Chapter 207: The Formation that Isolates the Nether Demon Spiritual Qi

Chapter 207: The Formation that Isolates the Nether Demon Spiritual Qi

In the northern expanse of the Bottomless Abyss, a complex array of white stone mountains sprawled out, covering the vast horizon.

Each ivory peak cradled numerous vibrant mountain lakes.

From a bird's eye view, these peaks appeared like massive white dragons, stretched lazily across the land, their forms glistening with iridescent scales.

Within these picturesque lakes sat floating palaces, each radiating an otherworldly aura, hinting at the divine.

This revered land was known as the domain of the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple.

Xu Xinlan, the esteemed Temple Lady of the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple, sat in counsel with senior cultivators from the Temple.

"The Purple Heaven Holy Land possesses the secrets of Nether Qi Extraction," she declared.

"Of our three major factions, they suffered the least during the recent demonic beast tide onslaughts."

"Now, they intend to reveal the Nether Qi Extraction Secrets and, in return, demand a multitude of benefits. Such a cunning strategy they have woven." Casually, Xu Xinlan fanned herself with her radiant silk fan as she conveyed her insights.

The cultivation method of the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple imparted a distinct chill, an emotionless demeanor, to every member, from the esteemed Temple Lady to the humblest disciples.

Moreover, they were unburdened by worldly desires.

While the relationship between the Purple Heaven Holy Land and the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple was warmer compared to their ties with the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace, it was still a bond of convenience more than anything. And the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple was not one to yield easily when significant interests hung in the balance.

"The demonic beast tide invasion threatens the very fabric of the Immortal Martial Continent, endangering innumerable souls!" Miao Qiong, a powerhouse of the Dao Palace realm, declared in an icy voice, "How dare the Purple Heaven Holy Land exploit the Nether Qi Extraction Secrets for mere personal gain and hoarding? They ought to share it openly!"

A voice interjected, "Indeed, the Nether Qi Extraction Secrets should be shared freely!"

"We must join forces with the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace and press the Purple Heaven Holy Land!"

One by one, the prominent members of the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple expressed their unanimous accord.

Yet, deep down, Xu Xinlan and her cohorts knew the reality. The idea that the Purple Heaven Holy Land would share the secret without a price was pure fantasy.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Their heightened demand was nothing more than a stratagem for negotiation.


Time seemed to slip away subtly.

In the Grand Hall of the Purple Heaven Holy Land.

"We've received word," Ji Mingxiu began, examining the transmission jade token he held. "The Jade Lake Heavenly Temple has accepted our invitation for the meeting."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "But they've set a condition we must unconditionally hand over Jiang Chen's Nether Qi Extraction Secrets to them."

"What? Give it away for nothing?" Mo Yu's voice dripped with disbelief. "The women of the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple must be dreaming!"

"Then I'll urge the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace to present the formation for our examination," he continued, his eyes radiating approval.

"Yet, they'll certainly be hesitant to disclose the formation's finer details," he cautioned. "Jiang Chen, do you believe you can discern its true nature even then?"

"No problem!" Jiang Chen declared, flashing a confident smile and nodding.

With the immense experience and knowledge of Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning to lean on, their insights became his own.

Whatever they knew, he was privy to!

Indeed, Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning hadn't just encountered the formation isolating the Nether Demon Spiritual Qithey had mastered it!

Ji Mingxiu's face brightened. "That's heartening to hear!" he acknowledged, nodding in agreement before swiftly initiating talks with the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace.

Surprised glances were thrown in Jiang Chen's direction, eyes widening in disbelief.

Nobody had foreseen that Jiang Chen, already privy to the Nether Qi Extraction Secrets, was also familiar with a formation that could isolate the Nether Demon Spiritual Qi.

In the eyes of many, his stature grew. He seemed even more formidable, wrapped in an aura of mystery.

Prompted by Ji Mingxiu, the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace soon conceded. They agreed to let the Purple Heaven Holy Land inspect their wares.

For the evaluation, they'd furnish a segment of the formation's structural method, the associated mnemonics, and visual representations of the formation designed to isolate the Nether Demon Spiritual Qi.

Moments later, a pale cultivator emerged at the entrance of the Holy Land Grand Hall, identifying him as an inner sect disciple.

"Greetings, Esteemed Holy Lord!" Trembling from head to toe, he promptly knelt, presenting a peculiar mirror aloft with both hands.

Every eye turned his way, and the realization dawned on them: this disciple was an embedded spy from the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace within the ranks of the Purple Heaven Holy Land.

Still, this revelation wasn't shocking.

After all, they had also positioned their own agents deep within the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace.

With a swift "whoosh," a gust of wind brushed through the hall.

Almost instantly, the mirror from the turncoat disciple's grip was seized by Ji Mingxiu.

And just as abruptly, the betrayer disintegrated, transforming into myriad particles that faded into the vastness of the heaven and earth.

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