She looked at the phone and it was Nansheng.

She picked it up. "It's where it was yesterday. I'll wait for you there."

"But I've finished reading the documents..."

The man has hung up the phone,

when he stepped into his home again, Wu limo felt totally different from the first time.

She didn't know, but she thought it was strange.

"Go to the sofa and have a good meal. I'll call you."

The man said softly.

Wu limo said, "I'll stay and help you."

The man shook his head with a smile, "have you forgotten my title?"

Wu Li Mo also laughed, "kitchen god!"

The man nodded, "go ahead, I'm tired after reading all morning's information!"

Wu limo sits on the sofa and turns on the TV.

She would have been sleepy once watching TV, but she is not sleepy today.

A piece of news on TV made her sleepy.

"It is said that the author of the online Divine Comedy" unforgettable "has been fried to hundreds of millions of yuan. Moreover, the company has made it clear that as long as the contract is signed, it will immediately receive shares of the company. But up to now, the mysterious author has not appeared. This has broken the rules of the music world for so many years, and finding the mysterious talents around has become the focus of several entertainment companies. Which entertainment company does the mystery writer sign up for? That's the biggest winner of the year. "

TV host said blood boiling, impassioned.

Dance glass foam is a surprise, the original brother has been so hot, music genius!

Music talent, she likes this title.

The man at the table looked at her with a smile, "why don't you sleep today?"

The girl tooted her mouth, "you still ask!"

The man said with a smile, "yesterday you really had a good sleep. I can't bear to call you. Besides, the secretary room is very busy in the afternoon, and there is no time to transfer your work, so it is reasonable for you to have a rest and adjust. "

"Dancing glass foam eating white rice," I said but you, anyway how to say is you reasonable. "

Anyway, as long as you see her smile, his heart is full of sunshine.

I don't know how many years he didn't feel like this, the moldy heart is a little bit to see the light.

For a moment, he didn't even think it was important.

All things, compared with her, are so small.

As long as he has her, he will be satisfied.

"Brother Nansheng, the musical genius mentioned on TV, is our company looking for him Wu Rimo asked suddenly.

The man calmed down. "Yeah, yeah."

"Is he really that good?"

She looked up at him.

The man said with a smile, "it's natural. The music style and musical instrument have never been tried before, so it's so outstanding and amazing."

The girl nodded, "Oh. Will he be a big star in the future

The man nodded. "He's a big star now."

"Why, you've heard that song, too?"

He asked.

The girl nodded. "Yes, I like it."

The man said with a smile, "when he signed the contract, I'll let him write songs for you. If you like to listen, I'll let him sing for you and be alone for you."

The man's words are somewhat affectionate, but the girl thinks of something else in her heart and doesn't find it at all.

"Brother Nansheng, are you so sure you will find him and sign a contract with him?"

Wu limo asked.

The man's expression is firm, "he doesn't come out, but it's hype. The more mysterious he is, the more concerned and curious everyone is, his popularity will be higher and higher. When the time comes, he will come out naturally." , the fastest update of the webnovel!