I beg your pardon? That will do, major. Who are you insulting? "

Shangguan was so arrogant that he patted the table severely.

This palace water is too much!


Utopia heard here, a dry cough indicated silence, and felt that there was a message that had to remind the public, "I forgot to say it, but the information is a little less. Liao Xiaoduo once refined exquisite Pagoda in mercury base, and he is a talent of refining tools. So, don't say anything about rewarding treasures. I don't think he needs it."

Gong Shui:

Linglong pagoda?

Is that what I think?

Palace water open mouth, can't speak, the whole person is not good.

What is the situation of Liao Xiaoduo.

The strength promotion is just like taking a rocket. With good luck, he can not only save himself from danger every time. After entering the Star Warrior, his first star skill is the anti heaven skill like FA Xiang Tian Di. Now he even tells him that Liao Xiaoduo can refine treasures?

Or Linglong pagoda such a top treasure!

This special Niang is just like those children in the novels of confiscating her daughter, which makes him hate and angry.

"Ha ha ha, OK, I'm the champion of Jinzhou college entrance examination, mercury God of war!"

Contrary to Gong Shui, Shangguan Yaoxin Hua burst out laughing, then looked at Gong Shui with a smile on his face and said, "can't you think of it? The treasure you reward is not worth mentioning to Liao Xiaoduo. "

"Listen to me. I'll reward the rank of Colonel Liao Xiaoduo and reward some other precious weapon refining materials. He is so good at refining weapons. Don't waste it."

Gong Shui heard Guangyao's words, the mood immediately exploded, counterattack way.

"I will never agree that the rules can not be abolished. There is no precedent in the Chinese army."

"Then you can find a man who can capture the king level star beast alive and have a look. If you find one, I will shut up immediately."

"I I just don't agree

"Ha ha, don't you agree that it's useful?"

"I am a major general, and of course what I say has weight."

"What? Great general! Don't be arrogant. Which rank is not higher than you? "

Two people fight against each other, no one let the other.

The atmosphere in the conference room became stiff.


"Well, what's the noise like? We'll discuss Liao Xiaoduo's specific reward later. Now, let's talk about how to deal with this intelligent star beast."

In the end, Utopia, the head of state, slapped the table hard to stop the table confrontation.

Utopia is very unhappy.

In his opinion, Liao Xiaoduo got such a great credit, and there was nothing wrong with it. It was also feasible for Liao Xiaoduo to be promoted directly from captain to colonel. Therefore, he agreed with Shangguan Yao's proposal.

But Gong Shui's attitude made him extremely dissatisfied.

Because the star river fleet is the main force against the StarCraft, and Gong Heng is the general leader of the starriver fleet, with great power.

Among the military forces, at least one-third of the military forces are dominated by the Gong family, and the rest are dispersed by two-thirds.

The Gong family has become a towering tree in China. He has too much right to speak. Many times, his policies have a sense of being tied up.

He did not reveal it all the time, waiting for the opportunity to take the palace home again, so he wrote it down in silence.

The meeting took an hour to finish.

It was decided after discussion.

First, Liao Xiaoduo will be awarded the title of Lieutenant Colonel Liao Xiaoduo, and another 10 million cash will be awarded. As for the materials for refining weapons, wait until you ask Liao Xiaoduo for his opinions, so as to see what his specific needs are.

Second, this is the first intelligent celestial beast captured in human history. Its value is incalculable. No leader is willing to give up and fight for it. Finally, he decides to study it by the first Institute of Huaxia and share the information.

Utopia, the head of state, originally felt that the matter had come to an end, but he never expected that he would find a familiar figure when he watched the video again.

"This is Xiaoya? "

In shock, Utopia overturned the cup on the table and rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was dreaming.

In the video, a small face flashed by, Utopia slowed down the playback speed, watching frame by frame.

With his operation, the master in the picture finally shows its original shape!

It's uya!

His own daughter, will never admit mistakes!

"This dead girl, how dare you cheat me

Utopia is very angry.

He found himself cheated by his daughter!

Some time ago, Wuya said to him that his teacher organized an extracurricular practice activity, to close training for a month, so this period of time do not contact her.

"She's too bold to go to the front line, and in a place like mercury where the war is fierce, I blame me for spoiling her."After a short period of anger, Utopia is afraid again.

His daughter has been adored since childhood.

Utopia has only such a daughter. She was reluctant to fight or scold since she was a child, so she developed a coquettish temperament.

In his plan, his daughter may become a researcher, an ordinary businessman, or a politician in the future. However, he never thought that although Wuya was a girl, she had a heart of a hot-blooded fighter.

Utopia really does not want her daughter to be a soldier.

Although he is a soldier, his death rate is very high, even if he is a soldier, his death rate is very high!

However, it was too late when he found out that his daughter had applied for the first military academy in the capital without his knowledge and became a fighter.

Helpless, he can only recognize, and made an agreement with his daughter, only to the level of Star Warrior can fight on the front line.

The daughter agreed.

But now?

How does uya do it?

She went to mercury secretly without telling herself!

There is now the most intense fighting place for all mankind. A large number of soldiers die every day, and how many crises have mercury base experienced in the past week? Just look at the report in front of you.

A star river fleet unit, a well-equipped team of 40000 people, killed and wounded half of the soldiers in less than a week, with a mortality rate of more than 50%!

How dare she!

At the thought of this, Utopia was terrified and immediately picked up the communicator.

"Xiao Wu, connect me to mercury base now!"


Wuya didn't know that her father had already known about her sneaking out, and she was going to send someone to arrest her.

At this time, she was looking at the trapped intelligent celestial beast in front of her, and her beautiful big eyes were full of curiosity.

It has been more than four hours since the animal tide passed, and the base that has survived the crisis has begun to be busy again. The soldiers are cleaning the battlefield, the researchers are re maintaining the base shield, everyone has their own business.