A pool of green mucus gushed from the head of the giant footed centipede.

"Win, win!"

After a long battle, the soldiers were already exhausted.

Hunger and thirst, changeable climate, long-distance trek, death of comrades in arms, everything is like a layer of shadow over all people. This victory is like a strong sunshine breaking through the dark clouds, dispelling all despair and pessimism, shaking people's hearts and boosting their morale.

Liao Xiaoduo also laughed happily. All the tediousness along the way was evaporated in the heat.

In the crowd with high emotions, no one found a wisp of nearly transparent gas, which came out from the green mucus, penetrated every tiny gap, and quickly distributed to every corner from the underground ground.

All star beasts, in the smell of gas in the moment, the spirit of a shock, then one by one spread their feet, follow the aroma of the place to gradually close.

After cheering, everyone found a shady place nearby, put down their heavy backpacks, and lay down one by one, squinting and resting.

Liao Xiaoduo bit a grass picked from the roadside and sat cross legged on the ground.

Now they are on the north side of Mars, and most of them are here. Is there any way to clean up all the starlings on Mars and take back the resource rich Mars.

Liao Xiaoduo is lost in thought.

All of a sudden, several pieces of gravel slide down from the nearby Gobi and hit Liao Xiaoduo's head coldly.

"It's strange how the ground is shaking slightly!"

Liao Xiaoduo immediately climbed down and his ears pressed against the ground.

A tremor came from afar and was caught by Liao Xiaoduo's keen voice.

"Make it known!"

Liao Xiaoduo kicks a foot and sleeps like a dead pig.

"Ah? Captain, I'm dreaming I'm having a big meal

"Big meal fart, get up quickly, listen carefully, is there any movement?"

Zhang Yang was caught up by Liao Xiaoduo and listened to the ground for a long time.

"Captain, there's no movement..." was disturbed by the dream of publicity, some discontented to complain.

All of a sudden, there was a loud noise.

Zhang Yang was suddenly woken up and lost any sleep.

He put his ears up again and listened carefully, and his face immediately turned ugly.

"Is it an animal tide?" Liao Xiaoduo asked calmly.

Zhang Yang, with a sad face, nodded.

"Look at this. It's not the small animal tide that happened at base eight." Fat man wakes up, too.

"It's estimated that there will be at least a hundred starlings this time!"

Liao Xiaoduo said solemnly, "shout everyone up for me! Carve! horse! Go! Go back to the warship. "

"Feng Shuai, Feng Shuai!"

Liao Xiaoduo, carrying a wounded soldier on his back, urgently calls the members of the flying ship.

"Zizizi - Captain, I'm here! Where are you now? "

"I've sent you the location! You have to find a suitable place to make a forced landing. Remember that the action should not be too big, it seems that a large-scale animal tide has erupted here! "

" zizizi -- "

hateful, the earth signal on Mars is always vulnerable to magnetic interference.

A giant vulture, diving down, found Liao Xiaoduo's position, immediately roared around.

"No, I've been found out!"

"Quick, find a nearby cave and hide!"

It's just faster for the crowd to get out of the sky.

In a short time, hundreds of star beasts of different sizes and shapes devoured everything on the road like a giant tsunami from all directions.

More than a dozen tired people, to hundreds of star beasts with sharp claws, are just like ants against elephants, without any suspense!

It's strange that no matter how fast Liao Xiaoduo hides, these celestial beasts can still find their location accurately.

Can't these star beasts also have the ability to see the earth!

Since he has a sniffer card like an asthmatic dog, Liao Xiaoduo's nose is more sensitive than that of a hound. In particular, when running away, the inspiration of five senses is played to the extreme.

In the air, how can there be a faint fragrance?

If you don't smell it carefully, you can't smell it at all.

The source of this fragrance seems to come from the sole of one's feet!


Liao Xiaoduo's mind is like a flash of lightning. The picture of fighting the giant foot centipede just now is like rewinding, playing fast.

Just now, that green mucus, he got a little bit of it on his shoes.

Hateful, this group of mucus, even can emit gas, to attract companions.This is the biggest killing move of the giant footed centipede.

Liao Xiaoduo looked back at his teammates who had been nearly captured by the star beast several times after his death, as well as the pale faces of the wounded soldiers who ran away in a hurry. If we go on like this, we will be caught up sooner or later.

All of you, go southeast

According to the map, the southeast direction is an empty open space, where Feng Shuai will land his warship.

They can't lead a dangerous herd, or even warships will be torn to pieces.

In this case, Liao Xiaoduo has a plan in mind.

It's better to use him directly to draw away this group of scum to win the escape time for the team.

"Captain! To walk together

The fat man, who is usually careless and can't stand the sad parting, has red eyes at the moment. For him, Liao Xiaoduo is not only the captain, but also the person who gives him new life. How can he abandon the captain at such a time!

"Don't talk nonsense. Do you want us all to die here?" Liao Xiaoduo snapped, "you go first, and then find reinforcements to save me, or none of us will want to go out alive."

Although Liao Xiaoduo's words are cruel, they are also true.

As the most powerful man in the team, he is the most suitable person to lead astral beasts around.

"Let's go!"

Liao Xiaoduo's right hand, a flying knife, turned backward and hit a star beast's head.

"Fat man, let's take people with us first. The captain is so powerful that we have to believe that he can wait for reinforcements to arrive!" Zhang Yang, with a face of serious persuasion, "we stay here, but become a burden to the captain!"

The fat man was finally persuaded to succeed, and his face was full of tears.

"Captain, you must come back safely!"

Liao Xiaoduo was amused and moved. Just in front of his eyes appeared a fork in the road, Liao Xiaoduo carefully handed over the wounded soldier on his back to the fat man, and ran quickly to the opposite place.

Zhang Yang only saw a black figure on his back. He fought patiently and tenaciously.

No clothes, with the son of the same robe!

This is a sentence that people in Shangling military region often say.

At this time, Zhang Yang really understood.