In the middle of the great castle in the center of Yuanxing, Horton is also thinking of something in a hurry. The people around him hastened to control Horton's demands without any delay.

Cabinet ministers are also busy, perhaps because Horton's order was issued later, so they have not finished their work yet. But Horton was worried, so he planned to go out and inspect.

"You guys are going to pack up the place for me, and then put our country's highest technology treatment equipment in that place. Never make any mistakes The cabinet minister said very anxiously.

When he had just finished this sentence, he turned around to be busy with other things, but suddenly ran into a person. He looked up and his face changed a little bit.

"Leader Horton, I was a little worried just now. I'm sorry I didn't see you." The cabinet minister touched his forehead and said with some embarrassment.

Horton shook his head and patted him on the shoulder.

"In fact, you don't have to be so polite to me. You think I'm the one who will haggle over trifles after staying with me for so long? Go ahead and do your business. "

"I also know it's a bit difficult for you to complete these assignments in a short time, but I hope you can understand the reason why I do these things. Soon the great hero of our league will come back, and we must have a good reception. "

Horton quickly explained.

At the moment, how can that minister's heart have a little complaint? After Horton's reply, he was relieved and said he understood.

"All the treatment drugs are ready. Now it's only for them to move the treatment bed. In fact, it should be very fast." The cabinet minister said slowly.

Horton nodded contentedly. He went out of the window and looked out at the night. His eyes were full of longing.

The boat grew larger and larger from a small point in the sky, and the target was pointing to the castle where Horton was located. The people around were all alert, but then relaxed.

Because all the guards in this castle know the owner of the spaceship. Horton also asked that the old man of the planet Huangzhu should not be blocked in the future.

In a few seconds, the boat, which had been far away from the sky, flashed into view immediately. I saw it slowly fall, landed in the center of the huge square.

"Send a few people to meet you first, and I'll be there later." Said Horton with a loud voice.

After hearing this, the cabinet minister went to finish his job quickly.

The door opened and Huang Zhu stepped out of the boat. In fact, originally Liao Xiaoduo wanted to come out with him, but he found that his body was so weak that he couldn't stand still.

However, they just made another decision, that is, let Huang Zhu go down to find some people to come over and help him to lift him up.

As soon as Huang Zhu stepped down the high cabin door, the cabinet ministers and other envoys came to him. In fact, this is also a very big card, but Huang Zhu is not flattered at all.

He seems to have been used to this kind of scene for a long time, and he is very calm.

"Leader Horton will come later. Mr. Huang, can I help you The cabinet minister bowed deeply and said respectfully.

Huang Zhu looked back at the scene inside the cabin door.

"You can find a few people to lift out the guy inside. He is so weak that he can't stand up." Huang Zhu said with some concern. After listening to the

cabinet minister, he looked around the bodyguards, and then mobilized several people to prepare for the door.

But it was at this time that Horton finally appeared.

He walked with a firm and powerful step, dignified and coming towards this side. Although there is no big difference with the previous posture, if you want to take a closer look, his pace is obviously much faster.

"Don't worry. Let me help him up." Horton raised a hand high and stopped the men.

Huang Zhu showed a smile and shook his head gently. At this moment, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Horton's gourd?

"It seems that Liao Xiaoduo has a lot of face. He can let our leader come and help him in person." Huang Zhu was laughing and joking.

For this kind of ridicule, Horton did not have the slightest displeasure, on the contrary, he also agreed to laugh.

These two so-called great men are talking and laughing here. Although this is somewhat irrelevant, it also adds a bit of relaxation to the surrounding atmosphere.

The cabinet minister's side is not the same. Of course, it is not only him, but also the bodyguards who are ready to help him.

Horton is the leader of the five major star alliance. He even wants to go up and help Liao Xiaoduo down. What kind of scene is this?The cabinet minister was in a hurry and stopped Horton.

"Leader Horton, your present status is very special. If you help a young man to come here, it's not very good." The cabinet minister frowned and whispered tentatively.

With a big wave of his hand, Horton showed a very strong attitude.

"I've made up my mind, so don't bother me here. Get out of my way. I'm in a hurry. " Horton said with some displeasure.

The cabinet minister was still standing there and did not want to move. At this time, Huang Zhu, who was watching the drama, finally came over and wanted to give them a break.

"Horton, don't embarrass this group of people any more. He thinks about you. Even if you want to see your hero so much, there's no need to help him over. " Huang Zhu said with a smile.

He called Horton's name without any taboo, and this privilege was acquiesced by Horton. After listening, Horton thought carefully and thought that what he said was also reasonable.

"Well, I'll stand here and wait." Said Horton with a loud voice.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry over and help him With a sigh of relief, the cabinet minister turned quickly and said to the other guards in a loud voice, as if afraid that Horton would rob the job.

The bodyguards suddenly realized and hurriedly boarded the cabin.

Looking at the lively scene in front of them, Huang Zhu and Horton burst into a tacit smile.