Chapter 270: A Fateful Encounter with Dao Palace Inheritance

Chapter 270: A Fateful Encounter with Dao Palace Inheritance

"This Cave Heaven Secret Realm must be expansive indeed," a hoarse voice declared, its tone as grating as metal screeching against a surface. "Surely, it houses significant opportunities for human race cultivators."

"Even though our numbers have dwindled, and despite the impending second wave of reinforcements, standing against at least three human factions seems unlikely for us."

"I will personally spearhead our group into the Cave Heaven Secret Realm moving forward!" the voice announced emphatically. "Your presence is required as well!"

"Yes! My Lord!" Xu Yuqi responded, bowing his head respectfully.

Subsequently, the entire Burning Blaze Ancient Sect sprang into action.

Nearly all experts convened, ready to venture into the Cave Heaven.

Moreover, this occasion saw a significant gathering of experts from the Nether Soul Demon Clan, including Ji Junhao, a figure in the Dao Palace realm!

Ji Mingxiu would undoubtedly be astounded at the sight of Ji Junhao!

For this Ji Junhao was, indeed, an unfamiliar face.

That is to say, Ji Junhao was not part of the Nether Soul Demon Clan faction that had fled the previous confrontation at Verdant Leaf Giant Peak. Rather, he was a newly emerged member of the demon race at the Dao Palace realm.

This signaled a reinforcement of the Nether Soul Demon Clan's forces on the Immortal Martial Continent!

After a period of preparation, Ji Junhao, along with other formidable figures of the demon race and a substantial contingent of experts from the Burning Blaze Ancient Sect, entered the grey vortex spatial channel, venturing into the Cave Heaven.


Meanwhile, in the Doomsday Cave Heaven, Gu Ran propelled himself forward aimlessly, his flight revealing his pent-up frustrations.

Wu Qian and Liu Xiong followed, giving Gu Ran the space he needed to vent his emotions.

Calmly observing their actions was Jiang Chen, who also kept a vigilant eye on the surrounding environment.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a powerful roar from a demonic beast echoed in the distance. It was a beast at the Middle-stage Inquiring Journey realm.

Curiously, this beast appeared to be alone, with no companions in sight.

The reason for its solitary presence remained a mystery.

'It doesn't matter,' Jiang Chen thought. 'This demonic beast would undoubtedly prove useful to Gu Ran.'

'It could, at the very least, provide a boost to Gu Ran's cultivation base.'

'However, let's observe first. This lone beast at the Inquiring Journey realm... something about it suggests it's not as straightforward as just gaining experience through slaying monsters.' Engrossed in his thoughts, he immediately used his divine sense to warn Wu Qian and Liu Xiong against taking any impulsive actions.

"Trying to escape? Where do you think you're going?" Closing the distance, Gu Ran shouted a threat and launched his attack.

"Roar!" The demonic beast had used a self-harming innate secret art, significantly diminishing its battle strength. Now, it couldn't withstand Gu Ran's assault.


The head of the demonic beast was severed, flying skyward before falling back to earth alongside its decapitated body.


The massive, weighty corpse crashed into the ground, forming a huge crater upon impact.

'What's this? The ground below seems hollow, and there are indications of man-made structures in this underground space!' Gu Ran looked down into the crater, his face reflecting his unexpected delight. 'Could this be a cultivator's hidden cave?'

Wu Qian and Liu Xiong looked at each other, their eyes widening in astonishment.

Both were amazed at Gu Ran's incredible luck. By chasing a demonic beast, he had inadvertently discovered what appeared to be an extraordinary cultivator's cave dwelling.

In Doomsday Cave Heaven, where various inheritances were strewn about, stumbling upon one that seemed exceptionally promising was a rare stroke of luck indeed.

'Just as I thought,' Jiang Chen mused internally, 'that demonic beast was but a decoy, a piece on the board of Heavenly Fate.'

'It was destined to lead Gu Ran here, to this promising inheritance.'

'Let's see what this inheritance has to offer.' A subtle smile appeared on his lips as he extended his divine sense, deliberately avoiding Gu Ran, to explore the vast underground space.

Before long, Jiang Chen's eyes caught the sight of numerous golden patterns adorning the walls of the cavern.

Some of these golden designs resembled words, while others took the form of images, together creating a visual narrative.

With the help of his divine sense, Jiang Chen was able to decipher the meanings behind them.

It turned out that this cave dwelling had been left behind by a cultivator at the Dao Palace realm who had once been part of this Doomsday Cave Heaven. The golden patterns narrated significant events in this cultivator's life.

These recounted stories ranged from a large-scale invasion by the demon race to the tragic abandonment of the Immortal Martial Continent and more.

They also detailed how the remaining cultivators in Doomsday Cave Heaven had launched a counteroffensive against the rear of the demon race.

Finally, it mentioned that this cultivator had left behind various non-combat-oriented cultivation method inheritances and items, reserved for those who were fated to find them.

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