Chapter 73: The Enticing Fragrance of Pure Qi and Blood

Chapter 73: The Enticing Fragrance of Pure Qi and Blood

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The crimson-hued creature had also caught sight of the disciples from the five major sects!

Remarkably, it exhibited no fear. With swift motions, it gathered the lifeless bodies strewn on the ground, shoving them into its gaping maw as blood sprayed in all directions.


The blood-colored beast continued its relentless pursuit, hot on the heels of the seven or eight fleeing disciples!



"Senior Brother, save me! I don't want to die!"


The seven or eight fleeing disciples were petrified, wishing they had sprouted additional limbs to aid their desperate escape!

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"Quick! Halt that monster!"

The disciples of the sects couldn't simply stand idly by as their younger brothers and sisters met their untimely demise.


Several Mysterious Platform realm experts sprang into action.


A thunderbolt plummeted from the heavens, striking the crown of the blood-colored humanoid beast without delay.

In an instant,

Sparks erupted, and tendrils of electricity danced about!


The blood-colored humanoid monstrosity bellowed in pain as a deep, bone-exposing gash materialized on its head.


In the very next moment,

The flesh and blood on its cranium melded together as though alive, and the wound mended itself in the blink of an eye!

At this time,

Several long-range assaults struck the blood-colored creature's body, including violet ice shards and spells imbued with incredibly potent toxins.

Yet these spells only caused the monster's speed to falter momentarily.

The creature's velocity had already far outpaced the Spiritual Awakening realm, rendering the brief pause insignificant.

It effortlessly caught up to a male disciple, seizing him with one hand!


A living Spiritual Awakening realm cultivator, along with the Spiritual Awakening realm defensive artifact he donned, was instantly reduced to a heap of dismembered remains.


"How can this monster, which only emanates a Middle-stage Mysterious Platform aura, possess such strength?!"

"Its regenerative capabilities are absurd! A typical Mysterious Platform realm cultivator would have lost their fighting prowess by now!"


The cultivators from the five major sects all wore expressions of sheer terror!


A flicker of ravenous hunger and thirst emerged in the disordered, savage eyes of the blood-hued creature as it grasped the dismembered corpse from the ground and crammed it into its maw like a famished tiger.

Seizing this opportunity.

Additional Mysterious Platform realm cultivators initiated their assaults, striking the blood-hued creature's body.

"We from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain lost five disciples... We never anticipated such a sudden demise!"


The crowd stared at the blood-hued colossal skeleton sprawled on the ground and heaved a sigh of relief.

Without warning.

An immense and unadulterated surge of qi and blood radiated from the crimson monster's enormous skull, astonishingly accompanied by an alluring aroma!

"What is that scent?!"

"It's so captivating! I feel as if a single inhalation has invigorated my qi and blood, making me more energetic!"

"Undoubtedly, there must be a unique treasure concealed within this monster's cranium!"


Everyone present caught a whiff of the enchanting fragrance, and their eyes instantly brimmed with desire!

Among them.

The most elated was none other than Ye Fan!

'The Wordless Heavenly Jade is actually displaying a hint of activity!'

'This has never occurred before!'

'Evidently, the treasure concealed within the blood-hued monster's body must be incredibly beneficial for the Wordless Heavenly Jade!'

'If I can acquire it, my strength will undoubtedly increase at a faster pace!'


A gleeful glimmer emerged in Ye Fan's eyes, and he couldn't help but inch forward.

However, he still restrained himself.

This monster had been vanquished by the Mysterious Platform realm experts from the five major sects, and it had no connection to him, Ye Fan.

If he were to advance and seize the treasure, he would be provoking everyone present.

With his current prowess, handling ordinary Mysterious Platform realm cultivators was not an issue.

But facing more than a dozen or twenty Mysterious Platform realm cultivators from the five major sects collectively was beyond his capability for now.

'Ye Fan appears to be quite intrigued by that enigmatic treasure!'

'It seems that this monster must be one of his crucial opportunities!'

'To usurp his opportunity, we must vie with him for the creature!'

Jiang Chen observed Ye Fan's involuntary motion and promptly formulated some conjectures in his mind.

At that instant.

"It seems this monster is harboring some treasure!"

"Let's extract it and determine its rightful owner!"

The chief disciple of the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain advanced and declared, "We from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain are well-versed in dissection. Allow us to handle this."


The others consented one after another.

Subsequently, they observed intently as the members of Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain moved forward.

But at that very moment!

"This is bad!"

The expressions of the Mysterious Platform realm experts altered drastically!

"Halt for now!"

"More blood-hued monsters are rapidly approaching!"

"Curse it, there are thirteen of them in total! Some even surpass the size of the one we defeated!"

"Quick! Prepare to endure the onslaught!"