Bei, she is very talented and beautiful. It's really enviable."

Chen Nana smiled shyly and leaned against bedu.

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