As time goes by, the dimensional cracks on the sea floor have been torn open for several minutes, and it is time to break. At this time, a monstrous star beast appeared.

This is a kind of small starfish called sea tadpole. It belongs to the sea monster. It is very small. Although one of them is half a meter high, it is indeed a tadpole level small man among most of the starfish with an average height of 3.4 meters. They are like macaques, but their faces have a circle of color lines. Although they look good, everyone knows that sea tadpoles are not as harmless as their appearance.

Sea tadpoles are good at finding targets, but they are not very aggressive. Therefore, a sea tadpole is not enough to fear, even the low-level warrior can be easily eliminated.

Sea tadpoles are gregarious animals, which usually appear in hundreds of places. No matter how small the stone, a large number of agglomerates together, will also become a huge stone to hit the dead.

In addition, Shanghai tadpoles are very difficult to deal with. With their flexible body, they can freely shuttle around and twist their bodies. Therefore, most soldiers do not want to encounter them.

"Grandma, these tortoise grandsons, I will blow you to death one by one!"

Tong Xiaohan sits in the driver's seat, cursing while driving the warship flexibly in the starry sky, quickly using some bullets to solve the lower level monsters.

"Damn it, make me do it!" Seeing that the number of sea tadpoles is increasing, simple fire can no longer solve these disgusting sea tadpoles, and the number is too much to control. Tong Xiaohan quickly piloted the warship to the place about 100 meters away from the dimensional crack, quickly operated the dashboard, aimed at the target, and pressed the biggest red button on the dashboard.

Fortunately, he is well-trained, and all the coherent operations are performed subconsciously. If the instructions are not so smooth, the scene may be out of control!

All the soldiers at the scene saw the operation familiar with the heart and felt admiration.

Under the warship immediately stretched out a cannon head, a shuttle shaped torpedo whizzed, with a few strands of hot gas at the speed of light toward the dimensional cracks.

Boom, the shell is in the middle of the dimensional cracks! In an instant, blood splashed from the crack.

There were bodies of small starlings and fragments from the explosion. It seems that the battlefield is very heroic!

Blood in the sea immediately spread out, the sea at the crack turned a deep red.

The cannonball still played a very big role, these small Starcraft have been eliminated a lot!

"One more time!" Team leader Tong saw the initial effect, firm underground orders!

Tong Xiaohan once again launched a deep-sea torpedo.

To our surprise, this time the effect is not as good as the first time.

StarCraft is also intelligent. After they knew the power of the previous one, they immediately separated in twos and threes. Only seven or eight StarCraft were torpedoed.

However, the blood of starfish flowing in the sea stimulates the surrounding starfish,

they Snort and breathe one after another, crushing the precious and beautiful coral clumps and colorful fish with their limbs. For a time, the beautiful underwater world has become a killing ground.

"Team Tong, I can't control it! Some of the starlings have already run around

The co pilot said eagerly.

"If you run, you will run away. The key is the dimensional crack! Be sure to keep it, and don't let the cracks grow any more! "

This is not far from the base of Shangling military region. If the cracks continue to increase, more and more powerful StarCraft will emerge. What if the location of the military base is exposed!

"Continue to signal support to headquarters!"

"Is there a team willing to join us?"

Tong Xiaohan asked, others are a face of indignant expression.

"These cowardly grandchildren are afraid to die when they encounter something!"

"They are all elite teams in Shangling military region. They are almost laughed off."

Tong Xiaohan's face is not good-looking, but these are a group of recruits, really easy to stage fright.

What's more, the current situation is really very difficult, even if this group of children come, it is estimated that it will not help much.

It's just that Tong Xiaohan bit the back teeth.

He did not expect that these elite teams should be so bloodless!

Even if this mission will sacrifice, will be injured, will be hard pressed on the ground by the star beast, as a soldier, can not escape.

Because, this is the duty of soldiers!

"Team Tong, the cracks have increased a little bit!"

Hearing the exclamation of his teammates, Tong Xiaohan immediately returns to his senses.

Bad, can repair dimensional crack, can only rely on spiritual power output!

In the absence of any handy repair tools, Tong Xiaohan can only personally repair.

But At the crack, StarCraft is rampant. If he goes out of the cabin to repair it, he can no longer use powerful torpedoes to bomb StarCraft.

So who's going to stop the other StarCraft.You can't do it with a single warship.

If you can't contain the star beast, Tong Xiaohan, who exports spiritual power to repair the cracks, is a huge sweet cake for the star beast. In order to repair, Tong Xiaohan can no longer participate in the battle.

This is not a meat meal delivered to the door!

However, the headquarters seemed to be missing, no matter how the call was made, there was no response.

Therefore, although it is extremely dangerous for new recruits to fight these star beasts, Tong Xiaohan has no choice.

Before reinforcements arrive, he needs more people to help him hold down the StarCraft!

But no one came!

It's been three hours since the call for help was sent to the headquarters, and an hour to the surrounding teams participating in the competition.

I didn't see a single person.

Tong Xiaohan can't help but despair.

At the moment, he is like a lone wolf, fighting alone.

Suddenly, a cry came from the back of the warship.

"G3817 warship eagle team, report!"

"Fire dragon team of g1658, report!"

"Gunfire team of G2221, report!"


The warships arrived at about the same time as they had been agreed.

Like a city wall, they are arranged in order.

Tong Xiaohan excitedly turned his head and immediately told the team who came to help in the shortest possible time.

Some teams are still hesitating, and even some teams are running in the opposite direction, taking advantage of this time. However, there are also soldiers who, knowing that the road ahead is extremely dangerous, still come forward.

This is the honor of a soldier.

Of the remaining 26 teams, 11 teams arrived near the dimension crack, and the rest may be on their way.

This number can help to hold down the StarCraft.

So, next, it's time to repair the cracks!