Liu Shiya looked at Su Yu seriously. She knew what he said was true. However, she was surprised and couldn't say anything.

Su Yu poured water for her with a gentle tone. "It doesn't matter if you don't want to. I won't be sad. I hope you can find a man who is more suitable for you. We are still friends

"Su Yu, you are too much. How can you say that you are not sad? "

Liu Shiya finally spoke.

Su Yu looked up at her, did not understand her meaning, just looked at her.

Liu Shiya's tight face suddenly burst out with a smile. She said, "how can you be more formal! You can develop your career wholeheartedly, but don't save such things as marriage proposal, OK

Su Yu slowly laughed out, "OK."

The meal was served one after another, and the meal was very enjoyable for two people.

When she walked out of the hotel, Liu Shiya took Su Yu's arm and half coquettishly said, "now you are my fiance. You can't meet other women alone on my back. Do you know?"

Su Yu's face changed slightly, and soon said, "I know."

When the mobile phone rang, Su Yu picked up the phone and said, "hello I don't know Well, you wait for me downstairs at my company, and I'll be back in a minute. "

Su Yu hung up the phone, Liu Shiya frowned and said, "I heard it. It's a woman."

Man helpless smile, "is north."

"It's Beibei. She's in our company?"

Liu Shiya's jealousy was suddenly dispersed with the wind.

Su Yu nodded, and they soon returned to the company.

Subei far away to see brother and Liu Shiya come, Liu Shiya arm in arm.

"Beibei, why don't you call ahead of time?"

Su Yu said that he would drag Subei to his own shadow, so that she would not be exposed to the sun.

"Beibei, go up and sit down! I'll grind your coffee! " Liu Shiya said with a smile.

Subei said with a smile, "no, I have something to do with my brother."

Su Yu looked at Liu Shiya and said, "you go up first, I'll go out."

Liu Shiya is a little reluctant, "is it inconvenient for me to go together?"

Subei looked at her sorry, "sorry, inconvenient."

Liu Shiya said with a smile, "well, you talk, I'll go back first."

Su Yu got on the bus in Subei.

"When did it happen?" Su Yu asked.

Subei looked ahead, his face was not very good-looking, "Uncle Yan called me this morning. I hesitated for a long time and didn't know if I should tell you? "

Su Yu said softly, "you should tell me."

On the secluded tree lined Road, Subei stopped the car, and her brow frowned, "brother, I'm really now..."

She took a deep breath and hit her hand heavily on the steering wheel. "What is he doing? Why did he do it? Does he think that if he gives us all his wealth, he can make up for the damage and pain he has done to us? Can he make up for mom? "

Subei opened the door and got out of the car.

Su Yu got out of the car and went to Subei. He whispered, "Beibei, what do you want to do? I'll listen to you."

"Brother Subei turned to look at him.

Su Yu smiles. "Beibei, don't worry or get angry. After so much experience, you should know that there are some things we have to face, which can't be avoided in any way. "

"Now I'm not curious about how much assets he has. I'm more curious about why he did it? Didn't he love his family and that woman? Why don't you leave them any money now? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!