"Eldest Brother!" My heart stopped at this moment, and my mind went blank.

The eldest senior brother had been cut in half by someone and then fell down the cliff.

I had a look just now and it was a bottomless abyss. How could I survive a fall?

I thought that since eldest senior brother could hold on, I should be the first one to fall. However, I never expected that the middle-aged man would be so powerful that he could knock my eldest senior brother off the cliff.

While I was still in a daze, someone cut me once again. I came back to my senses and used my sword to cut that person's throat. Blood splattered all over my face.

I was unable to describe my current sorrowful mood. As I called out for my eldest senior brother, I turned my grief into power. This group of beasts actually killed my eldest senior brother. I will never let them off!

Today, everyone here must die and pay with their lives for my eldest senior brother's death.

However, today, because of my matter, eldest senior brother actually lost his life. I should not have asked eldest senior brother to come back home with me for the new year. My heart was filled with regret and sadness, and I brandished the wooden sword in my hand into a wave of sword light. I could only constantly chop and kill to constantly let other people's blood splatter on my body in order to quell the anger in my heart.


These people must die!

I don't know how many people I killed or how many times I was cut by people, but at the moment I went insane, the black clothed man who knocked me down the cliff appeared behind me. He quickly reached out his hand and struck the back of my head, and my world immediately darkened as he fell face first onto the ground.

It was over. The moment I closed my eyes, I felt a sense of relief. It was as if I had died, so that my heart would not ache so much.

Darkness, all around me is darkness, but there's a special pain in my body, it's pain that proves I'm still alive in this world.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room, dark and damp, like a cell. I moved my body, all of it aching, and heard the clatter of iron chains.

I raised my hand and found that there was a long chain on my hand, while the other end of the chain was nailed to the wall. Not only that, my ankle was also tied to the chain, and both my legs were tied up.

When I looked at my own body, I found that all the large and small wounds had already been treated and simply bandaged.

Where am I now, captured alive?

When I thought about what happened at the last moment, my heart hurt like a knife was being twisted. Before I was knocked out, I personally saw the Eldest Senior Brother being cut by the middle-aged man before he was kicked to the bottom of the cliff. With how deep the cliff is, falling down there would definitely cause his body to break into pieces.

This isn't a Jin Yong television show, all the protagonists are fine even if they fall off the cliff, and there's even some fortuitous encounters, if it's not a lake below, then I must have met some peerless master, I think eldest senior brother fell down very miserably, and I saw eldest senior brother was already injured a lot of times.

How should I explain this to my master and little senior sister? If they knew that my eldest senior brother had died, they would definitely be even more upset than me. After all, my eldest senior brother had spent the most time with them.

But then I thought, I was completely unnecessary, I don't even know where I am right now, maybe I'll be killed in a moment, I don't even have the chance to go tell my master about these things.

Right, I suddenly remembered something else. I don't know where my little cousin is right now, or if he was brought over by those black-clothed people.

This time, Big Senior is dead. My little cousin and I were also captured by these people. We didn't bring him back, and in fact, we were also captured.

I sat cross-legged on the ground and started to randomly search my body. Other than the tattered clothes I was wearing, I had nothing else. The phone, wooden sword, and some change I had brought were probably all taken away by those black-clothed people.

Now I was really a loner, waiting for my destiny.

At first my surroundings were so dark that I couldn't see clearly, but after a while I realized that I could see a little farther, that the first thing I saw was a dark passage with an oil lamp hanging on the wall.

However, the oil lamp was quite far away from me, and the light was already very weak.

I took a few steps forward, causing the iron chain to clank loudly. In the dim light of the night, I looked out through the prison like room. Suddenly, I saw a prison opposite mine. There seemed to be someone sitting inside.

I really wanted to know where this place was, so I called out to the person in the prison in a low voice, but he acted as if he didn't hear me, completely ignoring me.

Thus, I raised my voice again and shouted twice. This time, the person in the cell opposite replied me. He only moved his body a little and curled into the cell, as though trying to stay away from me for fear that my voice would disturb him.

What's wrong with this guy? Why is he still ignoring me? We should all take care of each other.

Just when I was about to open my mouth to yell again, the sound of footsteps came from the corridor. I stopped shouting and returned to my original spot, sprawled out on the ground.

Not long after, the sounds of footsteps came closer and closer. Soon, they arrived at my cell. I didn't know what they used to knock on the bars of the cell door. They said lazily, "The meal is starting …"

Then, as if I threw something towards me, I turned around and saw two dry steamed buns.

At this moment, I saw a man in black carrying a large basket and throwing some steamed buns towards the cell opposite us. At this moment, the people in the cell opposite us suddenly stood up, and I could clearly see that there wasn't just one person in the cell opposite us, but four to five people had all jumped up to grab some steamed buns.

He looked like a wolf that had starved for days. He even almost started fighting over the steamed buns.

So it turns out that I live in a single room, so this treatment is better than theirs.