Reality is a bitch. Sometimes I kill it, sometimes it dies for me!

At this point, all I can do is resign!

I'm going to start another life, one that will bring me closer to that distinguished circle, and that will also make me lose it all at the same time.

It was easy to say it now, but at that time, it was truly a low point of the negative limitless!

Fortunately, there was still Ah Qin who didn't leave me.

She didn't complain about anything but kept telling me about her husband. I believe that you were wronged. What you do in the company is obvious to everyone. You have the ability to do it, even if you go to other places.

In fact, we all know that in the training industry this circle is not very big, each other more or less before the connection.

If I go to other companies, it will be really hard for me to get back on my feet.

To sum it up, he felt that he had been too unlucky, and he was at a loss.

But at the same time, because he was still young, he felt that he would definitely succeed.

As it turned out, this pride was inversely proportional to a man's age.

At that time, Ah Qin and I faced the most realistic problem, which was that our income was lesser.

Previously, we had spent our own money. But I know that Ah Qin has earned at least twice as much as me.

I never asked her how she kept her money. I don't have a job right now. The money in the card isn't much. It was particularly clear at the time that the ICBC card still had thirty-four thousand left (including a little consolation bonus before resignation), and the Merchants' Bank — eight thousand dollars. The credit card was always overdrawn.

Before that, Ah Qin and I would stay separately, we both have our own rooms.

Now that I don't have a job, it's not worth living separately, so the two of us are going to rent a new place, and we're really going to live together. Cohabitation is a very happy experience, but it also contains many risks.

But at that time, as a man, I had a heart of regret.

However, Ah Qin's smile and optimism had always infected me. In that period of time when I was at my worst, Ah Qin had always given me warmth, and our relationship was also even closer than before, like that of real family members.

This was probably Ah Qin's unique, strong method as a southern girl.

Anyway, the two of us hopped up and down looking for a house.

I can't help but complain. In recent years, the price of housing in Beijing has skyrocketed, and the rent has risen even faster!

I really want to go home and live with Mom! However, that was impossible! If a man wanted to be independent, he couldn't go back even if his family was in Beijing. If he went back, his mother would feel even more heartache!

So, my mom didn't know that I quit and lost my job.

Finally, I found a house that was a bit farther away from the unit.

In a small district far away from the North Five Ring Area. Although the residential area was a little far away, the environment was not bad. And the one-bedroom rent is two thousand dollars. It's a little less than the last two.

The process of moving a horse was omitted and it was filled with tears!

However, Ah Qin and I still moved in as if we were husband and wife.

Unknowingly, I felt that my temperament had changed. How should he put it? Before, when he was at work, although he was a virgin, he was dressed more formally than the other five. When he talked, he would always remember that he was a professional.

But now, he had become a otaku! F * ck, even I am looking down on myself, but I can't do anything about it, because once a person is idle, they become lazy, timid, and they become more fond of me.

At that moment, I realized something. I seemed to have a car! And the desire to buy a car was especially strong!

In the past, he always took the bus to work, which saved him more time than driving in Beijing.

But now, when we live far away, I feel sorry for Ah Qin who had to work so hard for public transportation. She treated me well and bore with my weaknesses with infinite patience. I was already so moved that I was about to die. I felt that I had actually picked up a Big Yuan Treasure through such a method.

So I wanted to do something for her, too, and it was urgent.

Buying a car would be able to drive her to work, so she wouldn't have to walk so hard in her high-heeled shoes. When I came back, I wouldn't have to see her feet swollen.

In addition, I also looked at the current situation and figured out a way to make money. I needed a car to support me.

Those who are familiar with the north side of Beijing understand instantly. I want to get a car and run around in the dark.

This was the local language of Beijing. To use the standard phrase in the television station to describe it, it was' black rent '.

It was common in the northern part of the city along the subway line and in the suburbs, but there were also a lot of residential areas. The black rental cars were all personal, and the people who saw them understood that they were black rent after connecting a flashing red light board to the rearview mirror.

The advantage of being a hoodlum is that you don't have to pay others. Time is free, and the money you earn is your own.

I have already planned it all. I will send Ah Qin to work in the morning and take care of my own matters in the day. Then, shshewould casually eat whatever she liked. After Ah Qin got off work, he would return the favor to her family.

