Chapter 778: premiere

778 premiere

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A total of five films premiered in the fourth week of June. Book mí group 4∴⑧㈥ "Spider-Man 2" on Wednesday, "Tiger Brother Tiger Brother" and "Fahrenheit 911" on Thursday, "Love Notebook" and "Miss So White" on Friday, Los Angeles and New York can definitely be said to be Crowded.

The mighty "Spider-Man 2" has undoubtedly captured the attention of all media. The last "Spider-Man" grossed $400 million at the box office in North America. This time the sequel has also been placed high hopes by Sony Columbia, and the publicity has spared no effort. In contrast, "Miss So White", also produced by Sony Columbia, was neglected. This comedy film, which was re-launched by the Waynes Brothers after the two "Scream" movies, also won a lot of money. Attention, I was able to achieve some results at the box office, but now it seems that "Spider-Man 2" has seized all the resources of Sony Columbia, and "Miss Haobai" can only support itself.

"Fahrenheit 911", launched by independent film company Lion Films, was directed by Michael Moore, who won the Oscar for best documentary last year. Michael Moore is Evan Bell's "good brother" and he is also a representative of anti-war. This time, "Fahrenheit 911" is still a documentary, which directly targets the social and economic ties between the US political fǔ, the Bush family and the wealthy Saudis, including the royal family, the Saudi ambassador to Washington and the bin Laden family. It also shows the real conditions of the US military and ordinary Iraqi people in the Iraq war.

Michael Moore can be said to be a "thornhead" closely watched by the White House in the United States. His every move can always give politicians a headache. As a documentary director, his achievements have attracted the attention of countless people. "Fahrenheit 911" won the Palme d'Or at the just-concluded Cannes Film Festival in France.

"Tiger Brother Tiger Brother" had its premiere in New York like "The Notebook". Although it can be considered as "Spider-Man 2", which has its premiere in Los Angeles, it can also be considered as the two films. The first step in the competition.

"Love Notebook" is the second work produced by Eleven Studio after last year's "Deadly Identity". Although it is Evan Bell's directorial debut, the budget for the premiere is still not high, and this time it did not even invite too much Many artists were present.

When William Wood arrived at the premiere, he immediately felt a strong Evan Bell style.

At the entrance of the cinema, there is a blue carpet that is not too long, like clear lake water, leading the audience all the way from the street to the white cinema in front of them. There is a model around the building of the cinema, which looks like a white country villa. William Wood recognized it. This is the poster of the "Notebook of Love" released not long ago, and the villa where the hero lives in the play. appearance. Bowing his head again, the blue carpet under his feet that was about twenty yards away turned into a lake road, leading every audience into the world of "Love Notebook".

There are bookshelves on both sides of the blue carpet. The white pages on the bookshelves are particularly conspicuous in the evening sunset. The audience standing on both sides are scattered in every corner of the carpet, and many people's eyes stay on the pages. superior. William Wood couldn't help being a little curious as he stepped onto the lake blue waterway and walked to the first bookshelf on the left.

The black iron bookshelf is not waist-high, and the pages above are the posters of "The Notebook". The poster shows Ryan Gosling standing in the sea with Rachel McAdams in his arms, Rachel McAdams in a red striped bikini. The smile is extremely bright, just like the golden sunshine in this summer. The left side of the poster reads in handwriting, "If you are a bird, I am a bird. You are where I belong.


When he saw the last sentence, "You are where I belong, William Wood suddenly looked forward to the movie a little more. It was an inexplicable feeling, as if countless poems can always bring infinite emotions to the heart. Generally speaking, one line hits a soft spot in the bottom of my heart.

Ressa Rosie was standing on the right side of the blue carpet, looking at the second bookshelf on the right. For today's premiere, as a sensible fan, Reza Rosie had to admire Evan Bell's ingenuity, no security, no organization, no special ceremony, just a blue carpet to let the audience They can also walk on the carpet like actors, and then quietly look at the title pages on both sides and read the words that can be turned into emotions. It's like the name of the movie, "The Notebook of Love simply narrates a story, without sensationalism, without intentional or contrived, just telling a story that happened around you and me, this premiere is not only a ceremony, but also a Get all the audience into the rhythm of the movie before entering the cinema.

