When Liao Xiaoduo was secretly shocked by Wang's strength, Wang himself was surprised by his physical defense and recovery.

Although the situation is in his own hands, but in fact, analysis shows that Liao Xiaoduo is only a slight disadvantage, far from being out of the game.

"Is it about five minutes since the beginning? I didn't cut him a hundred times in the past five minutes. Why could he still be alive and vigorous without a trace of injury? "

Wang CI looks at Liao Xiaoduo's extremely flexible body method and swordsmanship. His small eyes are full of great doubts.

Nicknamed "madman", he played 623 games and defeated hundreds of Star Warrior players. It can be said that he knows the star skills of most players. That's why he is very curious about Liao Xiaoduo's rebellious ability.

Wang CI is sure that this is not a martial art. After all, no martial art in the world will have such a powerful effect, so it can only be star skill.

"What kind of star technology is it?"

Seeing that Liao Xiaoduo was cut by himself again, the wound was just a shallow scratch. He had just seen blood, and then recovered in the blink of an eye. Wang CI became more and more curious about this ability.

No way, anyone who sees this scene will be surprised to grow a mouth!

There was a man who had been chopped hundreds of knives in a short time, and each knife was stabbed at the vital point. The man who was cut did not die. On the contrary, the edge of the knife was insignificant, and he could recover all his injuries during breathing This kind of thing is magic!

At least the martial players in the hall, at this time, watching this scene, everyone can't help but be shocked.

One of them subconsciously said a word on the channel, which made people nod and admit.

"This kind of abnormal ability is to seek defeat alone Are you sure he's really just a Star Warrior? I'm afraid that the king level warrior dare not hope for this ability. I finally understand why he dares to take this nickname... "

As soon as this sentence came out, it aroused people's reverie.

Yes, although Wang level martial arts are more rare than star level warriors, and the proportion is about 50 to 1, some of the people present have seen it.

It has to be admitted that Wang level martial artists are indeed very strong in their personal ability, which is at least ten times higher than that of star level warriors. However, Wang level warriors are still human beings, and this performance of seeking defeat alone is simply out of the category of human beings.

Let's not mention Wang level warrior, but his strength is obvious to all. After all, the fifth top player in the list is also a real battle maniac. Many people in the audience have met with him. Therefore, under the impeccable attack against him, Liao Xiaoduo, who is as stable as an old dog, is shocked and shocked There was an incredible look in it.

This exaggerated physical defense, resilience against the weather

The soul is light. We are a world of science and technology, not a world of cultivation!

Can you tell me something scientific? Although the martial arts do have the ability to defy the weather, it is the first time that we have seen the metamorphosis to you.

people can't help but make complaints about themselves.

If Liao Xiaoduo hears them, he will definitely laugh at them for the broken Tucson.

I didn't expect it. My second star skill is mythical! It's hard to see for a hundred years. It's not abnormal. Is this rare?


When Liao Xiaoduo and Wang CI were in a protracted war, he did not have time to notice that the number of audience in his live broadcasting room had skyrocketed. At this time, the number of viewers had exceeded 100 million! And every second the number is still rising dramatically.

Although the number of audiences is exaggerated, it is actually acceptable.

No way, after all, the platform is facing the whole world. Some people in the world are in the daytime at this time, and they are excited to come here at the first time!

After all, the weight of both sides in this war is too rare, and it is too eye-catching in the global environment of military discussion.

Therefore, after the quick reaction of those media reporters reported, the outside forum, post bar, news home page and so on were everywhere, countless audiences rushed to the live room, and the live broadcast platform pushed it to the home page tactfully to ensure that the visitors could see it at the first time.

What's more, watching the video can't be exciting!

The videos are all rotten by people. All the people who have just received the news have already known the results. Therefore, although the videos are wonderful, they don't have that kind of intense and exciting expectation, which is what live broadcasting has.

So at this time, with the standoff between the two sides of the battle in the live video, these audiences were excited to send out barrage.

"Niubi, 6666, is worthy of being the big men of the star competition field, and the labor and capital's eyes are dazzled."

"Grass, labor come to learn technology, this special speed is so fast, I'm afraid that only gods can see it clearly!"

"My brother and brother hold the same idea. Don't these two guys know to slow down a little so that we can learn it? Damn it

"If you don't want to see it, get out of here, mom. The big guys know you're the scallion. Go away.""Draft it. It's an honor for the employers and employees to see it."

"Garbage, you talk too much..."

With a large audience, all the comments came out.

The managers of the live broadcasting room have realized this for a long time. With the restrictions, they never expected that there would be so many orphans.

Looking at the ridiculous barrage of orphan keyboard men at this time, the managers simply continue to increase the restrictions. As a result, even if the audience is more than 100 million, only a few hundred people can publish the barrage. These people are local tyrants with high gift level.

Soon, the restricted audience discovered this, and the hidden local tyrants were not happy.

What do you look down on?

You don't have a say if you don't brush your presents?

Today, the labor and capital will let you, the administrator of the live broadcasting room, know what a real local tyrant is!

As a result, after the barrage was almost emptied, there was a shower of gifts in the studio.

If you don't know more, Liao will make a lot of noise.

Administrator, I want to give you some praise, this move, I learned Liao Xiaoduo!

It's a pity that he was in a fierce battle and didn't care about the studio.

At this time, the war situation has arrived nearly 10 minutes unconsciously, and in this 10 minutes time, Liao Xiaoduo has initially adapted to Wang Ci's strange weapons, so that the number of times the opponent hits him is less and less, and even he will not encounter himself in the end.

"Although this kind of twisted thin knife is very strange, it is still ok as long as it is adapted to it."

With the growth of his experience, Liao Xiaoduo became more and more skillful, and he became more and more leisurely to deal with Wang stabbing. What's more, his swordsmanship can break through his defense and hit him!