As Wang Chao's mind moved, a mysterious breath came out of his body, and gradually his whole body was surrounded by a red steam. The whole person suddenly felt extremely dangerous to the Asian Dragon beast, and even made him suddenly feel the impulse to escape again.

"It's impossible!" The Asian Dragon beast widened his eyes and said, "how can you humans have this explosive ability?"

different from the star beast, human beings have a superb and wise mind, which is their most powerful weapon. However, their strength is relatively weak. Even if they have strong martial arts support, they can't turn like the top star beasts Times the explosive talent ability, and Wang Chao's performance, broke its cognition!

Star beasts believe in their own intuition. From the perspective of Yalong beast, we can understand what Wang Chao's state means at this time.

Such a dangerous and frightening feeling means that this human being has more than doubled the state it was just now. Now it looks like a lamb to be slaughtered in front of him!

"You don't need to know why. Death is the only end you have now." Wang Chao said faintly, then clenched his fist. "If I can use this ability, what you said before asked me to pay the price. In a way, you did..."

That's right. He just used the eight point secret skill passed down by Liao Xiaoduo, and released it. He didn't run through Wang Chao just now. Of course, it's impossible now.

As long as you don't die, this state is constant, and you have the ability of bloodthirsty. You can hurt the enemy and recover yourself. It's not that there is no chance of victory. Let alone the human in front of us, it is impossible to maintain such a state all the time. So long as you support this period of time, the balance of victory will tilt to your side 。

Moreover, bloodthirsty skills can not only be used for him alone. The surrounding low-level miscellaneous fish, star and sky beasts can also be used as targets. It is only because of their low strength and low efficiency. However, any behavior beneficial to it will not be missed.

Made up his mind, Yalong beast while waiting for a long time, at the same time issued a low roar, command not far from the middle and low star beast to make up for it again.

But under its command, some star beasts bravely rushed over. They were all mentally retarded starbeasts. Although they also felt the danger, obedience to orders was engraved in the bones and could not be violated.

Their only mission is to replenish the status of the Drake.

Wang Chao sneered at this, and he felt ridiculous about the wild imagination of the Asian Dragon beast.

Before that, Liao Xiaoduo told Ge Wang Chao all his abilities, so he was very clear that both the Asian Dragon beast and the empty Mantis beast had the special ability of bloodthirsty. He also understood why a large number of middle and low-level star beasts came here at this time.

"It's stupid. In the face of absolute power, don't fantasize about this ridiculous idea!"

Wang Chao opened his mouth in a sharp voice, and then his voice fell, and he immediately bullied him and attacked the Yalong beast.

At the same time, this time, his boxing skills were open and close. His soaring strength not only made it difficult for the Yalong beast to recruit and teach, but also had new injuries in his body. As long as the middle and low-level star beasts around him were close to the Yalong beast, they would be completely smashed into a heap of blood.

The duration of the eight point secret arts is not very long. Wang Chao is not willing to waste every second. At this time, Lao Dao's fighting consciousness is exposed!

And the situation has become as before, as if the outbreak of the Asian Dragon beast, just a flash in the pan, even faster to death!

In less than three minutes, countless blood holes appeared on the Yalong beast, which was unable to resist Wang Chao's move. The whole dragon body turned blood red, and the eyes with the same size as the door panel also revealed a sense of despair!

Am I going to die?

This is the only idea of Yalong beast at this time, and Wang Chao also found this point. He did not spare the beast and did not reduce the attack by half, and tried to kill it directly!

But at the last critical moment, Wang Chao's body was slightly stunned, and then flashed to the side.

A pair of sharp, cold and strange scythes appeared in his position just now, which is the forelimb of the empty Mantis beast which has been disappearing!

It saw that the Asian Dragon beast was obviously unable to support it, and then appeared under the thought of protecting it wholeheartedly.

"I thought you could hide for how long, but can't help it?"

Wang Chao sneered and did not hesitate to attack again.

The effect of eight point secret arts is indeed against the sky. Rao is Wang Chao's strong vitality. At this time, he feels that he can't maintain it for long. At most, he will quit this state after three minutes at most.

So in the short time of three minutes, he must kill the Asian Dragon beast and the empty Mantis beast, and cooperate with Liao Xiaoduo to empty the miscellaneous fish as much as possible, and then return to the base.

There is no pressure to play one or two.

Originally, the virtual Mantis beast was not Wang Chao's opponent, let alone now, it was just a copy.

With Wang Chao's strong attack, the virtual Mantis beast was unable to protect itself, and soon stepped into the footsteps of the Asian Dragon beast and fell into a dying state.

"Die!"Wang Chaoda roared. His fist, which could not be seen clearly, went directly to the head of the empty Mantis.


In an instant, his fist penetrated the head of the empty mantis and made a big round hole. With the appearance of the big hole, the empty Mantis beast was stunned, and his eyes lost their vitality and fell to the ground!


The Asian Dragon beast roared with grief and grief in his eyes. When he was looking at the king for a long time, he showed his deep hatred for eating his flesh and blood!

"Hateful human, I really want to eat you!"

"Then I advise you to dream more. There is everything in your dream."

Wang Chao doesn't care to say, the voice falls, also a boxing to wear a dragon beast's head.

So far, the leader of the star beast army, the snake body beast, the empty Mantis beast, and the Asian Dragon beast all died!