In the past, Liao Xiaoduo only made a few portable defense arrays, but with the increase of his strength, his physical defense became more and more excellent, and the effect of these portable arrays became more and more weak, and finally they were not used for a long time.

Therefore, he thinks that he has no profound research on the array, which is right.

However, the existence of the portal is a channel linking the grotto and the hell plane. In order to prevent future disasters, we must find ways to destroy it.

Liao Xiaoduo settled his attention and immersed himself in his mind.

"Little meow, is there any experience book of supreme God's array in the system prize pool? I'm in urgent need. "

"Yes, host." Xiaomiaomiao responded: "there is no division of the array. In the prize pool of advanced weapon refining, there are master level array cultivation experience books, and the host can choose to win by lottery."


Liao Xiaoduo's eyes brightened up, and he could not wait to draw the lottery.

The sooner you destroy the portal, the sooner you kill the danger in the cradle!

However, when he was about to buy a scratch card, he suddenly said, "it is suggested that the host should not rush to draw a prize for the time being."

"What, what's the matter?" Liao Xiaoduo was stunned.

"Host, the reason why you want to get the master level conversion experience book is to destroy the teleportation beam not far away?"

"That's right." Liao Xiaoduo knew that xiaomiaomiao could observe what happened in the outside world from his own perspective, so he was even more puzzled, "the light column that runs through the heaven and earth has been observed for a long time, and we are sure that it is the function of a portal. I draw the experience book and try to destroy it from the inside. Is there any mistake?"

"The host thinks so well." Xiaomiaomiao shook his head and said, "it's an array from a different world. I don't know how complicated it is. I'm afraid master level array experience can't do anything about it."

Xiao Miaomiao's words seem to give Liao Xiaoduo a basin of cold water.

"But what should I do?"

Liao Xiaoduo scratched his head and asked anxiously.

"At present, the distance is too far away for the system to analyze the array mechanism. Only when it is close can we analyze the correct and effective solution."


Liao Xiaoduo Leng for a moment, this step in his imagination, is the last step.

I didn't expect that at the beginning, meow asked him to get close to the portal. Is this the so-called plan that can't keep up with the change?

But after a while, he acquiesced to this statement.

That's right. It's impossible to know the operation mechanism of the array in the portal just by observing it from a distance. Only when you are close, can we find a way to figure out the mechanism and then come up with a solution.

With this in mind, Liao Xiaoduo no longer hesitated, but turned to Ye Qingtian, who was waiting for him to say something, and said, "it is possible for me to solve the portal from the array level, but the premise is to observe from a close range."

Ye Qingtian heard the speech and thought for a while, and finally nodded his head to show his agreement.

"Good! Let's make a plan to get close to each other first! "

Although he has not studied the array deeply, he has not seen much. Ye Qingtian knows that Liao Xiaoduo is right.

There is no array mage in the world who can observe the specific situation of the target array from a long distance. People with this ability should be out of the category of human beings.

Approaching is only the first step. Even some array mages can come up with corresponding solutions only after experiencing one side personally.

Liao Xiaoduo didn't show his talent in array before, but ye Qingtian believed him unconditionally and expected him to create miracles in the bottom of his heart, and thought of ways to destroy the teleporters in the shortest time.

In this way, the environment in the grottoes will be safe. I don't know how many times.

While they were thinking about the countermeasures, the audience in the live room outside also discussed.

"Kill in, kill those dirty demons, and then study it slowly?"

"Nonsense, how can you kill them without looking at the number of demons there? The brain damage test is finished upstairs. "

"That's right. In my opinion, this matter needs long-term consideration and a feasible plan."

"I'm familiar with the thirty-six stratagems. Sun Tzu's art of war is in urgent consideration."

"What should I do?"

After fierce fighting a few days ago, the number of viewers in the live broadcasting room on the official website of the Publicity Department of Huaxia has exceeded several times, even more than the total number of people in China combined. Obviously, some foreign netizens came over the wall to watch the live broadcast.

With so many people, there are so many bullet screens that people can't see the picture clearly.

However, despite the large number of people, there is no brain damage, and all the audience are actively talking about feasible solutions.

And in the grottoes.

After considering the plan for a long time, Liao Xiaoduo and ye Qingtian finally come up with a relatively suitable plan.That is -

Ye Qingtian shows up on his own initiative, and all the demons around the portal are attracted away, giving Liao Xiaoduo a safe environment so that he can study the array mechanism of the portal carefully.

This is a simple plan for luring the tiger away from the mountain. This plan was first put forward by Ye Qingtian.

Liao Xiaoduo was opposed at the beginning.

The reason why he objected was that the plan was too risky.

You should know that there are many demonic creatures on the square in the middle area. Ye Qingtian is at the same level with them. Even if his fighting power is against the sky, it is hard to deal with them. After all, those demonic creatures are not vegetarian.

This process can be said to be dangerous.

But in the end, ye Qingtian convinces him. The reason for persuasion is very simple - in order to get close to and destroy the portal, this is the best way to do it right now!

"For the sake of the overall living environment of human beings, this is something that must be done!"

"Don't worry, I'm an old warlord, but I'm not so easy to fight!"

Before leaving, ye Qingtian patted Liao Xiaoduo on the shoulder and said with a relaxed expression.

Looking at his disappearing figure, Liao Xiaoduo holds his fist tightly and vows secretly in his heart.

Lao ye, please don't worry!

I won't let you down!


The vast square is inhabited by various forms of demons. The terror and pressure gathered together make the lower power demons dare not approach.

This is their pure land, the symbolic position of power and strength!

However, while they were sitting still, a thin figure appeared, and one punch hit the nearest six armed monster.


The sudden attack made the six armed monster unresponsive. He was hit by a fist and hit another demon creature with a loud noise!