"Crouch, just now I thought Liao team was exaggerating. I didn't expect it to be so!"

"It's so shocking. It's a powerful array that I can't understand at all."

"I recorded Liao team from the first step to the end of the preparatory work. Is there anything you need?"

"Jenima upstairs is a business genius!"


Watching the demons on the screen were trampled to death one by one by Liao Xiaoduo. The silent shock filled the hearts of all the audience.

They have never seen such a powerful array, and they can't think of the true meaning contained in it if they want to break their heads.

If we let the audience know that this is not the power of the complete version of the Yellow River array, we don't know what they will think.

This time, in fact, is not far away.

In the grottoes.

Without any nonsense, Liao Xiaoduo will kill all the demons in the scene, and then he looks at Ye Qingtian.

His eyes made Lao Ye's hair stand up suddenly. It seemed that he had met a natural enemy.

I can't help it. Seeing that many demons that were originally in the same level as myself died so easily. I was afraid of Liao Xiaoduo, the maker of weapons of war.

But the next second, he relaxed again.

Normal human beings will not attack their companions for no reason, let alone Liao Xiaoduo, who has always been of noble character?

Not to mention that they are both Chinese martial arts men, they have deep feelings. It can be said that Liao Xiaoduo has rescued him twice since he entered the grotto, so it is absolutely impossible.

His current state is too bad. His mood rises and falls, and he is immediately noticed by Liao Xiaoduo. He asks curiously, "what's the matter?"


Ye Qingtian's expression is somewhat unnatural smile, but did not continue to explain.

What do you say? Do you think I'm scared by you, Liao Xiaoduo?

"Oh." Liao Xiaoduo looked at him strangely, but did not think much about it. Instead, he said, "now that I have finished the preparation of the array, you have seen the specific power just now. Is it OK to deal with demons?"

"You see, when are we going to set up a big array to encircle the Zhongyang area of the grottoes?"

Speaking of the matter, ye Qingtian also put away his wild thoughts. He nodded and began to ask with some doubts: "the area of Zhongyang in the Magic Cave is not small. Are you sure you can cover it all under the array?"

"No problem!" Liao Xiaoduo firmly replied: "what I threw out in a hurry just now is just the treasure. The full power of the array has not been shown. If you give me some time to arrange it, it will be perfect."

"Don't underestimate the big array, the real power will certainly surprise you!"

Ye Qingtian can't deny what he said.

He has never seen the nine curved Yellow River array, especially the array is placed by such a genius as Liao Xiaoduo, and the scene just now proves that the array deserves its reputation.

"I don't have a chance to go to the central area these days and I don't know what's going on there." Ye Qingtian said anxiously, "I always feel that some terrible creature is coming. Time is pressing. The sooner the array is arranged, the better."

Liao Xiaoduo's heart sank and nodded back: "OK, you can fix it first. We'll start later."

After several days of chasing and fighting, ye Qingtian is in a bad state at this time. If he drags his tired body to carry out the task like a drag, it is obviously not desirable. Therefore, he has no good intention to refuse Liao Xiaoduo.

It's not a trivial matter to repair the state in the grottoes. The aura content in the air is complex. It takes twice as much energy to absorb. However, it is obviously not a good place. After they made up their minds, they ran to the distance.


Half a day later, Liao Xiaoduo and ye Qingtian sneak close to the central area of the grottoes.

Obviously, this time can't make his two body's aura fully recovered. However, the matter should be divided into light and heavy. At present, it is obvious that the most important thing is not to arrange the array as soon as possible. Therefore, after feeling almost recovered, they decided to take a risk.

However, when they came here and saw the situation in front of them, they were shocked!

In their sight, near the portal were bustling with demonic creatures of various styles. Some were five or six meters tall and were shaped like little giants, others were several meters long, and they were like large hunting fierce animals, and some strange creatures that Liao Xiaoduo could not describe.

But although these creatures are the first time to see, their strength must be SSS level, otherwise they will not appear in the central region.

"There are so many terror creatures, at least 500!" Liao Xiaoduo mumbles in shock.

Ye Qingtian also has a dignified expression, full of worry in his eyes.

You know, this is not Chinese cabbage. If 500 SSS terror creatures suddenly appear on the earth, the disaster caused by it is unimaginable.Nothing can stop them. It's a disaster for the whole human race.

Fortunately, the grottoes are not the earth, and they may never reach the earth!

"Not good!"

Ye Qingtian suddenly found something and exclaimed.

Liao Xiaoduo looked at the place where his eyes were fixed, and his heart suddenly became heavy!

Although the images of these 500 odd SSS level demons are different, they are not disordered. Some of them just need to be kept, as if they are welcoming the arrival of some great person.

at this time, a slender hand suddenly comes out from the light column of the transmission door, and the next moment that the hand is extended, the terrible pressure suddenly fills the whole central square All monsters are afraid to move.

Suddenly, the whole scene is like an instant into a large sculpture scene, only one of the creatures has action.

So powerful, so that Liao Xiaoduo and ye Qingtian's heart is very heavy, subconsciously think that a bad situation has happened - there is a big man in hell!

And in the field, with the master of the hand in the field, it immediately confirmed their conjecture!

The appearance of this new terror creature is the same as that of human beings. However, the dark black pupil obviously indicates the identity of his alien race. He has a slender body and a beautiful face, and is equipped with a dark red robe. It is like a noble young master in the middle ages who can confuse some young girls.

When his whole body appeared completely out of the transmission beam, the lower demons suddenly made a loud cry, as if their long-awaited master had arrived.

However, Liao Xiaoduo and ye Qingtian don't appreciate it.

They looked at each other with a firm look in their eyes.

Such a terrifying creature can never be left alone!

It's time to set up the Yellow River array!