Chapter 137: Persuasion Not in Vain

Chapter 137: Persuasion Not in Vain

"Greetings, Holy Maiden!"

Subsequently, Jiang Chen respectfully acknowledged Xie Xiaojing, "And to you, Junior Sister Xie. Your reputation preceded you when I first set foot in the Purple Heaven Holy Land. You've certainly made quite an impression."

"Your words honor me, Senior Brother Jiang Chen!"

Elation filled Xie Xiaojing at Jiang Chen's commendation.


"Have you forgotten the purpose of your presence here?"

Ji Ruxue's eyes rolled subtly, her question piercing the air with icy intonation.

"Oh, no, not in the slightest!"

Xie Xiaojing replied with a bashful smile, "Ah right, Senior Brother Jiang Chen is unquestionably the star of this momentous sect gathering!"


"I suppose that's accurate."

Ji Ruxue offered a nod of agreement. She was the first person to be aware that Jiang Chen was to be welcomed as a disciple by Ji Mingxiu, a proclamation to be unveiled at the grand sect assembly.

'I am cast as the villain, not the protagonist.'

Jiang Chen murmured inwardly, 'No one is privy to the fact that Fang Yuan is the authentic protagonist.'

At that juncture.

"Let's convene and discuss."The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Ji Ruxue cast a glance at Jiang Chen. Her impeccable etiquette dictated her hospitality.

She gestured towards a secluded pavilion in the courtyard's corner, inviting Jiang Chen and Xie Xiaojing to join her.

Without hesitation, Xie Xiaojing and Jiang Chen obliged, taking seats in the pavilion from three distinct angles, thus forming an intimate circle.

"In fact,"

Xie Xiaojing initiated conversation once they were seated, "An intriguing incident transpired during this grand sect assembly."

"Do share. What occurred?"

Ji Ruxue prompted, curiosity piqued.

"If I may interject,"

Jiang Chen cut across Xie Xiaojing, "Fang Yuan was present at this assembly as well. Remarkably, he has regained his normal cultivation prowess, and his cultivation base has ceased regressing."

"Precisely, indeed!"

"Even before Fang Yuan provided an explanation, it was Senior Brother Jiang Chen who was first among us to perceive this!"

Having been outmaneuvered by Jiang Chen, Xie Xiaojing could only contribute to his revelation, "Not even the Holy Lord or the four Supreme Elders discerned it!"

The central figure, Jiang Chen, was in her immediate vicinity.

Even if Xie Xiaojing was somewhat slow on the uptake, she had the sense to keep her commentary focused on Jiang Chen.

His words further stripped the mystique surrounding Fang Yuan's artifact!

As per his assertion, Ji Mingxiu was already aware of its existence; it was simply being kept confidential.

"Ah, so that's the case."

"Indeed, upon reflection, I find myself in agreement with your view. My father must have unearthed Fang Yuan's secret long ago."

"We, at the Purple Heaven Holy Land, also harbor Transcendence realm treasures..."


Ji Ruxue nodded affirmatively, her gaze upon Jiang Chen now tinged with a newfound acknowledgment.

Concurrently, Xie Xiaojing's admiration for Jiang Chen only deepened.

"I didn't anticipate Senior Brother Jiang Chen to possess such meticulous observation skills!"

"By noting the same details visible to all, he managed to infer the truth!"

Xie Xiaojing folded her hands in awe, her gaze brimming with fascination as she beheld Jiang Chen.

"Silly girl!"

Ji Ruxue offered Xie Xiaojing an eye-roll, before shifting her gaze back to Jiang Chen.

In truth, she found herself agreeing with Xie Xiaojing's sentiment. Jiang Chen was indeed exceedingly meticulous, suggesting a highly thoughtful individual.

[Ding! You've subtly adjusted the narrative and slightly altered the unpursued heroine Ji Ruxue's impression of you, thereby reducing the Heavenly Fate Value of the protagonist Fang Yuan by 200 points!]

[Ding! You've accrued 400 points of Villain Value!]

The system alert resounded.

A sense of relief washed over Jiang Chen. His persuasive efforts had not been in vain this time.

At that moment.

"Ah right."

"Fang Yuan also enlisted to compete for the title of the Holy Son."

"Senior Brother Jiang Chen even predicted that Fang Yuan would perform well."

"Had anyone else made that prediction, I might have dismissed it. But coming from Senior Brother Jiang Chen, I have no reason to doubt!"

Xie Xiaojing shared, her face lit up with a smile.


"Fang Yuan is vying for the title of the Holy Son?"

"I heard his cultivation base plummeted to the Spiritual Awakening realm, surely he couldn't have recovered substantially within two months, could he?"

Ji Ruxue asked, taken aback, "Why did you surmise that Fang Yuan would perform well?"

Her focus remained primarily on Jiang Chen.

Instead of replying directly, Jiang Chen offered a smile and posed a question, "Does the Holy Maiden believe he would engage in an action that brings him disgrace?"