Lin Xing almost doesn't take care of how to teach in ordinary times. After all, every teacher has his own habits and ways. But now the situation is very different, Lin Xing must make all these things in order.

Although there may be some small conflicts between Herzog and Lin Xing, Lin still thinks that it is the best solution to intervene in the two things.

Obviously, Herzog was a little depressed, but because of Horton's favor, he had to obey the orders. Although in ordinary times, Herzog was unconvinced by anyone, he admired the leader who had a tough way.

Now that all this has been said, Herzog has been speaking with a straight face in this class. It is very different from my previous teaching methods and means.

Liao Xiaoduo was laughing under the stage, as if he could see the helplessness in Herzog's heart. At the moment, Liao Xiaoduo knows that he must have been taken seriously. Whether it is good or bad, it has certain advantages.

Because Liao Xiaoduo's talent is very strong in Herzog's mind, he can't help speeding up his lecture. Liao Xiaoduo remembers very clearly, and copies his words completely in his mind.

Audrey may be embarrassed, but learning is not her most important goal. Audrey leans on her chin like she doesn't know what she's doing. She's trying hard as if she understands.

This class mainly talks about the technology of weapon retraction and release, which can be regarded as the core of machinist's profession. Large weapons are not easy to carry, which leads to the magic box state.

The whole function of the magic box is to be able to reduce those weapons to the size of a box, which is not only convenient to carry, but also has unexpected effects.

There are two elements that can stimulate this form, one is the astrogenic power of the machinist, and the other is the building material of these weapons. The material has to be a high-quality metal from the superstar alliance called tuck.

Of course, what we're talking about now is just some basic knowledge. If you want to make good use of it, you must do it yourself.

"In any case, that's about it. You can figure out the rest." Herzog, sitting at the front of the platform, said wearily.

After the lecture, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this difficult moment is finally over. Can think of tomorrow, his heart will become more depressed.

Audrey and Liao Xiaoduo don't communicate much in class. After all, their minds are not in the same place.

For Liao Xiaoduo, it's better to listen to the class well rather than pull some words out of Audrey's mouth. For Audrey, it's better to have a good look at Liao Xiaoduo's learning attitude than to pretend to understand.

Now the relationship between the two is not very deep, Audrey also does not intend to be able to understand more thoroughly today, feel mixed face familiar already very good.

"I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." Liao Xiaoduo said politely that he went out in a hurry.

Audrey first smiles and waves her hands at him. After Liao Xiaoduo leaves, she stays in the classroom by herself.

"You can almost leave. That's all for today's class. Don't ask me what you don't understand. Anyway, I know you don't intend to study hard. " Herzog said in a sullen voice.

Audrey had learned a lot about Herzog's bad temper. Therefore, in Audrey's opinion, Herzog's manner of speaking today has been used to.

"It's a real hassle for you today." Audrey got up, slowly lowered her head, and said politely.

Herzog rarely has a response, for this kind of polite students, he does not seem to know how to refuse.

We turn our attention to a residential area next to superstar college. This residential area called tingyuxiang has a very elegant name, and of course, there are also very magnificent buildings.

But in this tall building forest, there are two humble people talking in secret.

"Anyway, that's what the boss handed in. He said that he left your life. Now it's time for you to play." One of them said very seriously.

Another person dressed like a beggar, but somehow, his whole body exuded a kind of evil spirit.

There was no fear on the man's face after hearing the order, but a little relief.

"I've been here for so many years, but I didn't expect that when I finally worked, I thought the boss had forgotten me. Ha ha ha, that's fine, old man. I deserve to die. " Said the man who looked like a beggar with a smile.

After the man next to the arrangement of the matter described clearly, he left in a hurry on the interstellar motorcycle.

The beggar looking fellow put down his crutch, which had been with him for a long time, and took the medicine flowing with dark red liquid. That bent back actually in an instant straightened up, making his whole body appear tall and straight.

I saw that man's muscles began to burst, he kept moving his muscles and bones, as if he wanted to adapt to his own body."I haven't felt so comfortable for a long time. It seems that the boss is trying to make me die. I didn't expect that my little old man still has today. It's really amazing. " The man said excitedly.

Many years ago, before the formation of the superstar alliance, there was a notorious "devil" named Wang tiping. He called himself a judge, and killed in the dark.

He left the impression that he was wearing a black robe and holding a huge black sickle. He likes to march in the night, looking for everyone who is unlucky. The key is that he put his own practice in the name of justice, which made many people shameless.

Can be such a heinous devil, but was a fledgling boy to solve. The little boy was accepted by the Security Department of the dark star, and the devil disappeared.

Many people have said that Wang tiping has been executed. Of course, many people think that Wang tiping was secretly left alive and directly exiled by the gifted young people at that time.

Since the young man went to the dark star's security department, nothing can be verified. However, people believe that as long as the huge sickle has not been found, it means that Wang tiping will still be able to make a comeback.

There is no old man picking up rubbish in Tingyu lane, and there is a strong muscular man with dark red light all over his body. If we want to make it clear, it should be a devil.