After thinking about his plan, Liao Xiaoduo is heading for the moment of emperor of Europe, after all, he has never experienced it!

"The goal of the mission is to kill all the world's dominant starbeasts, as well as the super SSS Tianma masters So when it's finished, it's estimated that this disaster will no longer threaten mankind... "

"Fortunately, with these 50 tickets, I don't have to worry about the lack of lottery tickets in a short time. On the whole, this is good news."

Liao Xiaoduo's eyes flashed slightly, thinking in secret.

From the point of view of the completion goal of this task, when all the celestial beasts were wiped out by him, the balance of victory tilted towards the human side completely. The remaining miscellaneous fish, who want to complete the goal of exterminating human beings, are simply stupid people, cough, crazy animals dream!

That is to say, this task is basically the final task after the massive invasion of StarCraft!

Therefore, whether it is for the reward of the mission or the end of the disaster, Liao Xiaoduo must complete the beautiful.

In this system task, there is no time limit or punishment mechanism after failure. Maybe the system thinks that it doesn't matter any more. Anyway, judging from the experience of several previous tasks, Liao Xiaoduo has not completed any of them.

This mission is certainly the same as before. Liao Xiaoduo is very confident.

To speak of it, he should feel difficult to face up to 38 dominating starbeasts and a super SSS level terrifying StarCraft with the strength of a king level warrior.

Because only relying on the state of full fire, he can most threaten these powerful StarCraft, the original wing.

As a soul destroying ability, the original wing's attack power is very strong, but its consumption ability is also very terrible. If you want to rely on it to deal with so many enemies, I don't know it will be completed until the year of monkey.

In addition to the original wings, Liao Xiaoduo also has the ability to cut the blood of Chachuang, which can directly threaten the life of the dominating star beast. However, the premise of each cut blood is that he can hit the opponent, which is not only time-consuming and labor-consuming, but also the probability of this thing, totally depends on his face.

If the face is white, it is possible to kill a dominating star beast directly after 100 attacks, but it is very likely that the black face will not trigger once.

On average, even if the 100 times trigger twice, as long as there is no second kill of the dominant star beast, the things they burst out in a critical moment will probably make Liao Xiaoduo have enough to eat.

After all, the goal is to live for many years. It's understandable that they have some Kung Fu at the bottom of the box.

Therefore, whether it is relying on the original wings or the special ability to cut blood, the process is a bit breathtaking.

However, Liao Xiaoduo is not flustered at all. He takes out a fist sized metal square from Najie, and is confident.

That's right. What he has in his hand is the seal of the nine curved Yellow River array!

This treasure which suppressed a crack of different dimensions all night long. Since the army of 900 million star beasts has almost reached the earth, the soldiers in the capital of China have begun to mend the cracks of different dimensions. As a result, the effect of pressing the array seal is not important. After thinking about it, he carried it out!

With such a powerful treasure, Liao Xiaoduo even has the confidence to solve any dominating star beast in a minute!

"Every minute, every country on the earth is suffering from an unacceptable disaster. I must cherish the time and solve the problem as soon as possible."

Liao Xiaoduo held Fang Yin tightly and said to himself.


The position of the small star ship is not far away from the first target headless knight. Soon, the huge body of the headless knight appeared in Liao Xiaoduo's sight.

At the moment of seeing the animal in distance, Liao Xiaoduo controls the star ship to stop and push open the door to go out.

After a large number of do not know the danger of flying star beasts, see the great joy, instant speed again increased some.

These animals in the star beast camp are the kind of irritable type, otherwise they will not follow Liao Xiaoduo for most of the world. Now, they just want to kill Liao Xiaoduo and vent their hatred.

However, just as they were about to approach, Liao Xiaoduo suddenly opened fire and waved a sword!