Among the warriors above the star warrior level, the existence of star skills is an important factor affecting the final combat effectiveness.

Although most of the stars are different from each other, there is no waste Star Technology in general. There are only strong and weak ones. However, no matter whether it is strong or weak, the special ability of star technology beyond common sense is obvious to all. Even if the warrior himself finally reaches the level of star warrior, star skill will become stronger with his strength and will not be abandoned.

Since star skills are so important, there is no one lower than the legend level in Liao Xiaoduo's Dantian, and each one is very powerful.

Dharma phase heaven and earth can greatly increase his lethality in the face of huge enemies, and also has a great effect on clearing the field of medium and low-level star beasts.

Endurance made his vitality increase several times, his continuous fighting time increased greatly, and his physical defense ability also improved a lot. Compared with the single attribute star skill, it improved Liao Xiaoduo's comprehensive aspects.

He is more resistant to non physical attacks when dealing with non physical attacks.

The ultimate endurance almost turned him into a perpetual motion machine in combat.

The mastery of emptiness makes him decide whether to fight or not depends on his idea, and his attack methods become more diversified.

The five powerful star skills with different abilities, together with the comprehensive improvement of physical fitness after the new promotion, and the ability to attack the soul of the original wings, the ice dragon is a top star beast. In the face of the quasi SSS level mire beast that was killed at the beginning of full fire, it is estimated that it will not be necessary to waste a precious [King level warrior] experience card.

On the whole, Liao Xiaoduo's fighting power has been greatly increased by three small steps this time. He is very satisfied.


At the end of the campaign, the tide of animals in the starry sky disappeared. The soldiers were busy cleaning the battlefield, and some were carrying the wounded in the base.

although the strength of the attack against the starry side is far beyond the imagination of the masses, the top class star dragon is killed. The awesome deterrent of the Wang Chao Ares and the strength of the base shield result in the fact that the number of soldiers killed or wounded is not much.

Liao Xiaoduo's breakthrough was not small, and many leaders did not deliberately conceal it. Soon, his three company promotion of history was gradually spread throughout the base.

His prestige in the base is higher.

He was admired by many soldiers for killing powerful StarCraft beasts or carrying out extremely difficult tasks. After finally killing the master ice dragon by unknown means, he made history. This series of dream experiences became the idols of most soldiers, even Wang Chao, who just broke through the Ares level warrior, in these In the minds of the soldiers, their status should also rank after Liao Xiaoduo.

The reason is that Liao Xiaoduo is too young to know what he can develop into in the future.

There is no end to martial arts. There are terror beyond SSS level in StarCraft. Maybe in the future, they will have warriors beyond the level of God of war.

In the eyes of some soldiers, Liao Xiaoduo's becoming the Ares level is almost certain. If he grows up smoothly and does not die young, he may be the first warrior to surpass Ares.

In short, for various reasons, when we talk about Liao Xiaoduo, we have stopped saying "Liao Xiaoduo is a bull force. The simple bull force can not describe all kinds of incredible performances of Liao Xiaoduo. It is outdated. We can only accept it by adding a word" super "in the middle.

"Liao team is super strong!"

In a short period of time, this sentence became a sentence repeatedly appeared on the lips of countless soldiers when they were talking about Liao Xiaoduo.

Of course, this is just a minor episode. The most important thing at present is that after nearly four months of war, the high level of human beings has decided to withdraw the whole army to the earth!

Yes, it is!

After defeating the StarCraft's counterattack, it seems that the high-end combat power of the StarCraft has been greatly damaged, showing a weak momentum of the successors. However, the destruction of Tianma star has led to their lack of new supplement. Some of them died and a few died. If they want to continue to fight with human beings, they may not be able to complete the battle until they have crushed all the hordes of StarCraft.

The high-level of the human coalition forces is looking forward to this scene, but the StarCraft is not stupid. For them, the situation is just breaking bones and muscles, and it is not so bad as to be desperate. When the highest level super SSS level StarCraft and many SSS level subordinates accompanying it return, it will not be too long, after all, Tianma star This side of the war, it already knows.

And the human high-level, obviously also thought of this.

At present, the combined strength of the human coalition forces in the Pegasus system can not resist such existence, so retreat is the most sensible choice for now.

With the support of several ares warriors and the resource supplement of home court advantage, the retreat to the earth is not void. In addition, it is monitored by various advanced equipment. In the face of a small number of high-strength StarCraft beasts, the battlefield can be circled in places where few people can reach, which can be regarded as the limited damage to the environment in general.Now that the decision has been made, the senior management is not ambiguous. With the order issued, three days later, all the evacuation work was done, and the bases opened their own star ships one after another and flew to the outside of the enlightenment star.

Under the starship, there is a blue flame coming out of the hatch. The hot high temperature gradually distorts the surrounding air. Under the action of anti gravity equipment, the star ship rises into the air, slowly accelerates away from the ground, and soon flies into space smoothly and enters the route to the earth.

At this time, not only many Chinese fleets were flying in the route, but also other star ships with the appearance painted all over the world.

Finally, the star ships of many countries converged into a large fleet of more than 2000, and marched along the route.

In the leading star ship, Liao Xiaoduo is looking at this scene through the transparent glass window, and is filled with emotion.

Since it was a joint retreat, it did not require the commanders of their respective bases to take command in person, so he did not stand in the Starfleet, but was on the front row with Wang Chao, shangguanyao, Ge Yuanhua and others.

"After fighting for so long, this is the first time I have seen the fleets of all countries in the world..." Liao Xiaoduo muttered to himself.

In fact, all countries just advance and retreat together. In Tianma system, they still fight their own way. Unless they meet special urgent needs, they will not disturb their allies. Therefore, Liao Xiaoduo did not meet soldiers from other countries in the galaxy.