"In a word, because of some things, I am now completely torn between Gong Heng and me. Now what is making a lot of noise on the Internet is the fight between me and Gong Heng." Liao Xiaoduo said a lot and summed up a sentence.

He looked at Zhao Si, and then said, "I'm sorry that the hard situation you've been in these days is also the relationship between Gong Heng and me

"No, no, no, it's not your fault." Zhao Si quickly waved, "we do subordinates should feel sorry, can't help you."

A few hours ago, in the old warehouse, Li Changye broke out that Gong Heng was behind the scenes. He still had some doubts, but now he fully understood.

Their team did not directly offend Gong Heng, but once disobeyed the orders of Gong Heng's disciple Qi Zhen, so it was reasonable to be suppressed. Up to now, it has been much later than expected.

Moreover, since he has been on the boat of Liao Xiaoduo, it is common for the big men on the boat to fight against each other and affect his subordinates.

He had this awareness and felt very understanding.

And Liao Xiaoduo can say these words to him, which not only makes his resentment disappear, but also makes his heart warm.

Liao team, this is completely regard them as their own people!

It's just, as he said, it's hard for big guys to help.

"How can I help you? Don't belittle yourself Liao Xiaoduo looked at him discontentedly, and then said: "after all, Gong Heng is still the captain of the star river fleet, and his position is noble. It is impossible to deal with him by force. It is only appropriate to catch him and then pull him down from the military law."

"I am not very good at this field, but I need to use you at this time."

"Need us?" Zhao Si murmured and repeated.

"Yes, you are indeed needed!" Liao Xiaoduo nodded approvingly, and then said: "the state allocates tens of billions of funds to the Xinghe fleet every year, half of which is used to replace weapons and equipment. However, we have already found out that in recent years, the renewal of weapons and equipment and the change of inventory in Xinghe fleet are not big. Obviously, most of the funds are embezzled by some moths."

"In the starriver fleet, the only one who has the ability to do this is not known to the outside world."

Liao Xiaoduo directly threw down a heavy message. Without waiting for Zhao Si to react, he then said, "the main purpose of my return to the Xinghe fleet this time is to find and master Gong Heng's criminal evidence. If you want to do this, you must have technical talents, and you are what I need!"

Liao Xiaoduo finished and stopped.

Speaking of this, Zhao Si should know how to do it?

He encouraged him to look at Zhao Si, hoping that the other party could answer him and grasp what clues he had.

And Zhao Si is also suppressed by Liao Xiaoduo's intention to grasp Gong Heng's criminal evidence? It suddenly occurred to him that he couldn't sleep well.

After a short silence, he hesitated and said:

"in fact, I overheard a situation some time ago that seems to be exactly what you need, but I don't know whether it is true or not, because the situation is too important, involving dozens of soldiers, and I don't know whether to say it or not..."

Sure enough, he took the initiative to speak!

Liao Xiaoduo's eyes brightened, "it doesn't matter. What's found? Tell me!"

"I'll tell you."

Zhao Si is not a mother-in-law person. Seeing that Liao Xiaoduo encouraged him, he directly began to tell his own discovery.

"In the night a week ago, I was woken up by urine. In order not to disturb my brothers, I quietly went out to solve the problem. However, when I came back, I suddenly heard the complaints of several soldiers..."

Zhao Si also learned from Liao Xiaoduo just now, and talked about the important situation he had found.

It turned out that in the late night of a week ago, he overheard several soldiers murmuring about their superiors. From their conversation, he learned the secret of the starriver fleet. In a warehouse, there was an underground passage. Dozens of soldiers secretly transported out the weapons and equipment allocated to the starriver fleet by the state under the command of the superior. The whole operation was unknown Feeling.

And from the conversation of these soldiers, Zhao Si also understood that the operation has lasted for several years, even if he moved to banyueling, he did not stop.

Liao Xiaoduo's spirit vibrates, as expected, from Zhao Si here found a major clue!

Reselling fleet supplies? In the whole base, it is estimated that only Gong Heng has the ability to do this and is not known by the outside world.

As for the soldiers in Zhao Si's mouth, they could not help complaining because they had been holding back these things for a long time? In short, whatever the reason, it doesn't matter how many of their bottom soldiers are.

What's more, Liao Xiaoduo's idea of pulling Gong Heng off his horse is almost half done.

I don't know? In case of a long night's dream, I'll check it out tonight! " Liao Xiaoduo asked excitedly.

In his opinion, the earlier the better, he can not only catch Gong Heng off guard, but also save time for him to think for ten days No, disaster in nine days!"It should be No.01 warehouse," Zhao Si recalled for a while and replied positively.

"Warehouse 01?" Liao Xiaoduo was stunned, "are you sure?"

"I'm sure!" Zhao Si replied positively.

Liao Xiaoduo is silent, thinking about Countermeasures in his head.

As e ruizhang of Xinghe fleet, he naturally has some knowledge of the warehouse information in the fleet.

There are many warehouses for storing materials and equipment in Xinghe base. There are 20 large rooms, and the serial number of the rooms represents the importance.

From 02 to 20, the internal space is relatively small, and the security is not very good. Therefore, it has always served as an ordinary warehouse, storing weapons and equipment waiting for maintenance or scrapping. Any soldier can enter or leave by himself as long as he applies in advance.

Warehouse 01, because of its wide space, contains a large number of equipment and weapons, which is of great significance to the whole base.

Its security is beyond doubt, the entire warehouse is composed of high-density metal walls, physical defense is very strong, and the warehouse is surrounded by dense monitoring equipment, a fly can not enter it quietly.

Because it is too important, in addition to the soldiers working in the base, only Gong Heng is qualified to enter and exit at will.

However, in his present position, if Liao Xiaoduo wants to be involved, it should not be a problem. However, he is not willing to do so, and the reason is very simple.

He came to look for the exact evidence. If he forced his way, he might give Gong Heng, an old fox, some reaction time.

This is what Liao Xiaoduo does not want to see!