Raisa-Rosie looked at the pages on the bookshelf in front of her eyes, the sunset like Xia, the lake like a mirror, the green hills like Dai, the trees like a forest, and a quiet canoe, Ryan Gosling and Rachel- McAdams sat on the boat and smiled. Underneath the ship is written, "What do you want

Looking at this sentence, Reza Rosie was a little ecstatic. This sentence is actually very simple. It is like a daily life. It is as ordinary as asking the people around you "what do you want" when you go to the supermarket. But what if this sentence is put into love? Then what will be the effect, what will be obtained? Ressa Rosie suddenly started to look forward to the movie, because she was looking forward to the answer given by the movie, "what do you want" in the movie, so what do you want?

Looking up at the small white building in front of her, Reza Rosie couldn't help laughing. Who would have thought that Evan Bell would do this at the premiere today? In fact, no one thought of it.

For his directorial debut, Evan Bell did not have the fanfare expected by the media, nor did he make the premiere a sensation, nor did he specially prepare any press conference. Two days ago, Evan Bell was still filming the mv of his new album in Paris, France, and in a blink of an eye, "The Notebook of Love" was released. You know, even with the much-anticipated focus of "Spider-Man 2", the premiere of "The Notebook" still attracted more than 30 reporters to the scene, but Evan Bell's sudden move made the reporters We can't find North.

Just when everyone was hesitating, should they go directly to the cinema, or wait here for Evan Bell and the starring actors to walk the blue carpet, because no one was notified, whether it was reporters or filmmakers, everyone was a little confused. The scene in front of me is more like a preview or a promotional event, rather than the premiere of the film in Kaifeng.

At this moment, the sound of sāo moving on the side of the road came, "Hey, Evan!" Just this sentence was enough to make the people who stayed at the mén mouth move. However, it was a little strange that neither the reporter nor the filmmaker rushed up. Even though there were no isolation devices on both sides of the blue carpet, everyone still politely stood on the edge of the blue carpet and greeted Evan Bell with their eyes.

Evan Bell appeared with Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, and the three young men walked over talking and laughing, as if they were college students who came out to watch a movie today, instead of attending The premiere of his own film. Looking at that outfit, the simple shirt and denim kù did not wear formal clothes to attend the premiere, and the casual and comfortable dress also conformed to the theme setting of "college students".

"Good afternoon, everyone." Evan Bell greeted with a smile when he saw the crowd gathered in front of him, "Why don't you go in? Staying outside all the time is not a good way to participate in the premiere. My movie also hopes that you will appreciate it. Contribute a little more to the box office.”

The reporters resisted the urge to roll their eyes: You also know that this is the premiere of "The Notebook"? What exactly is going on? No organization, no notice, no form...

"Evan, is there any special event for today's premiere?" It was William Wood who asked first.

Evan Bell couldn't help but be a little surprised, "The premiere? This is the premiere, everyone can walk the blue carpet freely, then enter the movie theater and watch the movie... Of course, before the movie is officially broadcast, we will be on the big screen in the movie theater. I had a brief interview earlier."

"However, in the past two days, 'Tiger Brother Tiger Brother' and 'Spider-Man 2' have held grand premieres, and even 'Fahrenheit 911' has a dedicated red carpet." Another reporter asked aloud, While he's not Elliott Carter, Evan Bell is sure he should be the "Premier" reporter because the bag he wears has the "Premier" magazine logo on it.

"Who stipulated that they have a regular premiere, we must have a premiere?" Evan Bell's retort made the stupid reporters speechless, but fortunately, Evan Bell seems to be in a good mood today. , and did not intend to let this chā song ruin his good mood. Evan Bell turned to look at William Wood, "This movie actually tells an ordinary story It may be a bit idealistic, but it's actually about our grandparents, our parents, and even us. This is the story that happens in life. I hope everyone can enjoy this movie with a sense of normalcy, that’s enough.”

Later, even if there were reporters who wanted to ask questions about David Greenblatt, Universal Pictures or the scandal, Evan Bell did not give them a chance. He turned his head to the three or four hundred celebrities around him. Mí clapped her hands and smiled, "Please come in, I don't think there is much time left until the premiere of the movie." The filmmakers all let out low laughter.

Ryan Gosling walked up to Evan Bell, "Evan, you designed these pages? It's really beautiful." All those posters were carefully selected and made by Evan Bell. Fudu seems to be a landscape painting that can be placed in a photo frame, which is very beautiful.

"Let's go, the movie is about to start." Evan Bell also greeted his partners to enter the arena together.

As Evan Bell's directorial debut, "The Notebook" kicks off in an unusual way.

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