Chapter 306: The Myriad Demons Continent

Chapter 306: The Myriad Demons Continent

This spatial channel was the same through which the last remnants of human cultivators had secretly attacked the demon race's rear lines a million years ago!

Ji Mingxiu and other Dao Palace realm powerhouses looked intently at the vast spatial channel, their faces bearing expressions of determination and solemnity.

Uncertainty loomed. No one knew if mightier beings from the demon race awaited on the other side of the channel.

"We mustn't delay. Forward!" Jiang Chen, after surveying the gathered, was the first to step into the spatial channel.

At this juncture, deep within the Bottomless Abyss, the deepest layers had been fully unearthed, almost sculpting an entire subterranean world!

At the heart of this underground domain, a colossal spatial channel hung suspended, its vast diameter stretching for several kilometers!

Inside this channel, thick dark gray mists roiled and swirled tumultuously, periodically contorting.

Ominous spatial ripples radiated incessantly from it, inducing a bone-chilling dread.

Directly beneath this spatial channel stood a grand formation altar, erected in its shadow.

The primary function of this altar was to sustain and augment the spatial channel's potency.

Numerous members of the Nether Soul Demon Clan were fervently working to refine the altar, aiming to perfect it. Their goal was to stabilize the spatial channel further, thus allowing even more formidable entities from the demon race to cross through.

But abruptly, a distressed cry reverberated within the subterranean depths, "Disaster! Lord Bo Lang and his entire legion have fallen!" The voice was laden with raw terror, sparking immediate chaos in the vast underground chamber.

Several panic-stricken Dao Comprehension realm beings from the demon race wasted no time, propelling themselves into the spatial channel.

Echoes of urgent cries filled the air: "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"

"Lord Bo Lang and his entire force have been wiped out. The main army will undoubtedly be enraged and dispatch support!"

"Intensify the spatial channel now!"

Legions of the demon race's cultivators rallied beneath the spatial channel, channeling their combined energy into the altar, bolstering the spatial channel's stability.

However, just as they were channeling their energy, a powerful spatial fluctuation radiated from behind the demon race's cultivators. Suddenly, a grey, vortex-like spatial channel appeared.

Almost immediately, an exceptionally handsome young man with an icy demeanor emerged from the spatial channel. Without saying a word, he launched his assault.

"Disaster! A human powerhouse has invaded!" One demon screamed, clear panic echoing in his voice.

"It's a Transcendence realm human! Everyone, flee!"

Fear surged among the demon race's members, causing them to scatter frantically.

"Die." Jiang Chen voiced coldly. Without even making a move with his sword, hundreds of sword lights burst from him, targeting the amassed demon race.

This was the heartland of the demon race army: the Myriad Demons Continent.

Much like the Immortal Martial Continent, the Myriad Demons Continent had been sculpted from a multitude of stars by a formidable entity.

In terms of size, it surpassed even the Immortal Martial Continent, and under the continuous influence of the demon race, its cultivation pinnacle reached the Third Step of the Cultivation Path.

At this juncture, the demon race's forces were gathering.

Their encampment spread across the horizon, housing millions of demons and demonic beasts.

The grounds pulsated with the presence of formidable beings. Dozens hailed from the Transcendence realm, rivaling the prowess of Jiu Xiaoyin.

Yet, overshadowing them all was a cultivator from the Nirvana Peering realm, who stood as the supreme commander of the vast army.

Inside a towering black edifice, shaped like a spear's tip, several Transcendence realm demon powerhouses were deeply engrossed in conversation.

"Hasn't Bo Lang, along with Jiu Xiaoyin, secured the Immortal Martial Continent yet?" One asked, a note of impatience evident in his tone.

"It's been an age. Considering the strength of the Immortal Martial Continent, Bo Lang and his team should have completely subdued it by now!"

"It's only a matter of time. Once we've taken the Immortal Martial Continent and infused it with our demonic aura, there will be a subtle shift in the Great Dao of heaven and earth. This will hasten the stabilization of the spatial channel. Then, crossing it will pose no threat."

As they spoke, their gazes often settled on the immense spatial channel, eyes shimmering with a mix of anticipation and urgency.

Suddenly, several Dao Comprehension realm demons burst forth from the spatial channel. Their faces were masks of pure alarm as they raced towards the assembled demon race army.

"What's going on?" a Transcendence realm demon immediately inquired.

"What happened to the Immortal Martial Continent?" another demanded sharply.

The appearance of these newcomers shifted the expressions of the previously conversing powerhouses instantaneously. An instinctual feeling informed them that something significant had occurred on the Immortal Martial Continent.

Sure enough, as the Dao Comprehension realm demons hurriedly shared their accounts, a multitude of high-ranking demons rose in unison, their faces awash with shock and rage!

"What?!" exclaimed one of them in disbelief.

"Bo Lang and his forces were entirely wiped out? How is this conceivable? Could the Immortal Martial Continent harbor an actual Transcendence realm great powerhouse?"

"However, after our extensive years of investigation, the Immortal Martial Continent never revealed any sign of the Transcendence realm. They couldn't have produced any Transcendence realm powerhouses. Their peak was the Half-step Transcendence realm!"

"Furthermore, even if an Early-stage Transcendence realm cultivator emerged, they shouldn't have the capability to defeat both Jiu Xiaoyin and Bo Lang!"

"What in the world happened?!"

The Transcendence realm great powerhouses of the demon race were filled with growing shock and bewilderment.