Although Liao Xiaoduo did not make clear his position, but saw his serious appearance, Li Qing finally took a deep breath.

He squinted his eyes and raised his head. The rapid operation of his brain was recalling all kinds of things he had experienced before.

Li Qing slowly vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas, but the feeling of depression in his heart still existed for a long time.

"I used to be like you, no, I might have been stronger than you if I said so. I'm talented and smart, and from the beginning I've become what you call the best. "

"I've never lost a game in my whole career, and everything I want can be got by any means I can."

"It's really great. You don't know what it's like to be admitted to superstar college with nothing at all. The most important thing is that I was the best graduate when I graduated. "

Li Qing said in the side without covering up that he did not feel ashamed of his boastful behavior. On the contrary, with the passage of time, it has intensified.

When Liao Xiaoduo heard his last words, he suddenly felt how similar his experience was to him. When I first came out to this galaxy alliance, I was alone, but now I am very rich.

These glorious days, when Li Qing was talking about it, he was complacent, and his tone of voice became much lighter and more agile.

But when he squinted again, that changed. Li Qing holds a seat by the side and sits on it directly. He cocked his legs and put on a very arrogant manner.

"What happened later was almost the same as what you have now, and I was chosen by holden to be the real orthodox heir to what he said would be the future."

"When I was young, I was very happy to hear the good news. I would like to swear to serve him and give my most precious things. "

"I did all this, but in the end, I was betrayed by that guy!" Li Qing lowered her voice and said that her whole face became extremely terrible.

His fists were clenched tightly, and he wanted to tear up the people who had used him when he thought of what had happened before.

Liao Xiaoduo, sitting on one side, was stunned, though he had no personal experience. But looking at the way Li Qing said these words, he felt that all this should have happened.

"Horton used my life to help him get the sword of Damocles, and it was at that moment that I realized that he was just trying to use me. All the previous promises are empty, everything is gone. "

"At that time, I had endless anger and finally fought with him, but was suppressed by his strength. In my heart, it's called hate, and I can't help it. " Li Qing said with a sad smile.

When he said these things, there was always a sense of self mockery in his words. At that time, he did not have any strength to revenge, of course, even now it is not sure, but it is more likely.

"As you should know later, the fellow did not order me to be executed, but banished me. The exiled planet was the dark star, and I stayed there for a long time until I met those people

"We have the same goals, we have the same circumstances, and the ultimate goal of all is to overthrow Horton. And the five planets will be completely cut off from each other

"Speaking of this, I think you should have a basic understanding of my life experience." Li Qing knows the old question and says that the purpose is to give Liao Xiaoduo a deeper impression.

After listening, Liao Xiaoduo nods slowly.

At this time, Li Qing showed a compassionate attitude and turned to look at Liao Xiaoduo.

"Now how similar your experience is to me, I feel you will soon follow me. They promise you honor, they promise you any prize, but in the end they still leave you with nothing

"That's my attitude. I've said everything that should be said. You should know better than me what to do with the rest. Anyway, I feel that life is the most important thing Li Qing said again.

After listening to Li Qing's instruction, he also felt shaken in his own heart.

At the moment, Liao Xiaoduo can't touch the high-level on either side, so he can't tell the truth from the false. However, Liao Xiaoduo still remembers the name of a sword, which is the sword of Damocles.

The name of this sword sounds very qualified. Naturally, its strength can not be underestimated. Its sword language is called judgment, which is dedicated to the injustice in the world.

Hearing what Li Qing said, Liao Xiaoduo felt that he had better not touch that thing, or he might not be able to bear any danger at last.

"That's all I have to say, and you have to digest the rest. It's almost time. I feel like I should go now, and you should think more about it yourself. " Li Qing said slowly.This is not so much a good reminder as an order.

Before that, he didn't have much contact with Li Qing, so Liao Xiaoduo only felt that he was a very mysterious person who knew how to plan. After all, every time their arrangements are perfectly implemented, which shows how perfect his plan is.

In fact, the most worrying thing for Liao Xiaoduo is that when Li Qing left, he went to the front door. After seeing this, Liao Xiaoduo quickly stepped forward and grabbed Li Qing's shoulder.

"There's a lot of surveillance outside the house, and if you show up in the first place, you can be found out immediately. Anyway, I feel that it is not good for anyone to arouse suspicion at this time. " Liao said in a low voice.

See Li Qing a hand is gently supporting the door frame, directly toward showing a scornful smile.

"I'm not sneaking this time. I'm here in the name of the dark star security department to inspect you, a person who adds luster to the dark star people. The key is that I was able to enter your room today, which was also approved by Shi Lei. "

After a few words, Li Qing directly let Liao Xiaoduo put down his worry mentality.

Liao Xiaoduo didn't even expect that what he did was so breathtaking. If it was detected by others, it would certainly become bigger.

"This guy is really paranoid. Why doesn't he think about the consequences at all?" Liao Xiaoduo thought helplessly.