The smell of blood on the whole battlefield became more and more thick. At this time, the human soldiers realized that the star beasts had not disappeared.

But at that moment, it was destroyed by the brilliance of the bronze sword.

Although most of these celestial beasts are low-level, but Liao Xiaoduo's whole hand is a shock to these human soldiers who are constantly failing.

Such a powerful force is absolutely beyond the grasp of an extraordinary warrior. Is it that Liao team has reached the level above the ordinary martial arts, the Star Warrior.

When the aura on the battlefield stabilized, Liao Xiaofan was thin with a face of vicissitudes, which appeared in front of the public.

"Are you ok? I'm going to see the palace team. Now my strength has reached the Star Warrior, I believe I can do something for you Without hesitation, Liao Xiaoduo said his strength level.

Even before, Gong Heng made all kinds of difficulties to himself because of his son's affairs. He even sent himself out for the purpose of letting himself die.

But these soldiers for the country and the people are innocent.

Therefore, Liao Xiaoduo exposed his own strength, but also gave people a boost. Let them rest assured that even if they meet so many star beasts, they can also overcome and survive.

Although they are still in the shock that many star beasts are completely eliminated by Liao Xiaoduo, there are still some people in the crowd who are the first to wake up.

"Palace team, just passed out of coma."

"Yes, that's right. I remember that the palace team wanted to train you as a successor."

With this beginning, those who are immersed in the incomparable strength of Liao Xiaoduo also begin to wake up slowly. It can be seen that the gratitude and admiration in their eyes is becoming stronger and stronger.

So I began to say a little more, most of them expressed their gratitude in their hearts. Although the military regulations are there, they are safe now.

In addition to some soldiers who had been on guard all the time, the rest of the crowd did not know who was talking a lot.

"Liao team, now that the palace team is in a coma, we might as well let Liao team as the commander. After all, it will be the commander-in-chief. It's better to feel it in advance. "

As soon as this sentence was finished, it aroused the recognition of the crowd.

"Yes, yes, we have been on this planet for a long time, but we have not attacked it. Maybe if Liao team comes here, it will be a success. " The voice of the crowd gradually became a little loud, and there was also a posture that Liao Xiaoduo could not do.

But this sound, soon already in a coma in the past of Gong Heng suddenly to wake up.

Barely open his eyes, but see is in the uproar, behind a slender woman's emaciated youth, Liao Xiaoduo.

After listening carefully to what the crowd was saying, a stream of black blood, which was far better than before, gushed out from the throat.

As soon as he was dark, he fainted completely.

The soldiers supporting Gong Heng said in a loud voice: "everyone be quiet. The palace team is in a coma again."

But even if the voice is loud, the voice of one person can not resist the voice of so many people.

Therefore, the majesty of the palace team disappeared in this case.

Standing in the crowd of speech waves, Liao Xiaoduo, listening to the call to be a temporary commander, his cheeks turned red.

Others don't know the contradiction between him and Gong Heng. He doesn't know it. It's the Revenge of killing a son. If it was not for the military regulations, otherwise Gong Heng would have taken out all kinds of weapons and bombed him to death.

As for going to the star beast's nest, this is a conspiracy, but there is no need to tell others. After all, injustice has its head, and debt has its owner. No one can rely on anyone.

However, such a loud voice in the crowd really surprised him.

Although the temporary commander has a lot of water, it is also a symbol of power, not to mention the fleet still moored outside. This is the greatest force a name can command.

Liao Xiaoduo looks at the crowd. There are more or less familiar people inside. When I saw a small team member who went out with him to fight guerrillas, his face suddenly became excited.

Seeing them here now means they are out of danger. So, Liao Xiaoduo looks at the crowd and presses his hands down. He needs to know what's going on here.

As for the temporary commander, ha ha, before he has reached the strength of the Star Warrior. Who else can be the commander besides himself?

Therefore, whether people's voice or want to be. In the face of strength, we must submit to one or two.

But now the most important thing is to ask people what's going on here. According to the attitude of StarCraft before, it is absolutely impossible to stay here for a long time.

There was once a saying in astrozoology that when a group of star beasts began to attack in an organized way, a wise star beast was born in the group.However, the terror brought by an intelligent star beast is far more than the destruction of a town by an unorganized beast tide.

Because of this, it means that they will stay here for a short time.

According to the saying in the art of war, when Liao Xiaoduo reveals his strength, he will be watched by the intelligent star beast hidden in the dark.

If you have a good guess, there will be advanced StarCraft coming here...

"Luo Fu, tell me what happened here." With a finger, Liao Xiaoduo pulled out the soldiers hiding in the crowd.

When Luo Fu came out, Liao Xiaoduo saw the empty sleeves on the military uniform. It seems that something must have happened on the way back.

"Liao team, I'm sorry for you." Luo Fu burst into tears. "On the way I met a white fat white fat big bug, brothers in order to cover me, half of the people died."

Liao Xiaoduo looks stunned. Looking at the bloodstain on Luo Fu's body, he knows what he met after the evacuation and before returning to the army.

It belongs to the trace of intelligent star beast, but it can't disappear for a moment and a half.

Suddenly, a very terrible idea appeared in Liao Xiaoduo's heart. Isn't the fleet connected to the outside world yet? If this is the case, there will be few choices for the next road.

Looking at Luo Fu such an iron bone Zheng Zheng person, all in one side tears, Liao Xiaoduo in the heart can not bear, comfort two words.