Crash -

in order to avoid the attack, the warship dived and flew vertically, and several fat people were almost knocked out. Thanks to Zhang Yang's driving is the highest class warship, the reaction speed and braking are simply first-class, otherwise it would have been hit by fireball.

"Turn the speed to the maximum, open the shield and rush out to the enclosure!"

Liao Xiaoduo grasped the table, stabilized himself, and calmly issued the order.

"Got it!"

Zhang Yang pushed the speed putter to the maximum! The four tails of the warship erupted more powerful flames. A seemingly thin but extremely hard shield flickered with streamers, rebounding all attacks back.

The encirclement set up by the Chinese military is in a desert in the southern region.

First, because there are few obstacles in the desert, the power of particle emitters can be maximized. Second, the vitality of Mars today is closely related to human efforts to change the magnetic field. If possible, the military naturally hopes to eliminate the StarCraft without destroying the hard-built ecosystem on Mars.

Researchers have set up 20 particle launching stations around the boundless desert. Under the sites, there are a lot of new energy on Mars, which can be ignited in an instant, like a pile of artillery fire, and produce extremely strong particle rays.

This intensity of radiation, can destroy a race!

This is the ultimate goal of the expedition!

In order not to let any star beast escape, the military region has also set up a hidden power grid, only waiting for the Jackal to enter the circle, then turn on the power grid. Once touched, it will be shocked into a piece of burnt stinky meat by high voltage.

Five kilometers from the desert!

On the big screen, a big circle of green, red dots gradually approaching!

It's still a little short, and then we can finish the task successfully.

Everyone's adrenaline began to soar, without blinking, staring eagerly at the big screen.

Three kilometers to go!

Two kilometers!

The warship swished and rushed into the desert, and the tide of animals that followed it also made a sudden plunge and followed in!

Oh, Ho!!!

Everyone jumped up and slapped the people around them!

Even qinglao couldn't help but bend his mouth and smile.

It's a success! succeed!

On the warship.

Liao Xiaoduo and others are also very excited.

From the moment we joined the death squads, we all put life and death aside. We never thought that we could come back alive, and we didn't expect that we could really complete this epic level task!

Zhang Yang drives the warship and continues to fly deep into the desert. According to the original plan, there is an underground base at the end of the desert to meet, which can protect the people of the Death Squadron from particle attack.

All of a sudden, something happened to the hordes.

The herd that should have followed the warships into the encirclement gradually stopped!

"Captain, there seems to be something wrong with it!"

As a scout, Feng Shuai was the first to discover the abnormality.

Liao Xiaoduo looked at the back porthole and saw that the tide of animals had completely stopped chasing, and some of them were still running to the periphery of the enclosure.

"No, it's probably the leader who found something unusual."

"What time is it?"

"It's two fifty-seven, captain. There's only three minutes left!"

The open space of the underground base can be seen. The staff opened the door of the warehouse early, waiting for the heroes to return home!

No, StarCraft will lose again. The number of herds left in the encirclement circle has not reached one fifth!

The purpose of the "expedition plan" is basically not completed.

Liao Xiaoduo's eyes show a bit of perseverance. Since he has been on the Mars for several times, he still has a little green and astringent youth flavor, which has completely disappeared. Instead, he is a calm and free and steady momentum, just like a good knife that has experienced the wind and rain. His edge is introverted, but it is perfect.

"I have a way. Open the cabin and I'll go out to deal with it!" Liao Xiaoduo undoubtedly ordered, "you quickly stop in the base."

After hearing this, the fat man was the first to oppose.

"Captain, the particle launcher has been set up and cannot be changed. In two minutes, there will be a big explosion here. You can't stay here! "

"Yes, Captain, we've done our best."

"Yes, to go out is to die!"

"Publicity!" Liao Xiaoduo yelled, "open the cabin door!"

"I have my own way. If you don't open the cabin, everyone will die together in the explosion!"

"Come on, open the hatch!" Liao Xiaoduo roared like a dying beast.

Zhang Yang's face was full of tears at the moment. He trembled his fingers and pressed the switch.As soon as the cabin door opened, everyone had no time to stop him. Liao Xiaoduo turned his head and jumped. The parachute spread in the air and fell on the soft sand a few times.

There are only two minutes left.

Liao Mengyuan threw all the insecticides out of the bag.

Large doses of gas spread rapidly in the animal tide.

All the Starland beasts' eyes were either lax or stupefied. Even the Starland beasts of level s were stunned for more than ten seconds.

That's enough seconds!

Liao Xiaoduo shouts to the star beast: "follow me!"

The herds, as if they were puppets, obediently listened to Liao Xiaoduo's command, and quickly poured into the encirclement until the last few also entered the range.

Invisible power grid, immediately opened, appeared in front of us.

It's a success!

Liao Xiaoduo has no time to be happy.

Because it's only a dozen seconds away from the particle launcher!

"Meow, move a dimension crack for me! Or I'll tell you about it! "

Liao Xiaoduo rushed to the help system.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, me

"How long will it take?"

"About ten seconds, very fast, meow!"

More than ten seconds, if it is normal, it is absolutely immortal speed, but in the rescue now, one second later will be dead!

6、 Five, four...

last three seconds!

"Meow, are you all right?"

Liao Xiaoduo never felt that he was so close to death. The difference between life and death is nothing!

2、 One! Launch!

Twenty particle emitters, which had been ready for a long time, sent out dazzling particle rays together. At the same time, a huge explosion occurred.

With a roar -

on Mars, all the life of celestial beasts has been drawn to an end.

No one saw that, a second before the particles collided, a dimensional crack flashed like a meteor.