Chapter 265: Abundance of Cultivation Method Inheritances

Chapter 265: Abundance of Cultivation Method Inheritances

Jiang Chen turned his head and addressed Wu Qian, "This is a naturally formed Cave Heaven."

"Let's explore; we've yet to unearth any opportunities!" he exclaimed, before soaring ahead.

"A naturally formed Cave Heaven?" Wu Qian's face crossed with understanding as he grasped this reality.

'Do Cave Heavens occur naturally? I must confess, my lack of knowledge is apparent; Holy Son Jiang Chen truly possesses a wealth of wisdom,' he thought to himself. Without further ado, he promptly trailed behind Jiang Chen.

En route, Jiang Chen took out his transmission jade token, attempting to connect with Liu Xiong.

To his delight, the transmission jade token remained functional even here!

'Top-quality items truly stand apart,' Jiang Chen mused internally.

'Earlier, substandard goods proved utterly useless, even in Immortal Tian Cui's secret realm,' he reflected, while engaging in communication with Liu Xiong.

In a short while, Jiang Chen learned that Liu Xiong and Gu Ran were in an area filled with red hills.

However, within the scope of Jiang Chen's divine sense, no terrain resembling red hills was in sight.nove(l)bi(n.)com

'Damn it,' he cursed inwardly. 'Could they be that far from where I am now?'

'Even with a divine sense radius of one million kilometers, I can't locate Gu Ran?'

'It's quite possible that Heavenly Fate is at play once more,' Jiang Chen thought, a wry smile crossing his face as a sense of unease began to set in.

Inside this Cave Heaven, figuring out directions was a significant challenge.

Their only option was to use unique landmarks, identifiable by both Jiang Chen and Liu Xiong, to verify their respective locations.

'I can only hope that Liu Xiong doesn't fall into Gu Ran's trap,' Jiang Chen worried inwardly.

'I must quickly seek help from Ji Mingxiu and the others.'

'Additionally, I'm unaware of how many secondary gates there are or how many people might come through them.'

'Here's hoping that latecomers don't unintentionally aid Gu Ran,' he thought. As these concerns filled his mind, he continued his quest for distinctive landmarks, continually cross-referencing them with Liu Xiong's updates.

Simultaneously, Jiang Chen remained on high alert, continually scanning his environment for hidden opportunities.

He had not examined his surroundings closely before, but now, as he conducted a thorough investigation, his eyebrows lifted in astonishment.

Before him lay an abundant collection of cultivation method inheritances, left behind by earlier cultivators!

These inheritances were dispersed within the scope of his divine sense, conspicuously out in the open, without any barriers to access.

Any unassuming cultivator stumbling upon them could easily claim one such inheritance.

The inheritances ranged in potency; some were appropriate only for those at the Heavenly Origin realm, while others were robust enough to suit those in the Dao Palace realm!

'Such an abundance of opportunities, casually laid out as if they're commonplace!' Jiang Chen marveled inwardly.

'Perhaps this Cave Heaven was not just a secluded residence in times past but also a focal point for various cultivators.'

'Unfortunately, I haven't yet found any pertinent records,' he thought.

Without further ado, he messaged Liu Xiong back, advising him to do everything in his power to prevent Gu Ran from discovering these inheritances.

If Gu Ran happened to discover any inheritances, Liu Xiong could attempt to interfere and obstruct him, but he should avoid forcibly taking it away, as that could lead to unwanted consequences.

Moreover, when encountering demonic beasts, Liu Xiong was advised to take the initiative and focus on those with higher cultivation bases first, thereby depriving Gu Ran of the opportunity to defeat them personally.

Lastly, Jiang Chen instructed Liu Xiong to keep an eye out for any inheritances or items that might contain information about the history of this Cave Heaven.

'Gu Ran's greatest strength is his ability to grow by defeating others and absorbing their cultivation bases,' he mused.

'All these inheritances are comprised of cultivation techniques, martial skills, or secret artsnone offer cultivation resources. It's likely that some event prevented the original cultivators from leaving behind such assets.'

'Given that these inheritances consist solely of cultivation methods, even if Gu Ran gains some benefit, his rate of growth won't be especially fast.'

'Relative to other aspects, the speed at which he can practice his cultivation method is a weak point.'

'Therefore, these inheritances aren't particularly valuable to him.' With these thoughts in mind, Jiang Chen continued on his path.

Throughout their expedition, Wu Qian also stumbled upon numerous cultivation method inheritances, eagerly documenting them without any reservation.

Though the inheritances he discovered were of lesser quality, Wu Qian was nonetheless elated.

Even these easily available cultivation method inheritances were at the level of the Inquiring Journey realm, making the likelihood of finding Dao Palace realm inheritances quite promising.

In fact, there was even a chance they might come across Transcendence realm inheritances soon!

'Inviting Holy Son Jiang Chen to explore this cave with me has undoubtedly been the smartest decision I've ever made! I would have missed out on all these opportunities without him!' Wu Qian couldn't contain his excitement as these thoughts raced through his mind.

Time flowed on at a gradual pace.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen came to a standstill.

This pause was prompted by a message from Liu Xiong: "Holy Son Jiang Chen, Gu Ran and I have unexpectedly been attacked by a demonic beast of the Inquiring Journey realm and several others from the Heavenly Origin realm."

"Heeding your counsel, I was able to eliminate the Inquiring Journey realm demonic beast. However, Gu Ran has also defeated a significant number of the Heavenly Origin realm beasts."

"After we dispatched the demonic beasts, Gu Ran stumbled upon a hidden stone stele. It seems to contain some historical information related to this Cave Heaven..."

As Jiang Chen read through Liu Xiong's message, a satisfied smile crossed his face. 'Finally, we've stumbled upon relevant records,' he thought contentedly.

'And the one to find them is Gu Ran.'

'Indeed, the protagonist halo is incredibly potent.'

'While I've been meticulously combing the area with my Transcendence realm divine sense, Gu Ran, who is only at the Inquiring Journey realm, has already unearthed something of significance,' he mused as he continued to read the rest of the message.

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