At the national forums, countless gourd eaters are discussing it fiercely.

"My God, so many great things have happened in these short days!"

"Who said no, it surprised me!"

"When Gong Heng was arrested, he was so crazy that he threatened the lives of all the people in the capital. It's disgusting!"

"Yes, it's really heinous. Fortunately, in front of Liao team, everything was in vain."

"I am an ordinary citizen of the capital. I sincerely thank Liao Xiaoduo."


From Gong Heng's arrest to the ultimate bomb explosion.

This series of events, all occurred in a single day.

At this time, when the official website was exposed, people from other cities who had been staying away from the incident, or the citizens of the capital who were almost killed by the ultimate bomb could not help but express their feelings.

The millions of citizens in the capital, in particular, are extremely excited.

"When the state forcibly evacuated us, I was still wondering what happened? However, knowing the truth, I just want to say one word sincerely - thank the country, thank Liao team! "

"As a citizen of the capital, you can't imagine the rest of your life's happiness."

"Thanks to the country, thanks to Liao team!"

In the face of threats, the state should respond quickly and try its best to ensure the safety of the people.

After that, Liao Xiaoduo developed and created a long lost danger detector, and quickly found the ultimate bomb to minimize the damage to the capital when the bomb exploded.

At this time, all the Chinese people who knew all the things happened were proud of themselves as Chinese children.

It's great to have such powerful leaders who put people's lives first, and Liao Xiaoduo, who has incredible talent!

Comments on the Internet can be roughly divided into three categories.

One is surprise, the other is to thank the state, Liao Xiaoduo, and many others are indignantly whipping the corpse of Gong Heng!

I don't know if Gong Heng was alive, would he be ashamed to death when he saw these comments. Anyway, the Gong family has been taken care of by the top of the state under his crazy behavior.

The palace family was already in the stage of the prime minister. Now the most important leader has given them back stabs, which is even worse.

If there are no elite children to come forward, it may be close to the gradual collapse. However, it may be a matter of family tradition. There are no outstanding young people among the young generation of Gong family.

In short, because of Gong Heng, the palace family is basically finished!

It is worth mentioning that in the announcement on the official website, Gong Heng's death was simply mentioned, and he did not mention the black emperor as a dangerous person, perhaps in order to prevent the public from panic.

Or, given the difficulty of the black emperor, the high-level did not expect ordinary people to have any effective discovery.


Banyueling, Xinghe base, conference room.

"From today on, I will be the captain of starriver fleet!"

On the oval conference table, Liao Xiaoduo sat at the front of the table and preached spiritually.

Lao Wu's action is very fast. On his way, the letter of appointment has been sent to the Xinghe fleet base, and everything is settled.

At the bottom of the crowd, there were old Jiang, the leader of scientific research personnel, he Lao, the senior officer of the fleet, sun Lao, the chief medical officer. Almost all the high-level commanders in the starriver fleet were present.

Hearing Liao Xiaoduo's announcement, people looked at each other for a while, eyes complex.

Because of the sudden collapse of Gong Heng, many of these people want to be the boss.

You know, as early as mercury base Gong Heng vomiting blood coma, there are a small part of the idea of seizing power.

Most of these people, most of them were senior figures who accompanied Gong Heng to fight in the world. They have high prestige in the fleet. Now, it is possible that they can really achieve their wishes.

However, they have not paid any decent action, a simple appointment letter, all their delusions have been eliminated.

The winner is really Liao Xiaoduo!

People have thought about who can be the leader in the end. Among the management of the whole fleet, Liao Xiaoduo has the highest prestige, far surpassing them. In fact, it is the most appropriate.

But can a young man in his early twenties be the leader of 200000 soldiers of the same age?

Looking back on the whole history, there has never been a precedent in China!

So, most people think it's not him, but it really happened.

They are not arrogant enough to resist the orders of the state. In the face of this letter of appointment, they seem to have nothing to do but accept their orders.

Moreover, from another angle, no matter who becomes the boss, it will certainly cause dissatisfaction from others. The reason is that basically no one in this room can really convince the public.If Liao Xiaoduo is the boss, they are convinced.

Not to mention his efforts to save the whole fleet, as well as his strong force and bright future, we can say that his character is totally two extremes: he can selflessly dedicate the eight acupoint secret arts to all mankind, just like Gong Heng, a selfish villain.

Under his leadership, we can see that the development of starriver fleet will be better and better!

For a time, whether it is ambitious elders, or people who are indifferent to the world, all put out the crooked mind.

"Congratulations, Liao Xiaoduo, sitting in this position at the age of 21, you have created another historical record!" Sun took the lead in saying congratulations.

"Yes, I can't help but be convinced. I'll give you the position of the eldest." Old Chiang nodded and congratulated.

"I'm so convinced!"

"Congratulations 1"



Soon, the conference room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere, and everyone complimented Liao Xiaoduo.

It wasn't until someone in the corner made a noise that the atmosphere stopped for a moment.

"Liao Xiaoduo, I admit that I was dissatisfied with you for a while, but this dissatisfaction has long been gone."

The crowd went to seek fame, and all were silent.

It was Xie Miao who was talking. His eyes were flustered and expectant.

"In fact, as early as Qi Zhenren appeared, I was abandoned by Gong Heng and was always regarded as a marginal person."

"Now the situation has changed. After being interrogated and tested by the state, I have proved that I am not from the same path as Gong Heng, and his crimes have nothing to do with me."

Xie Miao pauses, his throat knot moves, and he swallows his saliva. He can't help but show a worried look.

"So, can you forgive me? Forgive me for being against you and treat me as an ordinary subordinate! "

With that, Xie Miao calmed down and silently waited for Liao Xiaoduo's response, just like an ordinary man walking on the edge of a cliff, waiting for the choice of fate.