Some of the five level undead can't believe it. The devil Ye Li Zhen is coming alone. What about his last army?

What kind of zombies are they?

These days, they have heard a lot about the eschatological Legion.

Even the corpse can make a big hole in the sky.

Of course they won't believe it.

"The devil Ye Li, you really dare to come, a few women, is it worth it?" A fifth level undead disdains to look at Ye Li.

Ye Li did not speak, he took out the Dragon butcher knife from the system space.

A five clawed blood dragon hovered in the air, and there were sounds of dragons and knives.

"Dragon butcher knife!"

The eyes of several fifth level undead couldn't stop shining. They thought that the Dragon butcher's knife was too terrible. They could feel a burst of panic just by looking at it.

"Ye Li, the demon king, or you are wise. Now you are ready to hand over the Dragon slaughtering sword." A fifth level undead said with a smile.


A little cold light comes first, and then the sword is like a dragon!

Several fifth level undead died in an instant, even the body did not leave.

Ye Li walks slowly into the territory of the undead!

In an instant, countless undead surrounded him.


A thousand feet of cold light appeared, hundreds of undead were instantly melted.

"Ye Li, the demon king, why are you so angry?"

A sound came into Ye Li's ear.

Then, the phantom of the dark race appeared in Yunding school, and the noumenon appeared in front of Ye Li.

Ye Li looks at the undead in front of him, a class of dark race.

In addition, there are several ten level undead.

"Ye Li, the demon king, hand in the Dragon butcher's knife!"

A cold smile to the dead leaves.


With a knife, the life of the ten order undead will disappear from the world forever.

"Ye Li, the demon king, how dare you?"

The first-class undead opened their eyes. Now the woman of the demon king Ye Li is in their hands. Is it possible that

The devil Ye Li doesn't care at all?

At the thought of this, the first-class dark race was a little flustered.

"Ye Li, the demon king, aren't you afraid that your woman will die in front of you?"

Ye Li faintly smiles, "with you this group of mole ants, also deserve to talk with me Ye Li?"

The voice falls, leaf from the Dragon butcher's knife already arrived in front of the neck of the first-order clan level dead.

"Let them go, or you die!"

Ye Li's face did not have any expression, as if it was the peerless ferocious God who came up from the inferno.

The first-class undead opened his eyes. He didn't respond at all, and the Dragon slaughtering knife was against his neck.

"Ha ha, demon king Ye Li, do you really think I will be afraid?"

The first level of the undead stabilized his mind and said to Ye Li lenglengleng.

"You can try it!" Ye Li's face is frightfully cold.

For some reason, looking at the expression on Ye Li's face, the first-class undead only felt his whole body trembling involuntarily.

The spirits of the undead clan have even held their breath.

Quiet, dead silence.

The first-class undead knew that Ye Li was not talking empty words.

"Bring them up!" The first class undead spoke coldly.

Before long, four women and their mentor Lu Yu appeared in front of Ye Li.

"Ye Li, the demon king, let's make a deal. You give me the Dragon butcher's knife, and I'll release your women."