What a plan! In fact, I also have a little vanity: your sister's labor capital long wanted to have their own car! This way, I can go home to see my parents on weekends and take Ah Qin for a ride to see if they can find anything out of the ordinary!

The key problem was money!

You need money to buy a car! What kind of car? How much? That was a very dangerous question!

I only had a little more than thirty thousand dollars in savings, but during the new year, because the cake house had taken fifty thousand dollars from the house, I made some money and earned some interest. In any case, the only thing he could happily take out was ten thousand yuan. Wasn't he supposed to keep a few thousand yuan to make a living?

But, ten thousand dollars can buy a car let me fumble!

There are so many friends who know cars. I don't talk much here. I can only buy Jetta or something like that, or a used car, or a cheaper domestic car.

It was not that China was not good, nor was it that it refused Jetta's offer of physical integrity, nor was it that it felt that it was impossible to drive a used car.

The main issue now is still about face. I feel that Xue Qi previously went through all of them quickly (around 150,000 yuan), can I get the current Ah Qin to get a second-hand car?

So I started to read it online, and you probably guessed it. The more you read, the more expensive it is!

Plug in something you forgot to say earlier.

It was while I was bearing the brunt of my infamy that I received Liu Xi's frantic call to attack me two days before I resigned from my job, about ten days after that incident.

At most, she would call me about ten times an hour. If I didn't return, or if my phone was turned off, she would text me. The heck, back then, the two of us felt something.

First, I bought a bag last year! Absolutely not! It's all about you! "Second, f * ck, I have enough on my back now. Call me and text me. If I let Qin see it, how could I endure it?

When I was in a dire situation, I was especially determined to be together with Ah Qin. This was also a type of transformation.

After a few days of this, she stopped calling. She was only taking a short break, and there were many QQ messages. There was only one of them: Do you still want to see me? Do you want a cell phone? Why are you ignoring me … And so on.

Right, I am just ignoring you, see you Liu Xi!

Also, Captain Ge, who was sent by the V587 monkey to help me defeat the Demon Ox, actually started chatting with me about this incident after we were rescued. It was as if he was trying to console me out of obligation, after all, something had happened at school.

I don't know what this big brother saw in me, but he even gave me his phone number. After that, Captain Ge and I became friends because of some things. The world is so small, what a coincidence.

According to Captain Ge, that Demon Ox had a record in the police station and had been detained before.

Therefore, this sort of thing was intelligent enough to scare students.

I only realized it afterwards. The heck, am I not even equal to the fighting prowess of a student?

The truth truly made one want to cry. To continue the conversation, I ended up in Grass's car, a Mitsubishi Winged God.

I'm not here to talk about how good this car is.

However, this car and the fast moving car had a price of one hundred thousand!

He didn't have enough money now that he had received such a severe injury!

After Ah Qin found out what I was thinking, she took out 60,000 yuan and directly gave it to me, and started to collect the money.

So, I owned the first car in my life! Although I bought Japanese goods, I want to apologize, I hope you can forgive me.

What I want to clarify is that Ah Qin is actually a simple and innocent girl. She likes girls to be fair.

But I like red!

From the bottom of my heart, I feel that only a red car can match Xue Qi's Little Red. This kind of color seems to be the only link between us!

In this matter, she also gave in to me.

Finally, my wish has been fulfilled!

When she saw our own Little Red, she was also happy like a child. Furthermore, she used the panda set to tie up the car with supplies, dressing the Little Red up. In my opinion, that's a bit out of place, but it's good enough that she likes it.

I left out the other lovebirds, and for the first time that day I drove her. It was still hard for him to move his car around, even though the ones driving at Haidian Driving School were blue pickup trucks.

Still, I got used to it as the lights went out. Here's a real story that I had to put in.

On the first day of driving, our Little Red died on the side roads of the Darling highway. F * ck, I don't have one during peak hours at work! There were many other cars waiting for him. Did he not have any?

The driver, who was right behind them, stuck his head and body out.

However, I've been here five times and still haven't started yet! F * ck, he's so weak. The more he thinks about it, the more anxious he becomes.

At this moment, something strange happened!

Wang Jiayi, a sister of Beijing Radio 1039, broadcasts the news in her characteristic Kawai-yi voice.

"After a hearty reminder from the listeners, a faulty car appeared in the direction of the city on Darling Road and occupied the outer lane. Please make way for the vehicle concerned …"

How efficient, as expected of the national industry model!