Chapter 141: Pointing Out Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning

Chapter 141: Pointing Out Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning

Just outside of Fang Yuan's cave mansion, a swarm of cultivators had congregated around Jiang Chen, their visages adorned with ingratiating smiles.

At this instant.

"Why is Fang Yuan not yet visible?"

"Given that Senior Brother Jiang Chen has been here for an extended period, this is quite remiss of him."

"Indeed, having suddenly regained his ordinary cultivation capacity, he should anticipate an influx of visitors. Unprepared despite this foreknowledge, Fang Yuan's hospitality leaves much to be desired."


Several cultivators, observing Fang Yuan's prolonged absence and Jiang Chen's considerable wait, felt a rising sense of indignation.

"Senior Brother Jiang Chen, allow me to summon Fang Yuan on your behalf."

A particularly observant male disciple stepped forward, bowing in deference to Jiang Chen.

"No need."

"If I were in Junior Brother Fang Yuan's position, having experienced a protracted inability to cultivate and then abruptly regaining this capacity, I too would be compelled to immerse myself in deep cultivation."

"Thus, he is not deliberately shunning us, we can afford to wait a while longer."

Jiang Chen dismissed the suggestion with a wave of his hand, his face adorned with a warm and benevolent smile.

"Yes, senior brother!"

Upon hearing this, the male disciple promptly retreated, a look of reverence adorning his countenance.

"Senior Brother Jiang Chen truly embodies magnanimity and kindness."

"With a future Holy Lord of such caliber, we are indeed fortunate!"

"Isn't that the truth? Under Senior Brother Jiang Chen's leadership, our generation will undoubtedly propel the Purple Heaven Holy Land to unprecedented heights."

"Absolutely, we must earnestly follow in Senior Brother Jiang Chen's footsteps!"


Disciple after disciple continued to extol praises and proffer flattery.

In response, Jiang Chen greeted their compliments with a humble smile and a slight shake of his head.

Just then, the formation etched into the cliff face ahead abruptly dissipated.

Emerging from it was a striking young man - Fang Yuan.

'Villain's Eye!'

Without delay, Jiang Chen invoked his Villain's Eye.

[Name: Fang Yuan

Realm: Late-stage Spiritual Awakening (Early-stage Heavenly Origin)

Status: Protagonist

Heavenly Fate Value: 17186/17186]

His Heavenly Fate Value had evidently dwindled by one thousand five hundred points.

Yet, this individual possessed an abundance of Heavenly Fate Value.

A reduction of one thousand five hundred points was negligible, necessitating further efforts to continue the journey.

Simultaneously, Jiang Chen discerned that Fang Yuan's aura had intensified, on the verge of returning to the Mysterious Platform realm.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Without delay, Jiang Chen shifted his gaze to ascertain the status of Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning, which remained unaltered.

He hadn't anticipated that merely quoting Liu Yuxi to display a hint of erudition would also slightly alter the impressions held by Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning.

At this juncture.

"Senior Brother Jiang Chen, your praises are overly generous, please have a seat."

Once his surprise subsided, Fang Yuan beckoned Jiang Chen to settle down for their discussion.

Truth be told, his perception of Jiang Chen had further deteriorated.

Due to Fang Yuan's inherent bias against Jiang Chen, he found the latter's somewhat effusive praise to be rather disingenuous...

"By all means."

Jiang Chen nodded in acknowledgement and seated himself on a modest stone stool.

Fang Yuan took a seat opposite him.

A stone table sat between them, starkly empty, devoid of tea or any form of refreshment.

Observing this, Jiang Chen promptly produced a tea set, materialized boiling water, and proceeded to brew a pot of tea.

"This is a spiritual tea I procured from the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain."

"Though it lacks extravagance, it is a distinctive product of our region. Please have a taste."

Jiang Chen offered a slight smile, lifted the teapot to pour two cups of tea, and pushed one towards Fang Yuan.

"Thank you..."

Fang Yuan nodded, somewhat taken aback, yet still under the impression that Jiang Chen's amicability was disingenuous.

However, through Nangong Wan's perspective, it was Fang Yuan who appeared slightly unreasonable.

"Junior Brother Fang Yuan."

"My visit today serves two purposes. Firstly, to check in on you,"

Jiang Chen lifted his tea cup, taking a small sip before his countenance turned serious, "Secondly, to urge you to safeguard the ring housing the remnant souls of the two senior powerhouses."

Upon hearing this, Fang Yuan was immediately frozen in place, his face rigid, his mind a blank slate.

'Wh... What!'

'This Jiang Chen, he's aware that I have the remnants of two mighty individuals within this ring!!'

'How can this be possible? How could he have unearthed it!'


Terrifying conjectures burgeoned within Fang Yuan's mind, while an inevitable trace of cold sweat began to bead on his forehead.

Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning were his strongest anchors for ascending into higher realms in the future.

And presently, they were exceedingly vulnerable.

At this juncture, if even Jiang Chen could perceive the presence of Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning, the likelihood of others detecting them was not insignificant.

The remnants of the two monumental powerhouses epitomized immense fortune!

A repository of cultivation methods, an assortment of treasure-filled ruins, and hidden treasure locales, any one of these could ignite a wildfire of avarice!

Once exposed, it was almost a certainty that others would harbor ulterior motives and seize the opportunity to act!

At that point, he, Fang Yuan, would unquestionably confront a massive crisis.

Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning could offer limited assistance in such a conflict.

Should they encounter adversaries of superior realms, they would be entirely impotent.

Meanwhile, within the confines of the Soul Embodying Ring, Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning were also startled, disbelieving, and overwhelmed by a profound sense of dread!