Chapter 1310 Body Hopping.

Chapter 1310 Body Hopping.

The divine power destroyed the tentacle while the godfire traced the tentacle back to its source. The fire burned everything along the way until it reached the host.

Legion-7 survived the backlash. His soul is stronger than a Supreme Origin god in terms of quantity. Malekite is just a low god, the equivalent of a lord of law. Even though he is weak to her god fire since it is a flame particularly proficient in burning and refining spiritual matter, it still can't threaten him.

He managed to break off the tentacle before the god fire reached him. But the soul of the host didn't survive the backlash. It broke apart and was consumed by the god fire.

Legion-7 complained from within the burning wreckage of his host, "Even a weak god is not easy to hunt. Her godfire didn't even leave me the scraps of the fragmented soul to consume."

Then he smiled to himself. "This is good too. The tougher she is the more I will enjoy ripping her godhood out of her and consuming it. I will take her soul as the interest for the loss of my host."

The host died so he can't stay in the body any longer. There isn't even a body to stay in considering that it is turning into ashes. The soul space collapsed so he had to leave the body to find another host. But he was bombarded by red lightning the moment he came out into the world.

He cursed and shouted at the heavens, "Will you take a break for a moment?"

The heavens didn't listen to him. It was as if they had been preparing for him and had loaded lightning strikes just for the moment he would expose himself. He has given them the chance to make use of their preparations so they bombarded him with lightning immediately.

The mother became anxious immediately when she bent to lift her child. "You are so hot. You have a fever. Since when have you been sick?"

The child didn't answer. Legion-7 used the physical contact between mother and child to transfer himself into the mother. He shifted one soul space for another without exposing himself to the law matrix. So there was no lightning punishment.

The child didn't recover when he left her. She died immediately. As for the mother, she became silent immediately. Her anxiety about the sickness of her child disappeared and her eyes glazed over. She took the dead child in her arms into their house mechanically.

Legion-7 thought to himself with a mental sigh, "This host is weak too. Fortunately, the father of the child is a mana entity. I can use him in the meantime."

The mother is a vitality core stage refiner but she is not good enough. She is dying quickly too. She won't last up to a day. So Legion-7 began planning for his next host immediately.

He didn't have to wait for long. The father came home from a long day at work. He found his wife sitting with a frozen look on her face. His heart dropped immediately. It is because that's the look his wife always wears whenever she is angry.

"Have I done something wrong?" He asked himself.

Then he approached his wife. He asked gently, "What's wrong sweet pie?"

His gentle expression froze immediately when his hand made contact with his wife's exposed shoulder. Legion-7 had changed the host to the father quickly.