Translator: Aafkee

Proofreader: ChaiTea

“Ehem, are you feeling better after sobering up a little?” Shen Yu let out a light cough to conceal his embarrassment and changed the subject. “So-so.” The man replied plainly before falling back into silence. The atmosphere seemed to get cold again. Shen Yu bit his lower lip nervously. He was not the type to warm up to people quickly, he would even go as far as to avoid strangers usually. However, there was too little space in the car, so there was nowhere for Shen Yu to hide. He could only rack his brain for conversation topics that would not offend the other party and yet, be able to bring relief to the awkwardness in the air. “Erm, is your phone with you? Do you need to call your assistant for help?” “Hn, thank you for the reminder.” After listening to Shen Yu, the man actually fished out his phone from his jeans pocket and began typing his message to send out on WeChat as Shen Yu turned his head away, immediately. A bright light went past them outside and shone into the car, giving him a clear view of the man’s watch on his left wrist. It was a brand launched by an Italian luxurious goods company. With its low-profile yet lavish design as its theme, the particular watch was the brand’s 100th-anniversary limited edition. Only nine of them were sold globally, the price was equivalent to approximately ten million RMB*. A few months ago, Shen Yu happened to see this watch featured in a fashion magazine he was browsing through during the free time in between Shen Yu’s photo-taking sessions. Due to its unique design, and mostly because of its insanely high price, Shen Yu remembered this watch straight away. (T/N: About 1.5 million USD.) To be able to wear this watch, you must be extremely rich and have high status. Shen Yu wondered who this person could be as he ran through the list of superstars in his mind. Unexpectedly, he could not seem to find anyone who would match this person’s appearance. He stopped his conjecture, admonishing himself for trying to pry into the privacy of others. The two-minute-long traffic light finally ended. As if a burden had been lifted off his shoulders, Shen Yu quickly gathered his attention and focused purely on the road in front of him as he drove. Shen Yu could somehow feel a pair of eyes sizing him up throughout the journey. He did not dare to turn his head as he drove, but when he glanced over at the next intersection, the man was leaning against the car door quietly, resting with his eyes closed. At about one in the morning, the unlucky Shen Yu finally brought Mr Pit-Jumper* back to the hotel. (T/N: Referring to the man walking into the pit/jumping into the pit.) After taking the medicine and resting throughout the car ride, the man seemed to be in a much better condition. Shen Yu parked his car at the side entrance of the hotel and the man pulled down his cap as he said his thanks in a low voice. After Shen Yu responded, he quickly got out of the car and entered the hotel. The black shirt on him was still wet, the half-transparent fabric stuck closely to his firm and fluid muscles, highlighting his beautiful waistline as he stood up, the view of his retreating back straight and powerful. Even drenched in rain, this person was still emitting such charisma and charm. It made one wonder how dazzling to the eyes he must be under the spotlight.

Shen Yu’s gaze followed the other party until he completely disappeared behind the door. He shook his head with a laugh, remembering that there was a reason why he was not popular. In comparison to that, he really seemed to have nothing that could be considered attractive. Shen Yu turned his car around and parked his car in the garage, his nerves, which were stretched taut, finally relaxed completely. Everyone had their own secret in the entertainment circle. Although these secrets may not be negative in the slightest, they could not be made known to the public. Shen Yu was not afraid of sacrificing his rest time to drive a drunkard back to the hotel, what he was worried about was the fact that he might have known something he should not have and got himself involved in a dispute unknowingly. Fortunately, that man did not say nor do anything and left without hesitation. Although the other party seemed cold, given how he refused to even spare his name, it was exactly what Shen Yu wanted. This matter would end right at this point, which gave him a chance to willingly help a person in need without any repercussions. Shen Yu took a quick shower when he returned to his room and fell into a deep sleep the moment he touched the bed. He vaguely remembered that there was something he needed to do, such as turning the air conditioning to night mode or notifying his manager about his sudden appearance on the local program, but the sleepiness came too overwhelming and, in just a few seconds, he lost all capabilities to think. The dim light of the night spread through this city which was supreme in terms of recreation and entertainment, waiting quietly for the arrival of dawn. Early in the morning at six, when the sun had yet to rise fully, Mary’s day as an assistant had already started. She woke up precisely when the alarm rang the third time, grabbed her makeup pouch, and rushed into the bathroom. When she stepped out of the bathroom after fifteen minutes, she had already transformed into an outstanding and well-known assistant in the industry. Red lips, wavy hair, small high heels, capable and experienced, yet charming. This lady, a returnee who had graduated from Stanford University, finished her bread, turned on her tablet, browsed through her inbox and decided to go upstairs to look for her boss who lacked a conscience. Her boss wordlessly travelled from Beijing to Jing-City’s filming base last night and then, he sent a message in their WeChat work group chat without any warning during midnight, ordering for a person to report to him at the local hotel. Mary, who had just received the message at midnight, could not determine whether her boss was drunk, albeit rare, or if was he just playing with them like he frequently did. Tragically, that was when she realised that she, who was currently on a vacation, was the nearest to her boss.